initial commit of non-prototype
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* running info
** port 7066
** http via flask
** endpoint specified by http point instead of a method param
* required endpoints
** old scheme
"check_auth": ["user", "auth_hash"],
"is_registered": ["target_user"],
"is_admin": ["target_user"],
"thread_index": [],
"thread_load": ["thread_id"],
"thread_create": ["title", "body"],
"thread_reply": ["thread_id", "body"],
"edit_post": ["thread_id", "post_id", "body"],
"edit_query": ["thread_id", "post_id"],
"can_edit": ["thread_id", "post_id"],
"user_register": ["user", "auth_hash", "quip", "bio"],
"user_get": ["target_user"],
"user_name_to_id": ["target_user"]
** checking auth for user/hash pair (bool)
** checking if a user is registered (bool)
** checking is a user is an admin (bool)
** index of all threads sans replies
** load a thread by id
** create a thread
** reply to a thread
** edit a post within 24hrs (unless admin)
** query a postid with the current auth info to see if elegible (bool)
** register a new user into the system
** retrieve a full user object by name or ID
** retrieve a username for ID and vice versa
* authorization
** SHA256 passhash and username in headers
* what to do differently
** concurrency, sql oriented from the beginning
** dont tell anyone about it until its done
** http instead of socket ports
** start with formatting in mind, store it in plain and render accordingly on the fly
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
(local-set-key (kbd "c") 'bbj-compose)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-h SPC") 'bbj-pop-help)
(local-set-key (kbd "?") 'bbj-pop-help)
(local-set-key (kbd "e") 'bbj-edit-post)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") 'bbj-aux)
(local-set-key (kbd "r") 'bbj-quote-current-post))
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
from hashlib import sha256
import socket
import json
class BBJ:
def __init__(self, host, port):
|||| = host
self.port = port
self.username = None
self.auth_hash = None
def __call__(self, method, **params):
return self.request(method, **params)
def setuser(self, username, unhashed_password):
self.auth_hash = sha256(bytes(unhashed_password, "utf8")).hexdigest()
self.username = username
return self.auth_hash
def request(self, method, **params):
params["method"] = method
if not params.get("user") and self.username:
params["user"] = self.username
if not params.get("auth_hash") and self.auth_hash:
params["auth_hash"] = self.auth_hash
connection = socket.create_connection((, self.port))
connection.sendall(bytes(json.dumps(params), "utf8"))
buff, length = bytes(), 1
while length != 0:
recv = connection.recv(2048)
length = len(recv)
buff += recv
response = json.loads(str(buff, "utf8"))
if not isinstance(response, dict):
return response
error = response.get("error")
if not error:
return response
code, desc = error["code"], error["description"]
# tfw no qt3.14 python case switches
if error in (0, 1):
raise ChildProcessError("internal server error: " + desc)
elif error in (2, 3):
raise ChildProcessError(desc)
return response
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from src import network
bbj = network.BBJ("", 7066)
def geterr(obj):
Returns false if there are no errors in a network response,
else a tuple of (code integer, description string)
error = obj.get("error")
if not error:
return False
return (error["code"], error["description"])
def register_prompt(user, initial=True):
if initial:
print("Register for BBJ as {}?".format(user))
reply = input("(y[es], d[ifferent name], q[uit])> ").lower()
if reply.startswith("d"):
register_prompt(input("(Username)> "))
elif reply.startswith("q"):
def getpass(ok):
p1 = input(
"(Choose a password)> " if ok else \
"(Those didn't match. Try again)> ")
p2 = input("(Now type it one more time)> ")
return p1 if p1 == p2 else getpass(False)
# this method will sha256 it for us
bbj.setuser(user, getpass(True))
response = bbj("user_register", quip="", bio="")
error = geterr(response)
if error:
exit("Registration error: " + error[1])
return response
def login(user, ok=True):
if not bbj("is_registered", target_user=user):
bbj.setuser(user, input(
"(Password)> " if ok else \
"(Invalid password, try again)> "))
if not bbj("check_auth"):
login(user, ok=False)
return bbj("user_get", target_user=user)
# user = input("(BBJ Username)> ")
# if not bbj("is_registered", target_user=user):
login(input("(Username)> "))
import urwid
f = urwid.Frame(
[urwid.Text(i["body"]) for i in bbj("thread_index")["threads"]]
