Public beta, code is becoming a dumpsterfire T_T

This commit is contained in:
Blake DeMarcy 2017-04-12 06:45:40 -05:00
parent b731ab69fa
commit b1bd03ec8e
4 changed files with 309 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -421,3 +421,28 @@ class BBJ(object):
response = self("thread_load", format=format, thread_id=thread_id)
return response["data"], response["usermap"]
def edit_query(self, thread_id, post_id):
Queries ther server database to see if a post can
be edited by the logged in user. thread_id and
post_id are required.
Returns a message object on success, or raises
a UserWarning describing why it failed.
response = self("edit_query", thread_id=thread_id, post_id=int(post_id))
return response["data"]
def can_edit(self, thread_id, post_id):
Return bool True/False that the post at thread_id | post_id
can be edited by the logged in user. Will not raise UserWarning.
result = bool(self.edit_query(thread_id, post_id))
except UserWarning:
result = False
return result

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class App(object):
("default", "default", "default"),
("bar", "light magenta", "default"),
("button", "light red", "default"),
("quote", "light green,underline", "default"),
("quote", "brown", "default"),
("opt_prompt", "black", "light gray"),
("opt_header", "light cyan", "default"),
("hover", "light cyan", "default"),
@ -111,7 +111,15 @@ class App(object):
("3", "dark green", "default"),
("4", "dark blue", "default"),
("5", "dark cyan", "default"),
("6", "dark magenta", "default")
("6", "dark magenta", "default"),
# and have the bolded colors use the same values times 10
("10", "light red", "default"),
("20", "yellow", "default"),
("30", "light green", "default"),
("40", "light blue", "default"),
("50", "light cyan", "default"),
("60", "light magenta", "default")
self.mode = None
@ -120,11 +128,12 @@ class App(object):
self.prefs = bbjrc("load")
self.window_split = False
self.last_pos = 0
# self.jump_stack = []
self.walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([]) = ActionBox(self.walker)
self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(urwid.Frame(
)), colors)
@ -244,6 +253,152 @@ class App(object):
return "less than a minute ago"
def quote_view_action(self, button, post_id):
message = self.thread["messages"][post_id]
author = self.usermap[message["author"]]
color = str(author["color"])
pid_string = ">>%d" % post_id
title = [
("button", pid_string),
("default", " by "),
(color, "~" + author["user_name"])
widget = OptionsMenu(
self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay(
widget, self.loop.widget,
align=("relative", 50),
valign=("relative", 50),
width=("relative", 98),
height=("relative", 60)
def quote_view_menu(self, button, post_ids):
if len(post_ids) == 1:
return self.quote_view_action(button, post_ids[0])
# else:
# self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0]
buttons = []
for pid in post_ids:
message = self.thread["messages"][pid]
author = self.usermap[message["author"]]
color = str(author["color"])
label = [
("button", ">>%d " % pid),
"(", (color, author["user_name"]), ")"]
label = ("button", ">>%d")
buttons.append(cute_button(label, self.quote_view_action, pid))
widget = OptionsMenu(
title="View a Quote",
self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay(
widget, self.loop.widget,
align=("relative", 50),
valign=("relative", 50),
height=len(buttons) + 3
def remove_overlays(self):
while True:
try: self.loop.widget = self.loop.widget[0]
except: break
def edit_post(self, button, message):
post_id = message["post_id"]
thread_id = message["thread_id"]
# first we need to get the server's version of the message
# instead of our formatted one
message = network.edit_query(thread_id, post_id)
except UserWarning as e:
return self.temp_footer_message(e.description)
self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay(
title="[F1]Abort (save/quit to commit)",
width=("relative", 75),
height=("relative", 75))
def reply(self, button, message):
self.compose(init_body=">>%d\n\n" % message["post_id"])
def on_post(self, button, message):
quotes = self.get_quotes(message)
author = self.usermap[message["author"]]
buttons = [
urwid.Button("Reply", self.reply, message),
if quotes and message["post_id"] != 0:
buttons.insert(1, urwid.Button(
"View %sQuote" % ("a " if len(quotes) != 1 else ""),
self.quote_view_menu, quotes))
if network.can_edit(message["thread_id"], message["post_id"]):
buttons.insert(0, urwid.Button("Edit Post", self.edit_post, message))
widget = OptionsMenu(
