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from random import randint
from itte import IRC, Util
class Ramen:
"""Requests with a ramen theme."""
def main(self):
"""Instantiate an IRC object and attach the listeners."""
# Load yaml sources used by request handlers
self.util = Util()
self.rand = self.util.rand
self.links = self.util.yml("ramenkan/links.yml")
self.dishes = self.util.yml("ramenkan/dishes.yml")
# Init irc object
self.irc = IRC()
self.cfg = self.irc.config("ramenkan/config.sample.yml")
def add_listeners(self, cxt):
"""Map triggers to handlers."""
self.irc.listen(cxt, "exit " + self.cfg["admin"]["code"], self.quit, \
self.irc.listen(cxt, "rollcall", self.rollcall)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "help", self.rollcall)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "water " + self.cfg["bot_nick"], self.water)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "botsnack " + self.cfg["bot_nick"], self.botsnack)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "ramen", self.ramen)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "rk", self.ramen)
self.irc.listen(cxt, "rklink",
def quit(self, cxt):
"""Disconnect from the server and quit."""
self.irc.disconnect("Okay, okay, I'll leave. (´・ω・`)", "noodling off")
def rollcall(self, cxt):
resp = (
"一、二、三、らーめん缶! "
"Hello, I am a ramen vending machine. "
"Please type a code for service: "
"!help !ramen !rklink - "
"Support: +81 012-700-1MIO どうぞめしあがれ。"
self.irc.reply(cxt, resp)
def water(self, cxt):
resp = [
("\x01ACTION happily pours the hot liquid into a bowl of noodles "
"and offers it to ") + cxt["msg"]["nick"] + "\x01",
"Cheers! 自o^_^ ",
"Water Level [/////////] 200% - Thanks! (^▽^ )",
("Thanks. Some people say I have a CRABby tempeRAMENt. "
"I wonder why. ´-` "),
("Q. What do you call noodles made from the core of a tree? "
"A. DuRAMEN. *ba dum tss* ┐('∀`)┌"),
("Q. What do you call noodles eaten on bulletin boards? "
"A. FoRAMEN. *ba dum tss* ┐('∀`)┌"),
("Q. What kind of noodles can be found at TV stations? "
"A. CameRAMEN. *ba dum tss* ┐('∀`)┌")
self.irc.reply(cxt, self.rand(resp))
def botsnack(self, cxt):
resp = [
"CHIKIN RAAAAAMEN━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!",
"Ramen time anytime! 自o(´▽` )/"
self.irc.reply(cxt, self.rand(resp))
def make_ramen_combo(self):
dish = self.dishes
combo = "ramen in "
# Noodle type and broth richness
if randint(0, 1):
combo = self.rand(dish["noodle-shape"]) + ", " + \
self.rand(dish["noodle-broth-type"]) + " "
combo = combo.capitalize()
# Broth type
combo += self.rand(dish["broth"] + dish["broth-veggie"]) + " broth"
# Topping
n_top = randint(2, 4)
for n in range(2, n_top+1):
if n == 2:
prev_top = self.rand(dish["topping"] + dish["meat"])
combo += " with " + prev_top
if n > 2 and n < n_top:
combo += ", "
combo += " and "
next_top = self.rand(dish["topping"] + dish["meat"])
# Check for duplicate
if next_top == prev_top:
next_top = self.rand(dish["topping"])
combo += next_top
prev_top = next_top
# Condiment and side dish
if randint(0, 1):
combo += ", garnished with " + self.rand(dish["condiment"]) + "."
combo += "."
if randint(0, 1):
combo += " Served with " + self.rand(dish["tapa"] + \
dish["tapa-veggie"]) + "."
return combo
def ramen(self, cxt):
roll = randint(1, 100)
# 1% possibility of regional preset
if roll == 100:
resp = (self.rand(self.dishes["set"] + \
self.dishes["set-veggie"]) + ".").capitalize()
resp = self.make_ramen_combo()
self.irc.reply(cxt, resp)
def link(self, cxt):
index = randint(0, len(self.links)-1)
self.irc.reply(cxt, self.links[index]["title"] + " " + \
app = Ramen()