t = urwid.Overlay(
f, urwid.SolidFill('!'),
width=('relative', 80),
height=('relative', 80),
loop = urwid.MainLoop(t)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import urwid
class PostBox(urwid.ListBox):
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
from src import formatting
from uuid import uuid1
from src import schema
from time import time
from os import path
import json
PATH = "/home/desvox/bbj/"
if not path.isdir(PATH):
path.os.mkdir(PATH, mode=0o744)
if not path.isdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")):
path.os.mkdir(path.join(PATH, "threads"), mode=0o744)
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "r") as f:
USERDB = json.loads(
except FileNotFoundError:
USERDB = dict(namemap=dict())
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f:
path.os.chmod(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), 0o600)
def thread_index(key="lastmod", markup=True):
result = list()
for ID in path.os.listdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")):
thread = thread_load(ID, markup)
return sorted(result, key=lambda i: i[key], reverse=True)
def thread_create(author, body, title, tags):
ID = uuid1().hex
if tags:
tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",")]
else: # make sure None, False, and empty arrays are always repped consistently
tags = []
scheme = schema.thread(ID, author, body, title, tags)
thread_dump(ID, scheme)
return scheme
def thread_load(ID, markup=True):
with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "r") as f:
return json.loads(
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
def thread_dump(ID, obj):
with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "w") as f:
def thread_reply(ID, author, body):
thread = thread_load(ID)
if not thread:
return schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.")
thread["reply_count"] += 1
thread["lastmod"] = time()
if thread["replies"]:
lastpost = thread["replies"][-1]["post_id"]
lastpost = 1
reply = schema.reply(lastpost + 1, author, body)
thread_dump(ID, thread)
return reply
def index_reply(reply_list, post_id):
for index, reply in enumerate(reply_list):
if reply["post_id"] == post_id:
return index
raise IndexError
def edit_handler(json, thread=None):
target_id = json["post_id"]
if not thread:
thread = thread_load(json["thread_id"])
if not thread:
return False, schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.")
if target_id == 1:
target = thread
target = thread["replies"][
index_reply(thread["replies"], target_id)]
if not user_is_admin(json["user"]):
if json["user"] != target["author"]:
return False, schema.error(10,
"non-admin attempt to edit another user's message")
elif (time() - target["created"]) > 86400:
return False, schema.error(9,
"message is too old to edit (24hr limit)")
return True, target
except IndexError:
return False, schema.error(3, "post_id out of bounds for requested thread")
def user_dbdump(dictionary):
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f:
def user_resolve(name_or_id):
check = USERDB.get(name_or_id)
if check:
return name_or_id
return USERDB["namemap"][name_or_id]
except KeyError:
return False
def user_register(auth_hash, name, quip, bio):
if USERDB["namemap"].get(name):
return schema.error(4, "Username taken.")
for ok, error in [
if not ok:
return error
ID = uuid1().hex
scheme = schema.user_internal(ID, auth_hash, name, quip, bio, False)
USERDB.update({ID: scheme})
USERDB["namemap"].update({name: ID})
return scheme
def user_get(ID):
user = USERDB[ID]
return schema.user_external(
ID, user["name"], user["quip"],
user["bio"], user["admin"])
def user_auth(ID, auth_hash):
return auth_hash == USERDB[ID]["auth_hash"]
def user_is_admin(ID):
return USERDB[ID]["admin"]
def user_update(ID, **params):
return USERDB[ID]
def contains_nonspaces(string):
return any([char in string for char in "\t\n\r\x0b\x0c"])
def user_namecheck(name):
if not name:
return False, schema.error(4,
"Username may not be empty.")
elif contains_nonspaces(name):
return False, schema.error(4,
"Username cannot contain whitespace chars besides spaces.")
elif not name.strip():
return False, schema.error(4,
"Username must contain at least one non-space character")
elif len(name) > 24:
return False, schema.error(4,
"Username is too long (max 24 chars)")
return True, True
def user_authcheck(auth_hash):
if not auth_hash:
return False, schema.error(3,
"auth_hash may not be empty")
elif len(auth_hash) != 64:
return False, schema.error(4,
"Client error: invalid SHA-256 hash.")