title=str(">>%d (%s)" % (message["post_id"], author["user_name"])),
size = self.loop.screen_size
self.loop.widget = urwid.Overlay(
urwid.AttrMap(widget, str(author["color"]*10)),
align=("relative", 50),
valign=("relative", 50),
height=len(buttons) + 3
def get_quotes(self, msg_object, value_type=int):
Returns the post_ids that msg_object is quoting.
Is a list, may be empty. ids are ints by default
but can be passed `str` for strings.
quotes = []
for paragraph in msg_object["body"]:
# yes python is lisp fuck you
[quotes.append(cdr) for car, cdr in paragraph if car == "quote"]
return [value_type(q) for q in quotes]
def make_message_body(self, message):
Returns the widgets that comprise a message in a thread, including the
@ -256,9 +411,10 @@ class App(object):
name = urwid.Text("~{}".format(self.usermap[message["author"]]["user_name"]))
post = str(message["post_id"])
head = urwid.Columns([
(2 + len(post), urwid.AttrMap(cute_button(">" + post), "button", "hover")),
(len(name._text) + 1,
urwid.AttrMap(name, str(self.usermap[message["author"]]["color"]))),
(2 + len(post), urwid.AttrMap(
cute_button(">" + post, self.on_post, message), "button", "hover")),
(len(name._text) + 1, urwid.AttrMap(
name, str(self.usermap[message["author"]]["color"]))),
urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(info), "dim")
@ -266,7 +422,9 @@ class App(object):
return [
urwid.Columns([(self.prefs["max_text_width"], MessageBody(message["body"]))]),
(self.prefs["max_text_width"], MessageBody(message))
urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim")
@ -351,6 +509,7 @@ class App(object):
def refresh(self, bottom=False):
if self.mode == "index":
return self.index()
self.thread_load(None, self.thread["thread_id"])
@ -518,6 +677,9 @@ class App(object):
urwid.Button("Change password", on_press=self.change_password),
urwid.Text(("button", "Your color:")),
urwid.Text(("default", "This color will show on your "
"post headers and when people quote you.")),
@ -651,14 +813,14 @@ class App(object):
descriptor, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
run("%s %s" % (self.prefs["editor"], path), shell=True)
with open(descriptor) as _:
with open(path) as _:
body =
return body.strip()
def compose(self, title=None):
def compose(self, title=None, init_body=""):
Dispatches the appropriate composure mode and widget based on application
context and user preferences.
@ -710,7 +872,10 @@ class App(object):
ExternalEditor("thread_reply", thread_id=self.thread["thread_id"]),
@ -719,7 +884,11 @@ class App(object):
class MessageBody(urwid.Text):
def __init__(self, text_objects):
An urwid.Text object that works with the BBJ formatting directives.
def __init__(self, message):
text_objects = message["body"]
result = []
last_directive = None
for paragraph in text_objects:
@ -738,7 +907,34 @@ class MessageBody(urwid.Text):
result.append(("3", "%s\n" % body.strip()))
elif directive == "quote":
result.append(("quote", ">>%s" % body))
if message["post_id"] == 0:
# Quotes in OP have no meaning, just insert them plainly
result.append(("default", ">>%s" % body))
elif body == "0":
# quoting the OP, lets make it stand out a little
result.append(("50", ">>OP"))
color = "2"
# we can get this quote by its index in the thread
message = app.thread["messages"][int(body)]
user = app.usermap[message["author"]]
# try to get the user's color, if its default use the normal one
_c = user["color"]
if _c != 0:
color = str(_c)
if user != "anonymous" and user["user_name"] == network.user_name:
display = "[You]"
# bold it
color += "0"
display = "[%s]" % user["user_name"]
except: # the quote may be garbage and refer to a nonexistant post
display = ""
result.append((color, ">>%s%s" % (body, display)))
elif directive == "rainbow":
color = 1
@ -751,9 +947,8 @@ class MessageBody(urwid.Text):
result.append(("default", body))
last_directive = directive
result.pop() # lazily ensure \n\n between paragraphs but not at the end
super(MessageBody, self).__init__(result)
@ -820,6 +1015,13 @@ class FootPrompt(Prompt):
class ExternalEditor(urwid.Terminal):
def __init__(self, endpoint, **params):
self.file_descriptor, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp()
with open(self.path, "w") as _:
if params.get("init_body"):
init_body = params.pop("init_body")
init_body = ""
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.params = params
env = os.environ
@ -836,7 +1038,7 @@ class ExternalEditor(urwid.Terminal):
def keypress(self, size, key):
if self.terminated:
with open(self.file_descriptor) as _:
with open(self.path) as _:
if self.params["body"]:

