'To dust you will return, for from dust you were taken. To ash you will return, for from ash you were taken.' G!D cursing, as recorded in Scriptures. 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,' the Son of Man saying. Who? Christ Jesus. 'Why do you look for the spiritually dead? Why do you look for spiritually the living among the dead?' angels appeared to the silently distraught women (if that makes sense: silent and distraught), Mary, the other Mary, and an unknown woman. They had gone to the tomb of Jesus. 'He has died, and risen from the dead, as he had said he would.' 'Go and tell all that you have seen and heard here.' Then the angels, as abruptly as they had appeared, disappeared before the women, who had eyes to see, with the help of G!D. Fearfully, yet joyfully, they went to do as the angl (G!D help me with block of plastic that the man banging himself against) They went to do what the angels commanded them to do; they believed in the ones whom G!D sent to them. - 'We want to do the works of G!D, too,' they said to Jesus. 'What should we do?' 'Believe in the one whom G!D sent. That is all G!D wants you to do.' (as written in Scriptures) |
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Dedicated to the G!D of Abraham and the prophets, Almighty Creator, for as long as He will let His servant like myself, (G!D knows where and who His other servants are, and I do not know) glorify Him, who is unseen and is not unmindful of your deeds. Glory be to He who is Sovereign over the Here-after
What makes an altar sacred? Is it the altar? Or is it the temple that makes the altar sacred?
'Truly, truly, I tell you,' Jesus, son of Mary said, 'the servant is not above the master. And the student is not above the teacher. And the messenger is not above the one who sends the message. But a fully-trained student will be like the teacher.' (as written in Scripture)
Blessed is He who hath given His people rest. (For as Scriptures have on record, we are being killed every day, like lambs to the slaughter). May all nations come to know that our lord is G!D; that there is no other lord other than G!D; that there is no other god other than G!D
Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
page, at http://phtan.github.io/, which you may go, if G!D is willing