return True, True
def user_quipcheck(quip):
if not quip:
return True, True
elif contains_nonspaces(quip):
return False, schema.error(4,
"Quip cannot contain whitespace chars besides spaces.")
elif len(quip) > 120:
return False, schema.error(4,
"Quip is too long (max 120 chars)")
return True, True
def user_biocheck(bio):
if not bio:
return True, True
elif len(bio) > 4096:
return False, schema.error(4,
"Bio is too long (max 4096 chars)")
return True, True
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
from src import formatting
from src import schema
from time import time
from src import db
endpoints = {
"check_auth": ["user", "auth_hash"],
"is_registered": ["target_user"],
"is_admin": ["target_user"],
"thread_index": [],
"thread_load": ["thread_id"],
"thread_create": ["title", "body", "tags"],
"thread_reply": ["thread_id", "body"],
"edit_post": ["thread_id", "post_id", "body"],
"edit_query": ["thread_id", "post_id"],
"can_edit": ["thread_id", "post_id"],
"user_register": ["user", "auth_hash", "quip", "bio"],
"user_get": ["target_user"],
"user_name_to_id": ["target_user"]
authless = [
# this is not actually an endpoint, but produces a required
# element of thread responses.
def create_usermap(thread, index=False):
if index:
return {user: db.user_get(user) for user in
{i["author"] for i in thread}}
result = {reply["author"] for reply in thread["replies"]}
return {x: db.user_get(x) for x in result}
def user_name_to_id(json):
Returns a string of the target_user's ID when it is
part of the database: a non-existent user will return
a boolean false.
return db.user_resolve(json["target_user"])
def is_registered(json):
Returns true or false whether target_user is registered
in the system. This function only takes usernames: not
user IDs.
return bool(db.USERDB["namemap"].get(json["target_user"]))
def check_auth(json):
"Returns true or false whether auth_hashes matches user."
return bool(db.user_auth(json["user"], json["auth_hash"]))
def is_admin(json):
Returns true or false whether target_user is a system
administrator. Takes a username or user ID. Nonexistent
users return false.
user = db.user_resolve(json["target_user"])
if user:
return db.user_is_admin(user)
return False
def user_register(json):
Registers a new user into the system. Returns the new internal user
object on success, or an error response.
auth_hash should be a hexadecimal SHA-256 string, produced from a
UTF-8 password string.
user should be a string containing no newlines and
under 24 characters in length.
quip is a string, up to 120 characters, provided by the user
the acts as small bio, suitable for display next to posts
if the client wants to. Whitespace characters besides space
are not allowed. The string may be empty.
bio is a string, up to 4096 chars, provided by the user that
can be shown on profiles. There are no character type limits
for this entry. The string may be empty.
All errors for this endpoint with code 4 should show the
description direcrtly to the user.
return schema.response(
def user_get(json):
On success, returns an external user object for target_user (ID or name).
If the user isn't in the system, returns false.