View File

@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class API(object):
(does not require a new body)
Returns the original message object without any formatting
on success.
on success. Returns a descriptive code 4 otherwise.
if user == db.anon:
raise BBJUserError("Anons cannot edit messages.")

View File

@ -1,22 +1,67 @@
This module is not complete and none of its functions are currently
used elsewhere. Subject to major refactoring.
A B A N D O N ,:
A L L H O P E ,' |
/ :
--' /
F O R Y E W H O \/ /:/
E N T E R H E R E / ://_\
__/ /
)'-. /
Crude hacks lie beneath us. ./ :\
/.' '
This module includes a couple '/'
of custom (GROAN) formatting +
specifications and parsers ' me irl
for them. Why did i do this? `.
I have no idea! .-"-
( |
. .-' '.
( (. )8:
.' / (_ )
_. :(. )8P `
. ( `-' ( `. .
. : ( .a8a)
/_`( "a `a. )"'
( (/ . ' )=='
( ( ) .8" +
(`'8a.( _( (
..-. `8P ) ` ) +
-' ( -ab: )
' _ ` (8P"Ya
_( ( )b -`. ) +
( 8) ( _.aP" _a \( \ *
+ )/ (8P (88 ) )
(a:f " `"`
The internal representation of formatted text is much like an s-expression.
They are specified as follows:
[directive: this is the body of text to apply it to]
The colon and the space following are important! The first space is not part
of the body, but any trailing spaces after it or at the end of the body are
included in the output.
Escaping via backslash is supported. Nesting is supported as well, but escaping
the delimiters is a bit tricky when nesting (both ends need to be escaped).
See the following examples:
[bold: this here \] is totally valid, and so is [<-TOTALLY OK this]
[bold: \[red: but both]<-CHOKE delimiters within a nest must be escaped.]
Directives are only parsed whenever the directive name is defined, and the
colon/space follow it. Thus, including [brackets like this] in a post body
will NOT require you to escape it! Even [brackets: like this] is safe, because
brackets is not a defined formatting parameter. So, any amount of unescaped brackets
may exist within the body unless they mimic a directive. To escape a valid directive,
escaping only the opening is suffiecient: \[bold: like this]. The literal body of
text outputted by that will be [bold: like this], with the backslash removed.
Just like the brackets themselves, backslashes may occur freely within bodies,
they are only removed when they occur before a valid expression.
test = """
This is a small paragraph
thats divided between a
few rows.
this opens a few linequotes.
>this is a few
>rows of
>sequential line breaks
and this is what follows right after
# from markdown import markdown
# from html import escape
import re
colors = [
@ -28,16 +73,16 @@ markup = [
"bold", "italic", "underline", "linequote", "quote", "rainbow"
# PS: regex parsing is no longer used for these, preserving anyways
# tokens being [red: this will be red] and [bold: this will be bold]
# tokens = re.compile(r"\[(%s): (.+?)]" % "|".join(colors + markup), flags=re.DOTALL)
# linequotes being chan-style greentext,
# >like this
# linequotes = re.compile("^(>.+)$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
# quotes being references to other post_ids, like >>34 or >>0 for OP
quotes = re.compile(">>([0-9]+)")
# linequotes being chan-style greentext,
# >like this
linequotes = re.compile("^(>.+)$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
def parse_segments(text, sanitize_linequotes=True):