'husbands with wife, concern is on affairs of the world; interest is divided. how to please wife? he think to himself. wives with husbands, concerned with affairs of the world - how to please her husband? she thinks to herself, 'how to keep him happy?' man or woman, un-married, concern is on affairs of the LORD G!D, who cherishes and sustains the worlds, the One and Only Judge on the Day of Judgment, and how to devote themselves in body and spirit and mind and what-have-you to the LORD. So, man with wife, concerns- his focus is divided. woman with husband, her focus is divided. man, woman, unmarried, focus is on pleasing the LORD G!D, who, as writ, says 'I the LORD G!D am a jealous G!D. Thou shalt not take for worship any before the LORD G!D (who has no beings attached.' Further, in the book of Revelations, it is written, 'They overcome the beast with the confessions of their wrong-doings or faults, and with the sacrifice of the Lamb.' (or something like that) Hm... Still, it is written in Scriptures: 'Who am I to say what he or she ought to do? He has his gift from G!D. She has her gift from G!D. Why would I want to put a load upon them, with my words, that I cannot help to ease one atom-wiggle at all?' Praise be to G!D (i'm so grateful) Thank You, Daddy who is greater than I, Most High LORD who loves justice and detests wickedness, and cherishes and sustains the worlds: the Compassionate and Most Merciful One, the Accepting of repentance, oft-forgiving, oft-returning and kind to the wicked and ungrateful, the numbers of whom I count myself into |
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Dedicated to the G!D of Abraham and the prophets, Almighty Creator, for as long as He will let His servant like myself, (G!D knows where and who His other servants are, and I do not know) glorify Him, who is unseen and is not unmindful of your deeds. Glory be to He who is Sovereign over the Here-after
What makes an altar sacred? Is it the altar? Or is it the temple that makes the altar sacred?
'Truly, truly, I tell you,' Jesus, son of Mary said, 'the servant is not above the master. And the student is not above the teacher. And the messenger is not above the one who sends the message. But a fully-trained student will be like the teacher.' (as written in Scripture)
Blessed is He who hath given His people rest. (For as Scriptures have on record, we are being killed every day, like lambs to the slaughter). May all nations come to know that our lord is G!D; that there is no other lord other than G!D; that there is no other god other than G!D
Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
page, at http://phtan.github.io/, which you may go, if G!D is willing