user = db.user_resolve(json["target_user"])
if not user:
return False
return db.user_get(user)
def thread_index(json):
index = db.thread_index(markup=not json.get("nomarkup"))
return schema.response({"threads": index}, create_usermap(index, True))
def thread_load(json):
thread = db.thread_load(json["thread_id"], not json.get("nomarkup"))
if not thread:
return schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist")
return schema.response(thread, create_usermap(thread))
def thread_create(json):
thread = db.thread_create(
return schema.response(thread)
def thread_reply(json):
reply = db.thread_reply(
return schema.response(reply)
def edit_query(json):
return db.edit_handler(json)[1]
def can_edit(json):
return db.edit_handler(json)[0]
def edit_post(json):
thread = db.thread_load(json["thread_id"])
admin = db.user_is_admin(json["user"])
target_id = json["post_id"]
ok, obj = db.edit_handler(json, thread)
if ok:
if json.get("reformat"):
json["body"] = formatting.parse(json["body"])
obj["body"] = json["body"]
obj["lastmod"] = time()
obj["edited"] = True
db.thread_dump(json["thread_id"], thread)
return obj
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
from markdown import markdown
from html import escape
import re
COLORS = ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan"]
MARKUP = ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"]
TOKENS = re.compile(r"\[({}): (.+?)]".format("|".join(COLORS + MARKUP)), flags=re.DOTALL)
QUOTES = re.compile(">>([0-9]+)")
LINEQUOTES = re.compile("^(>.+)$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
def map_html(match):
directive, body =,
if directive in COLORS:
return '<span color="{0}" style="color: {0};">{1}</span>'.format(directive, body)
elif directive in MARKUP:
return '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(directive[0], body)
return body
def parse(text, doquotes=True):
text = TOKENS.sub(map_html, escape(text))
if doquotes:
text = QUOTES.sub(r'<span post="\1" class="quote">\g<0></span>', text)
return markdown(
LINEQUOTES.sub(r'<span class="linequote">\1</span><br>', text)
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from src import formatting
from time import time
def base():
return {
"error": False
def response(dictionary, usermap=None):
result = base()
if usermap:
result["usermap"] = usermap
return result
def error(code, description):
result = base()
"error": {
"description": description, # string
"code": code # integer
return result
def user_internal(ID, auth_hash, name, quip, bio, admin):
if not quip:
quip = ""
if not bio:
bio = ""
return {
"user_id": ID, # string
"quip": quip, # (possibly empty) string
"bio": bio, # (possibly empty) string
"name": name, # string
"admin": admin, # boolean
"auth_hash": auth_hash # SHA256 string
def user_external(ID, name, quip, bio, admin):
if not quip:
quip = ""
if not bio:
bio = ""
return {
"user_id": ID, # string
"quip": quip, # (possibly empty) string
"name": name, # string
"bio": bio, # string
"admin": admin # boolean
def thread(ID, author, body, title, tags):
if not tags:
tags = list()
body = formatting.parse(body, doquotes=False)
now = time()
return {
"thread_id": ID, # string
"post_id": 1, # integer
"author": author, # string
"body": body, # string
"title": title, # string
"tags": tags, # (possibly empty) list of strings
"replies": list(), # (possibly empty) list of reply objects
"reply_count": 0, # integer
"edited": False, # boolean
"lastmod": now, # floating point unix timestamp
"created": now # floating point unix timestamp
def reply(ID, author, body):
body = formatting.parse(body)
now = time()
return {
"post_id": ID, # integer
"author": author, # string
"body": body, # string
"edited": False, # boolean
"lastmod": now, # floating point unix timestamp
"created": now # floating point unix timestamp
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
drop table if exists users;
drop table if exists threads;
drop table if exists messages;
create table users (
user_id text, -- string (uuid1)
user_name text, -- string
auth_hash text, -- string (sha256 hash)
quip text, -- string (possibly empty)
bio text, -- string (possibly empty)
color int, -- int (from 0 to 8)
is_admin int, -- bool
created real -- floating point unix timestamp (when this user registered)
create table threads (
thread_id text, -- uuid string
author text, -- string (uuid1, user.user_id)
title text, -- string
last_mod real, -- floating point unix timestamp (of last post or post edit)
created real, -- floating point unix timestamp (when thread was made)
reply_count int -- integer (incremental, starting with 0)
create table messages (
thread_id text, -- string (uuid1 of parent thread)
post_id int, -- integer (incrementing from 1)
author text, -- string (uuid1, user.user_id)
created real, -- floating point unix timestamp (when reply was posted)
edited int, -- bool
body text -- string
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
from src.exceptions import BBJException, BBJParameterError
from src import db, schema, endpoints
from functools import wraps
import cherrypy
import sqlite3
import json
dbname = "data.sqlite"
with sqlite3.connect(dbname) as _c:
if not db.user_resolve(_c, "anonymous"):
db.user_register(_c, *db.anonymous)
# creates a database connection for each thread
def connect(_):
cherrypy.thread_data.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start_thread', connect)
def bbjapi(function):
A wrapper that handles encoding of objects and errors to a
standard format for the API, resolves and authorizes users
from header data, and prepares thread data to handle the
In addition, all BBJException's will return their attached
schema, and unhandled exceptions return a code 1 error schema.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
headers = cherrypy.request.headers
username = headers.get("User")
auth = headers.get("Auth")
anon = False
if not username and not auth:
user = db.user_resolve(cherrypy.thread_data.db, "anonymous")
anon = True
elif not username or not auth:
return json.dumps(schema.error(5,
"User or Auth was given without the other."))
