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2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
package main
import (
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
var header = `---
title: %s %s
description: %s
layout: doc
parent: "API"
type emmyPiece struct {
DocPiece *docPiece
Annotations []string
Params []string // we only need to know param name to put in function
FuncName string
type module struct {
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
Types []docPiece
Docs []docPiece
Fields []docPiece
Properties []docPiece
ShortDescription string
Description string
ParentModule string
HasInterfaces bool
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
HasTypes bool
type docPiece struct {
Doc []string
FuncSig string
FuncName string
Interfacing string
ParentModule string
GoFuncName string
IsInterface bool
IsMember bool
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
IsType bool
Fields []docPiece
Properties []docPiece
type tag struct {
id string
fields []string
var docs = make(map[string]module)
var interfaceDocs = make(map[string]module)
var emmyDocs = make(map[string][]emmyPiece)
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
var typeTable = make(map[string][]string) // [0] = parentMod, [1] = interfaces
var prefix = map[string]string{
"main": "hl",
"hilbish": "hl",
"fs": "f",
"commander": "c",
"bait": "b",
"terminal": "term",
func getTagsAndDocs(docs string) (map[string][]tag, []string) {
pts := strings.Split(docs, "\n")
parts := []string{}
tags := make(map[string][]tag)
for _, part := range pts {
if strings.HasPrefix(part, "#") {
tagParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(part, "#"), " ")
if tags[tagParts[0]] == nil {
var id string
if len(tagParts) > 1 {
id = tagParts[1]
tags[tagParts[0]] = []tag{
{id: id},
if len(tagParts) >= 2 {
tags[tagParts[0]][0].fields = tagParts[2:]
} else {
fleds := []string{}
if len(tagParts) >= 2 {
fleds = tagParts[2:]
tags[tagParts[0]] = append(tags[tagParts[0]], tag{
id: tagParts[1],
fields: fleds,
} else {
parts = append(parts, part)
return tags, parts
func docPieceTag(tagName string, tags map[string][]tag) []docPiece {
dps := []docPiece{}
for _, tag := range tags[tagName] {
dps = append(dps, docPiece{
FuncName: tag.id,
Doc: tag.fields,
return dps
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
func setupDocType(mod string, typ *doc.Type) *docPiece {
docs := strings.TrimSpace(typ.Doc)
tags, doc := getTagsAndDocs(docs)
if tags["type"] == nil {
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
return nil
inInterface := tags["interface"] != nil
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
var interfaces string
typeName := strings.ToUpper(string(typ.Name[0])) + typ.Name[1:]
typeDoc := []string{}
if inInterface {
interfaces = tags["interface"][0].id
fields := docPieceTag("field", tags)
properties := docPieceTag("property", tags)
for _, d := range doc {
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "---") {
// TODO: document types in lua
emmyLine := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(d, "---"))
emmyLinePieces := strings.Split(emmyLine, " ")
emmyType := emmyLinePieces[0]
if emmyType == "@param" {
em.Params = append(em.Params, emmyLinePieces[1])
if emmyType == "@vararg" {
em.Params = append(em.Params, "...") // add vararg
em.Annotations = append(em.Annotations, d)
} else {
typeDoc = append(typeDoc, d)
var isMember bool
if tags["member"] != nil {
isMember = true
parentMod := mod
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
dps := &docPiece{
Doc: typeDoc,
FuncName: typeName,
Interfacing: interfaces,
IsInterface: inInterface,
IsMember: isMember,
IsType: true,
ParentModule: parentMod,
Fields: fields,
Properties: properties,
typeTable[strings.ToLower(typeName)] = []string{parentMod, interfaces}
return dps
func setupDoc(mod string, fun *doc.Func) *docPiece {
docs := strings.TrimSpace(fun.Doc)
tags, parts := getTagsAndDocs(docs)
// i couldnt fit this into the condition below for some reason so here's a goto!
