WIP adding plant class, sql

Nate Smith 2023-12-11 22:26:24 -08:00
parent 2138a8ffe2
commit 32d2e76198
1 changed files with 185 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from enum import StrEnum
import random
import curses
import datetime
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plot (
created TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M', 'now', 'localtime')),
watered TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M', 'now', 'localtime')),
generation INTEGER,
flavor JSON
@ -66,9 +68,14 @@ def mkdb(p: str, sql: str) -> Optional[Exception]:
except Exception as e:
return Exception(f"failed to initialize {p}: {e}")
return None
def conndb(p: str) -> Tuple[Optional[sqlite3.Connection], Optional[Exception]]:
return sqlite3.connect(p), None
except Exception as e:
return None, Exception(f"could not connect to {p}: {e}")
def setup() -> Optional[Exception]:
bdir = path.expanduser(path.join("~", BOTANY_DIR))
def setup(bdir: str, plotdb_path: str, visitordb_path: str) -> Optional[Exception]:
e = mkdir(bdir)
if e is not None:
return e
@ -78,11 +85,11 @@ def setup() -> Optional[Exception]:
if e is not None:
return e
e = mkdb(path.join(bdir, "db/plot.db"), PLOT_SCHEMA)
e = mkdb(plotdb_path, PLOT_SCHEMA)
if e is not None:
return e
e = mkdb(path.join(bdir, "db/visitors.db"), VISITORS_SCHEMA)
e = mkdb(visitordb_path, VISITORS_SCHEMA)
if e is not None:
return e
@ -181,15 +188,186 @@ class UI:
self.plantwin.addstr(0,0, plant, curses.A_STANDOUT)
# TODO Plant
class PlantStage(StrEnum):
SEED = "seed"
SEEDLING = "seedling"
YOUNG = "young"
MATURE = "mature"
FLOWERING = "flowering"
SEEDBEARING = "seed-bearing"
class PlantColor(StrEnum):
RED = "red"
ORANGE = "orange"
YELLOW = "yellow"
GREEN = "green"
BLUE = "blue"
INDIGO = "indigo"
VIOLET = "violet"
WHITE = "white"
BLACK = "black"
GOLD = "gold"
RAINBOW = "rainbow"
class PlantRarity(StrEnum):
COMMON = "common"
UNCOMMON = "uncommon"
RARE = "rare"
LEGENDARY = "legendary"
GODLY = "godly"
class PlantSpecies(StrEnum):
POPPY = "poppy"
CACTUS = "cactus"
ALOE = "aloe"
FLYTRAP = "venus flytrap"
JADE = "jade plant"
FERN = "fern"
DAFFODIL = "daffodil"
SUNFLOWER = "sunflower"
BAOBAB = "baobab"
LITHOPS = "lithops"
HEMP = "hemp"
PANSY = "pansy"
IRIS = "iris"
AGAVE = "agave"
FICUS = "ficus",
MOSS = "moss",
SAGE = "sage",
SNAPDRAGON = "snapdragon"
COLUMBINE = "columbine"
BRUGMANSIA = "brugmansia"
PALM = "palm"
PACHYPODIUM = "pachypodium"
class PlantMutation(StrEnum):
HUMMING = 'humming',
NOXIOUS = 'noxious',
VORPAL = 'vorpal',
GLOWING = 'glowing',
ELECTRIC = 'electric',
ICY = 'icy',
FLAMING = 'flaming',
PSYCHIC = 'psychic',
SCREAMING = 'screaming',
CHAOTIC = 'chaotic',
HISSING = 'hissing',
GELATINOUS = 'gelatinous',
DEFORMED = 'deformed',
SHAGGY = 'shaggy',
SCALY = 'scaly',
DEPRESSED = 'depressed',
ANXIOUS = 'anxious',
METALLIC = 'metallic',
GLOSSY = 'glossy',
PSYCHEDELIC = 'psychedelic',
BONSAI = 'bonsai',
FOAMY = 'foamy',
SINGING = 'singing',
FRACTAL = 'fractal',
CRUNCHY = 'crunchy',
GOTH = 'goth',
OOZING = 'oozing',
STINKY = 'stinky',
AROMATIC = 'aromatic',
JUICY = 'juicy',
SMUG = 'smug',
VIBRATING = 'vibrating',
LITHE = 'lithe',
CHALKY = 'chalky',
NAIVE = 'naive',
ERSATZ = 'ersatz',
DISCO = 'disco',
LEVITATING = 'levitating',
COLOSSAL = 'colossal',
LUMINOUS = 'luminous',
COSMIC = 'cosmic',
ETHEREAL = 'ethereal',
CURSED = 'cursed',
BUFF = 'buff',
NARCOTIC = 'narcotic',
GNULINUX = 'gnu/linux',
ABRAXAN = 'abraxan', # rip dear friend
class Plant:
created: dt
watered: dt
color: PlantColor
rarity: PlantRarity
species: PlantSpecies
mutation: PlantMutation
generation: int
def stage(self) -> PlantStage:
# TODO calculate based on aged
return PlantStage.SEED
def score(self) -> int:
# TODO calculate based on things
return 0
def dead(self) -> bool:
# TODO calculate based on watered
return False
def mkplant() -> Plant:
# TODO randomize properties as needed
return Plant()
def get_or_create_plant(conn: sqlite3.Connection) -> Tuple[Plant, Optional[Exception]]:
p = Plant()
err = None
c = conn.cursor()
sql = "SELECT created, watered, generation, dead, flavor FROM plot WHERE dead = 0"
rows = cur.execute(sql).fetchall()
if len(rows) > 1:
return p, Exception("that's my purse. i don't know you")
if len(rows) == 0:
p = mkplant()
sql = """
INSERT INTO plot (watered, generation, dead, flavor) VALUES (
?, 1, 0, ?
except Exception as e:
err = e
return p, err
def main() -> Optional[Exception]:
username = getuser()
username = getuser() # TODO unused
e = setup()
bdir = path.expanduser(path.join("~", BOTANY_DIR))
plotdb_path = path.join(bdir, "db/plot.db")
visitordb_path = path.join(bdir, "db/visitors.db")
e = setup(bdir, plotdb_path, visitordb_path)
if e is not None:
return e
# time to think about db connections. I don't think there is much harm in
# keeping them open, so let's open them.
plotdb, e = conndb(plotdb_path)
if e is not None:
return e
plant, e = get_or_create_plant(plotdb)
if e is not None:
return Exception(f"could not find or make a plant: {e}")
# If the latest plant is dead, the user can choose to create a new plant with harvest option.
ui = UI()
except Exception as e: