99 lines
2.2 KiB
99 lines
2.2 KiB
def parse(file):
while True:
a = file.readline()
if not a:
b = file.readline()
pr = file.readline()
blank = file.readline()
ax, ay = parse_numbers(a)
bx, by = parse_numbers(b)
px, py = parse_numbers(pr)
yield ax,ay, bx,by, px,py
import re
def parse_numbers(s):
return [int(x) for x in re.findall(r"\d+", s)]
from fractions import Fraction as F
import numpy
def solve(file):
total = 0
total2 = 0
records = list(parse(file))
for record in records:
ax, ay, bx, by, px, py = record
# Part 1
# Solve the linear equation:
# k_a ax + k_b * bx = px
# k_a ay + k_b * by = py
M = numpy.array([[ax, bx], [ay, by]])
V = numpy.array([px, py])
sol = numpy.linalg.solve(M,V)
k1 = int(round(sol[0]))
k2 = int(round(sol[1]))
if k1*ax + k2*bx == px and k1*ay + k2*by == py:
print("yes", k1, k2)
total += 3*k1 + k2
for record in records:
ax, ay, bx, by, px, py = record
# Part 2
# Can't use numpy because the values are too large for floats
# So here's an ad-hoc solver
px += 10000000000000
py += 10000000000000
m00, m01 = ax, bx
m10, m11 = ay, by
v1 = px
v2 = py
# subtract c*eq1 from eq2 to cancel first coefficient
c = F(m10,m00)
m10 -= c*m00
m11 -= c*m01
v2 -= c*v1
# scale eq2
c = F(1,m11)
v2 *= c
m11 *= c
# subtract c*eq2 from eq1 to cancel second coefficient
c = F(m01,m11)
m01 -= c*m11
v1 -= c*v2
# scale eq1
c = F(1,m00)
v1 *= c
m00 *= c
# we now have
# 1*k_a + 0 = v1
# 0 + 1*k_b = v2
print(m00, m01, m10, m11, v1, v2)
if v1.denominator == 1 and v2.denominator == 1 and v1 > 0 and v2 > 0:
if v1*ax + v2*bx == px and v1*ay + v2*by == py:
print("yes2", v1, v2)
total2 += 3*v1 + v2