if not anon:
user = db.user_resolve(cherrypy.thread_data.db, username)
if not user:
return json.dumps(schema.error(4,
"Username is not registered."))
elif auth != user["auth_hash"]:
return json.dumps(schema.error(5,
"Invalid authorization key for user."))
cherrypy.thread_data.user = user
cherrypy.thread_data.anon = anon
value = function(*args, **kwargs)
except BBJException as e:
value = e.schema
except Exception as e:
value = schema.error(1, str(e))
return json.dumps(value)
return wrapper
def create_usermap(connection, obj):
Creates a mapping of all the user_ids that occur in OBJ to
their full user objects (names, profile info, etc). Can
be a thread_index or a messages object from one.
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# this is a message object for a thread, unravel it
obj = [value for key, value in obj.items()]
return {
user_id: db.user_resolve(
for user_id in {
item["author"] for item in obj
def validate(json, args):
Ensure the json object contains all the keys needed to satisfy
its endpoint.
for arg in args:
if arg not in json.keys():
raise BBJParameterError(
"Required parameter %s is "
"absent from the request." % arg)
"/": {
"tools.response_headers.on": True,
"tools.response_headers.headers": [
("Content-Type", "application/json")
class API(object):
def thread_index(self):
threads = db.thread_index(cherrypy.thread_data.db)
usermap = create_usermap(cherrypy.thread_data.db, threads)
return schema.response({
"data": threads,
"usermap": usermap
def thread_create(self):
args = cherrypy.request.json
validate(args, ["body", "title"])
thread = db.thread_create(
args["body"], args["title"])
usermap = {
return schema.response({
"data": thread,
"usermap": usermap
def thread_reply(self):
args = cherrypy.request.json
validate(args, ["thread_id", "body"])
return schema.response({
"data": db.thread_reply(
args["thread_id"], args["body"])
def thread_load(self):
args = cherrypy.request.json
validate(args, ["thread_id"])
thread = db.thread_get(
usermap = create_usermap(
return schema.response({
"data": thread,
"usermap": usermap
def user_register(self):
args = cherrypy.request.json
validate(args, ["user_name", "auth_hash"])
return schema.response({
"data": db.user_register(
args["user_name"], args["auth_hash"])
def edit_query(self):
args = cherrypy.request.json
validate(args, ["thread_id", "post_id"])
return schema.response({
"data": message_edit_query(
def run():
cherrypy.quickstart(API(), "/api")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
set -e
if [[ $1 == --init ]]; then
sqlite3 bbj.db < schema.sql
echo cleared
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
cat << EOF
Pass the python interpreter to use for pip installation
(either a venv or a system interpreter)
$1 -m pip install ${DEPS[*]}
echo "Enter [i] to initialize a new database"
read CLEAR
[[ $CLEAR == "i" ]] && sqlite3 bbj.db < schema.sql
@ -1,178 +1,274 @@
from src import formatting
from uuid import uuid1
This module contains all of the interaction with the SQLite database. It
doesnt hold a connection itself, rather, a connection is passed in as
an argument to all the functions and is maintained by CherryPy's threading
system. This is clunky but fuck it, it works.
All post and thread data are stored in the database without formatting.
This is questionable, as it causes formatting to be reapplied with each
pull for the database. Im debating whether posts should be stored in all
4 formats, or if maybe a caching system should be used.
The database, nor ANY part of the server, DOES NOT HANDLE PASSWORD HASHING!
