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Singaporean artists I 'know' post

I've met a Teo Eng Seng (Mister) recently - yesterday afternoon - and when he asked me, "how many Singaporean artists do you know", with 'Singaporean' defined as 'working in Singapore', I realised I was stumped for an answer beyond a handful of names (not much more than a couple of them); more names came to me after the moment of interrogation had passed. Well, for the benefit of whoever's interested, I make a table below, in response to Mr. Teo Eng Seng's question.

Artist Website Have I met that artist in person?
Cheong Soo Pieng don't know He was dead, reportedly, by the time I heard of him. So, no, I haven't.
Ng Eng Teng idk No
Amanda Heng idk A handful of years ago, at NUS Museum, where she was present at the venue of her artwork, during which strangers had tea, dismembered trimmed bean-sprouts and chatted.
Max Kong In the year 2018, during 'ArtWalk@Wessex'
Frances Alleblas As with Mr. Max Kong
Lin Hsin Hsin Met at a 'curator dialog' , which took place in the year 2017 A.D., at a co-working space in Singapore.
Mira I have had the luxury of her services as an art-therapist.
Of course, Teo Eng Seng idk Met him at his gallery at 22 Marshall Road, Singapore
Ng Joon Kiat I've met him at events associated with other artists. Most recently, I've met him at the opening reception of an exhibition at The Private Museum
Yeo Siak Goon idk Met him at an exhibition of his works , in the year 2018 A.D., at Articulture
Ben Puah idk First met him maybe in the year 2018 A.D., at 22 Marshall Road. By the time I arrived there, he was already with Mr. Teo Eng Seng.