nbsp created repository nbsp/cassini
nbsp deleted branch master from nbsp/neofeels
nbsp commented on issue nbsp/neofeels#13
add hotkey menu navigationyou can press 0-9 to seek to the 1-10th line! you would still need to press enter but seeking to the same number as old feels still works.
nbsp closed issue nbsp/neofeels#11
error more helpfully when $EDITOR is unsetnbsp pushed tag 0.1.1 to nbsp/neofeels
nbsp pushed to master at nbsp/neofeels
- 5868ae2f13 0.1.1
- 251c250a8d default to nano and warn if $EDITOR not set
- Compare 2 commits »
nbsp pushed to master at nbsp/neofeels
- 491adc5290 use 755 for config dir for ttbprc readability
nbsp pushed tag 0.1.0 to nbsp/neofeels
nbsp deleted tag 0.1.0 from nbsp/neofeels
nbsp opened issue nbsp/neofeels#11
error more helpfully when $EDITOR is unsetnbsp pushed tag 0.1.0 to nbsp/neofeels