some color/presentation tweaks

vilmibm 2023-02-10 00:22:04 +00:00
parent d7adcbf11f
commit 39396eba4e
1 changed files with 226 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
mainFlex := tview.NewFlex()
innerFlex := tview.NewFlex()
input := tview.NewTextArea()
input.SetTitle("press ctrl+d to send")
title := tview.NewTextView()
@ -54,10 +56,14 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
msgScroll := tview.NewTextView()
sidebar := tview.NewTextView()
[-:-:b]hey here are some hints[-:-:-]
@ -68,12 +74,12 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
try a [-:-:b]verb[-:-:-] using [-:-:b]/[-:-:-] like:
[-:-:b]/go north[-:-:-]
innerFlex.AddItem(msgScroll, 0, 2, false)
innerFlex.AddItem(msgScroll, 0, 3, false)
innerFlex.AddItem(sidebar, 0, 1, false)
@ -88,9 +94,146 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
player := newCharacter("you", "TODO")
currentScreen := "start"
sceneTransition := func(text string) {
fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, heredoc.Doc(`
fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, text)
scenes := map[string]func(){
"start": func() {
fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, heredoc.Doc(`
You open your eyes.
You're in some kind of workshop.
Wires and computers in various state of disrepair are strewn across
tables and shelves. It smells faintly of burnt cedar.
The wires and components before you slowly drag
themselves into the shape of a small humanoid.
[-:-:b]wire guy says:[-:-:-]
hello, welcome to the application for membership in tilde town.
first, please let me know what a good [-:-:b]email address[-:-:-] is for you?
just say it out loud. as many times as you need. to get it right.
when you're ready to move on, [-:-:b]/nod[-:-:-]
"nodded": func() {
The workshop fades away. You hear the sound of a dial up modem
in the distance.
Trees spring up out of the ground around you: birches, oaks, maples,
firs, yews, pines, cypresses complete with tiny swamps around their trunks,
junipers, redwoods, cedars, towering palms waving gently in a breeze, eucalyptus,
banyan. the smell is riotous like a canvas with all the colors splashed on. birds
start to sing.
a shrike alights on a branch in front of you.
[-:-:b]the shrike says:[-:-:-]
phweeturpff. how did you find out about the town? did anyone refer you?
just say your answer out loud. when you've said what you want, [-:-:b]/lean[-:-:-]
against a tree.
"leaned": func() {
You sink backwards into the forest. You find yourself floating in darkness.
At the far reaches of your vision you can make out a faint neon grid. Around you
float pieces of consumer electronic appliances from 1980s Earth. A VCR approaches
you and speaks, flapping its tape slot cover with each word.
[-:-:b]the vcr says:[-:-:-]
welcome! thank you for coming this far. just two questions left. what about
tilde town interests you? what kind of stuff might you want to get up to here?
as usual, just say your answer. when you're satisfied, please [-:-:b]/spin[-:-:-]
around in this void.
"spun": func() {
You realize your eyes have been shut. You open them and, in an instant,
the neon grid and polygons are gone. You're in a convenience store. Outside
it's dark besides a single pool of light coming from a street lamp. it's illuminating
some litter and a rusty, blue 1994 pontiac grand am.
The shelves around you are stocked with products you've never heard of before like
Visible Pants, Petty Burgers, Gentle Rice, Boo Sponge, Power Banjo, Superware, Kneephones,
and Diet Coagulator. A mop is mopping the floor and turns to you.
[-:-:b]the mop says:[-:-:-]
swishy slop. last question. where online can we get to know you? do you have a personal
website or social media presence? we'll take whatever.
say some links and words out loud, you know the drill.
when you're happy you can submit this whole experience by leaving the
store. just [-:-:b]/open[-:-:-] the door.
"done": func() {
thank you for applying to!
please be on the look out for an email from [-:-:b][-:-:-]
you can [-:-:b]/quit[-:-:-] now
ok bye have a good one~
handleInput := func(msg string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(msg, "/") {
// TODO handle command
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(msg)
if trimmed == "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "/") {
split := strings.Split(trimmed, " ")
if len(split) > 0 {
trimmed = split[0]
switch strings.TrimPrefix(trimmed, "/") {
case "quit":
// TODO refactor into a state machine
case "nod":
if currentScreen != "start" {
currentScreen = "nodded"
case "lean":
if currentScreen != "nodded" {
currentScreen = "leaned"
case "spin":
if currentScreen != "leaned" {
currentScreen = "spun"
case "open":
if currentScreen != "spun" {
currentScreen = "done"
fmt.Fprintln(msgScroll, player.Say(msg))
@ -106,9 +249,78 @@ func cli(s *streams) error {
return event
app.SetAfterDrawFunc(func(_ tcell.Screen) {
return app.Run()
I need a script for how this interaction should go. It should feel more organic and fluid than just filling out a form. It shouldn't, however, take more than 10 minutes to get through stuff. The end result is to collect:
- an email address
- how a user found out about the town
- if they have a referral from an existing member
- what interests them about the town
- any links to personal websites or social media
A given is that the applicant is interacting with a "host" that guides them through the process. Should there be more than one host?
How many rooms should there be? 1? more?
in terms of data collection, I intend to just save the transcript of their interaction instead of more structured data. The only real structured data are email and referral.
another idea/thought/dream:
the whole point of this is to spatialize a form. it's a form! a set of questions and corresponding textarea elements. but in order to trigger self reflection -- as well as a feeling of being seen by another (in a good way) -- i want to turn the form into a shape. i'm thinking about this like the room in Eclipse Penumbra:
(For the Hollow Head was drug paraphenalia you could walk into. The building itself was the syringe, or the hookah, or the sniff-tube)
so, spatialized, every room is a question. the rooms take shape as a linear script the user moves through by:
1. answering a question
2. executing a verb
and finally at the end, a verb to confirm submission.
one idea but i'm scratchin:
It's dark. Before you a button appears. It's a pink circle with a ~ at the center. It looks like a button. You could press it.
/press button
A thin seam splits the darkness from the top and buttom of the button. The darkness splits apart and you're standing in a forest clearing. Birds are singing in strange octaves.
A cube is here, floating.
cube: hello! how are you? you can respond to me by typing anything and pressing "ctrl+d"
cube: thank you for telling me. i'm just a program so i can't really understand. i hope you forgive me.
cube: i'm here to help you apply for a homestead over there in tilde town.
the cube inclines in the direction of what looks like a far off town.
cube: first, what is an email address we can use to contact you?
cube: cool, thank you. that's <email> right? if so, you can /nod to confirm. otherwise just tell me again what your email is.
cube: excellent. next, you'll talk to
type character struct {
Name string
Description string
@ -145,6 +357,16 @@ func main() {
From the start point the player advances the "form" by performing a tactile action. for now it's a button press but it could be something more interesting later. Keeping this as a one room, limited-verb thing is good for accessibility.
so the script is a list of strings that advance by it dialogue? or scene description? i think i should fake dialogue /as/ scene description.
You open your eyes. You're standing in a small room. It's dim, lit softly by a mix of candles and electro-luminescent wire. Computers.
type answers struct {
username string