Clients are responsible for creation of hashes and passwords should never
be sent unhashed. User registration and update endpoints will not accept
hashes that != 64 characters in length, as a basic measure to enforce the
use of sha256.
from src.exceptions import BBJParameterError, BBJUserError
from src.utils import ordered_keys, schema_values
from src import schema
from uuid import uuid1
from time import time
from os import path
import pickle
import json
import os
PATH = "/home/desvox/bbj/"
anonymous = \
# this is the hash for "anon"
if not path.isdir(PATH):
path.os.mkdir(PATH, mode=0o744)
# if os.path.exists("cache"):
# os.rmdir("cache")
# os.mkdir("cache")
if not path.isdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")):
path.os.mkdir(path.join(PATH, "threads"), mode=0o744)
### THREADS ###
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "r") as f:
USERDB = json.loads(
def thread_get(connection, thread_id, messages=True):
Fetch the thread_id from the database, and assign and format
all of its messages as requested.
except FileNotFoundError:
USERDB = dict(namemap=dict())
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f:
path.os.chmod(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), 0o600)
MESSAGES, if False, will omit the inclusion of a thread's messages
and only get its metadata, such as title, author, etc.
FORMATTER should be a callable object who takes a body string
as it's only argument and returns an object to be sent in the
response. It isn't strictly necessary that it returns a string,
for example the entity parser will return an array with the
body string and another array with indices and types of objects
contained in it.
c = connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM threads WHERE thread_id = ?", (thread_id,))
thread = c.fetchone()
def thread_index(key="lastmod", markup=True):
result = list()
for ID in path.os.listdir(path.join(PATH, "threads")):
thread = thread_load(ID, markup)
return sorted(result, key=lambda i: i[key], reverse=True)
def thread_create(author, body, title, tags):
ID = uuid1().hex
if tags:
tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",")]
else: # make sure None, False, and empty arrays are always repped consistently
tags = []
scheme = schema.thread(ID, author, body, title, tags)
thread_dump(ID, scheme)
return scheme
def thread_load(ID, markup=True):
with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "r") as f:
return json.loads(
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
def thread_dump(ID, obj):
with open(path.join(PATH, "threads", ID), "w") as f:
def thread_reply(ID, author, body):
thread = thread_load(ID)
if not thread:
return schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.")
raise BBJParameterError("Thread does not exist.")
thread = schema.thread(*thread)
thread["reply_count"] += 1
thread["lastmod"] = time()
if messages:
c.execute("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE thread_id = ?", (thread_id,))
# create a dictionary where each message is accessible by its
# integer post_id as a key
thread["messages"] = \
{message["post_id"]: message for message in
[schema.message(*values) for values in c.fetchall()]}
if thread["replies"]:
lastpost = thread["replies"][-1]["post_id"]
lastpost = 1
reply = schema.reply(lastpost + 1, author, body)
thread_dump(ID, thread)
return reply
return thread
def index_reply(reply_list, post_id):
for index, reply in enumerate(reply_list):
if reply["post_id"] == post_id:
return index
raise IndexError
def thread_index(connection):
c = connection.cursor()
SELECT thread_id FROM threads
ORDER BY last_mod DESC""")
threads = [
thread_get(connection, obj[0], messages=False)
for obj in c.fetchall()
return threads
def edit_handler(json, thread=None):
target_id = json["post_id"]
if not thread:
thread = thread_load(json["thread_id"])
if not thread:
return False, schema.error(7, "Requested thread does not exist.")
def thread_create(connection, author_id, body, title):
("body", body),
("title", title)
now = time()
thread_id = uuid1().hex
scheme = schema.thread(
thread_id, author_id, title,
now, now, -1) # see below for why i set -1 instead of 0
if target_id == 1:
target = thread
target = thread["replies"][
index_reply(thread["replies"], target_id)]
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)
""", schema_values("thread", scheme))
if not user_is_admin(json["user"]):
if json["user"] != target["author"]:
return False, schema.error(10,
"non-admin attempt to edit another user's message")
elif (time() - target["created"]) > 86400:
return False, schema.error(9,
"message is too old to edit (24hr limit)")
return True, target
except IndexError:
return False, schema.error(3, "post_id out of bounds for requested thread")
def user_dbdump(dictionary):
with open(path.join(PATH, "userdb"), "w") as f:
def user_resolve(name_or_id):
check = USERDB.get(name_or_id)
if check:
return name_or_id
return USERDB["namemap"][name_or_id]
except KeyError:
return False
def user_register(auth_hash, name, quip, bio):
if USERDB["namemap"].get(name):
return schema.error(4, "Username taken.")
