
1.3 KiB

Bulletin Butter & Jelly

BBJ is a trivial collection of python scripts and database queries that miraculously shit out a fully functional, text-driven community bulletin board. Requires Python 3.4 and up for the server and the official TUI client (clients/urwid/).


Look Ma, it boots !!11!

It's all driven by an API sitting on top of CherryPy. Currently, it does not serve HTML but this is planned for the (distant?) future.

The two official client implementations are a standalone TUI client for the unix terminal, and GNU Emacs. The API is simple and others are welcome to join the party at some point.

Setup Instructions

  1. Make a virtual env
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Run
./ venv/bin/python3
  1. Add systemd service (optional)
cp contrib/bbj.service /etc/systemd/system/
$EDITOR /etc/systemd/system/bbj.service
systemctl enable --now bbj

Be sure to edit bbj.service with your venv and paths.

  1. Make a client script

Create a script somewhere in your $PATH (I used /usr/local/bin/bbj) with the following contents, adapting the path to your install:

exec /srv/bbj/venv/bin/python3 /srv/bbj/clients/urwid/