Blessed art thou, Dad ^_^ I love You, test me so that it is clear that I love You All-knowing All-seeing All-knowing Father Hallowed is the name of yours Ruler of the Universe who brings changing of the seasons and grants passage of bare boats across oceans through backbone-testing drafts of terrifying wind and- uh- lightning flashes and thunder peals and darkness grows and Daddy still with me even me let not Your Spirit away from me O G!D King of kings Lord of lords Oft-forgiving, oft-returning Compassionate and Most Merciful One the Accepting of repentance who is swift and severe and terrible in punishment: eternal Fire, an abode for the hypocrites, and those who do not feed lambs that are temporarily given to them to care for but instead dress themselves in wool, an' eat mutton and the fattest portion of calves and even beat lambs up O, You say, 'I will separate or judge the fat sheep from the scrawny sheep. I will judge one kind of animal from another kind of animal.' Rescue us from the fierce wickedness of people who delight o- mischief-makers- who delight in wickedness Ransom us from the imprisonments of our error lead us onto the path of those whom You favour, the path of Abraham and the path that is walked by those who receive favour from You in blood, body, and favour ever-lasting, even gardens of bliss lead us not onto the path of those who choose Error over Guidance or accept the invitation of the tempter Amen Kingdom is Yours Please, Your kingdom come! Through Christ Jesus (amen) |
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Dedicated to the G!D of Abraham and the prophets, Almighty Creator, for as long as He will let His servant like myself, (G!D knows where and who His other servants are, and I do not know) glorify Him, who is unseen and is not unmindful of your deeds. Glory be to He who is Sovereign over the Here-after
What makes an altar sacred? Is it the altar? Or is it the temple that makes the altar sacred?
'Truly, truly, I tell you,' Jesus, son of Mary said, 'the servant is not above the master. And the student is not above the teacher. And the messenger is not above the one who sends the message. But a fully-trained student will be like the teacher.' (as written in Scripture)
Blessed is He who hath given His people rest. (For as Scriptures have on record, we are being killed every day, like lambs to the slaughter). May all nations come to know that our lord is G!D; that there is no other lord other than G!D; that there is no other god other than G!D
Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
page, at, which you may go, if G!D is willing