for ok, error in [
if not ok:
return error
ID = uuid1().hex
scheme = schema.user_internal(ID, auth_hash, name, quip, bio, False)
USERDB.update({ID: scheme})
USERDB["namemap"].update({name: ID})
scheme["messages"] = {
0: thread_reply(connection, author_id, thread_id, body, time_override=now)
scheme["reply_count"] = 0
# note that thread_reply returns a schema object
# after committing the new message to the database.
# here i mimic a real thread_get by including a mock
# message dictionary, and then setting the reply_count
# to reflect its new database value, so the response
# can be loaded as a normal thread object
return scheme
def user_get(ID):
user = USERDB[ID]
return schema.user_external(
ID, user["name"], user["quip"],
user["bio"], user["admin"])
def thread_reply(connection, author_id, thread_id, body, time_override=None):
validate([("body", body)])
now = time_override or time()
thread = thread_get(connection, thread_id, messages=False)
count = thread["reply_count"] + 1
scheme = schema.message(
thread_id, count, author_id,
now, False, body)
c = connection.cursor()
INSERT INTO messages
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)
""", schema_values("message", scheme))
UPDATE threads SET
reply_count = ?,
last_mod = ?
WHERE thread_id = ?
""", (count, now, thread_id))
return scheme
def user_auth(ID, auth_hash):
return auth_hash == USERDB[ID]["auth_hash"]
def message_edit_query(connection, author, thread_id, post_id):
user = user_resolve(connection, author)
thread = thread_get(connection, thread_id)
try: message = thread["messages"][post_id]
except KeyError:
raise BBJParameterError("post_id out of bounds for requested thread")
if not user["admin"]:
if not user["user_id"] == message["author"]:
raise BBJUserError(
"non-admin attempt to edit another user's message")
elif (time() - message["created"]) > 86400:
raise BBJUserError(
"message is too old to edit (24hr limit)")
return message
def user_is_admin(ID):
return USERDB[ID]["admin"]
def message_edit_commit(connection, author_id, thread_id, post_id, new_body):
validate([("body", new_body)])
message = message_edit_query(author_id, thread_id, post_id)
message["body"] = new_body
message["edited"] = True
UPDATE messages SET
body = ? edited = ?
thread_id = ? AND post_id = ?
""", (new_body, True, thread_id, post_id))
return message
def user_update(ID, **params):
return USERDB[ID]
### USERS ####
def user_register(connection, user_name, auth_hash):
Registers a new user into the system. Ensures the user
is not already registered, and that the hash and name
meet the requirements of their respective sanity checks
("user_name", user_name),
("auth_hash", auth_hash)
if user_resolve(connection, user_name):
raise BBJUserError("Username already registered")
scheme = schema.user_internal(
uuid1().hex, user_name, auth_hash,
"", "", 0, False, time())
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
""", schema_values("user", scheme))
return scheme
def user_resolve(connection, name_or_id, externalize=False, return_false=True):
c = connection.cursor()
WHERE user_name = ?
OR user_id = ?
""", (name_or_id, name_or_id))
user = c.fetchone()
if user:
user = schema.user_internal(*user)
if externalize:
return user_externalize(user)
return user
if return_false:
return False
raise BBJParameterError(
"Requested user element ({})"
" does not exist".format(name_or_id))
def user_update(connection, user_object, parameters):
user_id = user_object["user_id"]
for key in ("user_name", "auth_hash", "quip", "bio", "color"):
value = parameters.get(key)
if value:
validate([(key, value)])
user_object[key] = value
values = ordered_keys(user_object,
"user_name", "quip", "auth_hash",
"bio", "color", "user_id")
user_name = ?, quip = ?,
auth_hash = ?, bio = ?,
color = ? WHERE user_id = ?
""", values)
return user_resolve(connection, user_id)
def user_externalize(user_object):
Cleanse private/internal data from a user object
and make it suitable to serve.
# only secret value right now is the auth_hash,
# but this may change in the future
for key in (" |