if tags["member"] != nil {
goto start
if (!strings.HasPrefix(fun.Name, prefix[mod]) && tags["interface"] == nil) || (strings.ToLower(fun.Name) == "loader" && tags["interface"] == nil) {
return nil
inInterface := tags["interface"] != nil
var interfaces string
funcsig := parts[0]
doc := parts[1:]
funcName := strings.TrimPrefix(fun.Name, prefix[mod])
funcdoc := []string{}
if inInterface {
interfaces = tags["interface"][0].id
funcName = interfaces + "." + strings.Split(funcsig, "(")[0]
em := emmyPiece{FuncName: funcName}
fields := docPieceTag("field", tags)
properties := docPieceTag("property", tags)
for _, d := range doc {
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "---") {
emmyLine := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(d, "---"))
emmyLinePieces := strings.Split(emmyLine, " ")
emmyType := emmyLinePieces[0]
if emmyType == "@param" {
em.Params = append(em.Params, emmyLinePieces[1])
if emmyType == "@vararg" {
em.Params = append(em.Params, "...") // add vararg
em.Annotations = append(em.Annotations, d)
} else {
funcdoc = append(funcdoc, d)
var isMember bool
if tags["member"] != nil {
isMember = true
var parentMod string
if inInterface {
parentMod = mod
dps := &docPiece{
Doc: funcdoc,
FuncSig: funcsig,
FuncName: funcName,
Interfacing: interfaces,
GoFuncName: strings.ToLower(fun.Name),
IsInterface: inInterface,
IsMember: isMember,
ParentModule: parentMod,
Fields: fields,
Properties: properties,
if strings.HasSuffix(dps.GoFuncName, strings.ToLower("loader")) {
dps.Doc = parts
em.DocPiece = dps
emmyDocs[mod] = append(emmyDocs[mod], em)
return dps
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
func main() {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
os.Mkdir("docs", 0777)
os.Mkdir("docs/api", 0777)
os.Mkdir("emmyLuaDocs", 0777)
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
dirs := []string{"./"}
filepath.Walk("golibs/", func (path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if !info.IsDir() {
return nil
dirs = append(dirs, "./" + path)
return nil
pkgs := make(map[string]*ast.Package)
for _, path := range dirs {
d, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, path, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
for k, v := range d {
pkgs[k] = v
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
interfaceModules := make(map[string]*module)
for l, f := range pkgs {
p := doc.New(f, "./", doc.AllDecls)
pieces := []docPiece{}
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
typePieces := []docPiece{}
mod := l
if mod == "main" {
mod = "hilbish"
var hasInterfaces bool
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
for _, t := range p.Funcs {
piece := setupDoc(mod, t)
if piece == nil {
pieces = append(pieces, *piece)
if piece.IsInterface {
hasInterfaces = true
for _, t := range p.Types {
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
typePiece := setupDocType(mod, t)
if typePiece != nil {
typePieces = append(typePieces, *typePiece)
if typePiece.IsInterface {
hasInterfaces = true
for _, m := range t.Methods {
piece := setupDoc(mod, m)
if piece == nil {
pieces = append(pieces, *piece)
if piece.IsInterface {
hasInterfaces = true
tags, descParts := getTagsAndDocs(strings.TrimSpace(p.Doc))
shortDesc := descParts[0]
desc := descParts[1:]
filteredPieces := []docPiece{}
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
filteredTypePieces := []docPiece{}
for _, piece := range pieces {
if !piece.IsInterface {
filteredPieces = append(filteredPieces, piece)
modname := piece.ParentModule + "." + piece.Interfacing
if interfaceModules[modname] == nil {
interfaceModules[modname] = &module{
ParentModule: piece.ParentModule,
if strings.HasSuffix(piece.GoFuncName, strings.ToLower("loader")) {
shortDesc := piece.Doc[0]
desc := piece.Doc[1:]
interfaceModules[modname].ShortDescription = shortDesc
interfaceModules[modname].Description = strings.Join(desc, "\n")
interfaceModules[modname].Fields = piece.Fields
interfaceModules[modname].Properties = piece.Properties
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
interfaceModules[modname].Docs = append(interfaceModules[modname].Docs, piece)
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
for _, piece := range typePieces {
if !piece.IsInterface {
filteredTypePieces = append(filteredTypePieces, piece)
