'Blessed are you who hunger and thirst for righteousness'
'Blessed are you who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for you will be satisfied.' - The Son of Man 'Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever comes to Me,' Jesus said loudly as he stood in the river (Jesus called himself the Son of Man), 'they will never thirst again.' 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.' - Jesus, son of Marymaster
@ -559,6 +559,79 @@ Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel,
And sends rain pour-ing down now [/]
In a new rain-bow
<p><i>Honour your father and your mother,
that your days may be long upon the land
which the Lord your G!D is giving you.
(Exodus 20:12)
Jesus said, when people told him: 'Your mother
and brothers are outside the city that you
are teaching in. Waiting for you, they are!'
Oh, Jesus, son of Mary, said, 'my mother
and my brothers obey G!D and keep His
commandments.' (Jesus called himself
the Son of Man)
Jesus said, 'From now on, you shall call
no man on earth (or Earth - G!D knows,
and I do not know where or what Earth is. Yes,
G!D knows, and I do not know). You shall call
no man who is of the world your father.
You have only one father, and He is in Heaven.'
(G!D knows, and I do not know, where or what
Heaven is, except that G!D chooses to reveal
knowledge that is with Him to those whom He
chooses. And G!D knows, and I do not know,
whom He chooses.)
As Scriptures say, 'We are destined for
Jesus said to a man, 'Come, please follow Me.'
The man agreed ("Ok, I will follow you. Go with
you, I will."). Then he said, "But first,
let me bury my father."
Jesus said to the man, "Let the spiritually
dead bury the spiritually dead. Your duty
is to preach the kingdom of G!D."
As Scriptures say, "Do not think that I
have come to abolish the Law or the prophets.
Rather, I have come to fulfil them."
<p>They say 'sar-let' now [/]
When they mean to say 'sa-lad' [/]
It's a hot-bed here!
'But the people were filled with
rage, and began to plot against Jesus.'
(from Scriptures).
'If you are hated because of Me, remember, that the world and all those who
are of the world, and speak of the world,
and have minds of the world, hated Me before
you.' (from Scriptures)
<p>Look-ing for dan-ger [/]
] On a moon-lit night I went [/]
From dogs to peo-ple
<p>How o-ur G[!]d loves [/]
His hand draws the world to me [/]
I am but a tool
<i>Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly
love, in honour giving preference
to one another. (Romans 12:10).
<p>Unknown haiku
Reference in New Issue