modname := piece.ParentModule + "." + piece.Interfacing
if interfaceModules[modname] == nil {
interfaceModules[modname] = &module{
ParentModule: piece.ParentModule,
interfaceModules[modname].Types = append(interfaceModules[modname].Types, piece)
docs[mod] = module{
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
Types: filteredTypePieces,
Docs: filteredPieces,
ShortDescription: shortDesc,
Description: strings.Join(desc, "\n"),
HasInterfaces: hasInterfaces,
Properties: docPieceTag("property", tags),
Fields: docPieceTag("field", tags),
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00
for key, mod := range interfaceModules {
docs[key] = *mod
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(len(docs) * 2)
for mod, v := range docs {
docPath := "docs/api/" + mod + ".md"
if v.HasInterfaces {
os.Mkdir("docs/api/" + mod, 0777)
os.Remove(docPath) // remove old doc path if it exists
docPath = "docs/api/" + mod + "/_index.md"
if v.ParentModule != "" {
docPath = "docs/api/" + v.ParentModule + "/" + mod + ".md"
go func(modname, docPath string, modu module) {
defer wg.Done()
modOrIface := "Module"
if modu.ParentModule != "" {
modOrIface = "Interface"
f, _ := os.Create(docPath)
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(header, modOrIface, modname, modu.ShortDescription))
2023-11-12 00:39:31 +00:00
typeTag, _ := regexp.Compile(`\B@\w+`)
modDescription := typeTag.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(modu.Description, "<", `\<`, -1), func(typ string) string {
typName := typ[1:]
typLookup := typeTable[strings.ToLower(typName)]
ifaces := typLookup[0] + "." + typLookup[1] + "/"
if typLookup[1] == "" {
ifaces = ""
linkedTyp := fmt.Sprintf("/Hilbish/docs/api/%s/%s#%s", typLookup[0], ifaces, strings.ToLower(typName))
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s" style="text-decoration: none;">%s</a>`, linkedTyp, typName)
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("## Introduction\n%s\n\n", modDescription))
if len(modu.Fields) != 0 {
f.WriteString("## Interface fields\n")
for _, dps := range modu.Fields {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- `%s`: ", dps.FuncName))
f.WriteString(strings.Join(dps.Doc, " "))
if len(modu.Properties) != 0 {
f.WriteString("## Object properties\n")
for _, dps := range modu.Properties {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- `%s`: ", dps.FuncName))
f.WriteString(strings.Join(dps.Doc, " "))
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
if len(modu.Docs) != 0 {
f.WriteString("## Functions\n")
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
for _, dps := range modu.Docs {
if dps.IsMember {
htmlSig := typeTag.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(dps.FuncSig, "<", `\<`, -1), func(typ string) string {
typName := typ[1:]
typLookup := typeTable[strings.ToLower(typName)]
ifaces := typLookup[0] + "." + typLookup[1] + "/"
if typLookup[1] == "" {
ifaces = ""
linkedTyp := fmt.Sprintf("/Hilbish/docs/api/%s/%s#%s", typLookup[0], ifaces, strings.ToLower(typName))
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s" style="text-decoration: none;">%s</a>`, linkedTyp, typName)
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("### %s\n", htmlSig))
for _, doc := range dps.Doc {
if !strings.HasPrefix(doc, "---") {
f.WriteString(doc + "\n")
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
if len(modu.Types) != 0 {
f.WriteString("## Types\n")
for _, dps := range modu.Types {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("## %s\n", dps.FuncName))
for _, doc := range dps.Doc {
if !strings.HasPrefix(doc, "---") {
f.WriteString(doc + "\n")
if len(dps.Properties) != 0 {
f.WriteString("### Properties\n")
for _, dps := range dps.Properties {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- `%s`: ", dps.FuncName))
f.WriteString(strings.Join(dps.Doc, " "))
f.WriteString("### Methods\n")
for _, dps := range modu.Docs {
if !dps.IsMember {
htmlSig := typeTag.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(dps.FuncSig, "<", `\<`, -1), func(typ string) string {
typName := regexp.MustCompile(`\w+`).FindString(typ[1:])
typLookup := typeTable[strings.ToLower(typName)]
fmt.Printf("%+q, \n", typLookup)
linkedTyp := fmt.Sprintf("/Hilbish/docs/api/%s/%s/#%s", typLookup[0], typLookup[0] + "." + typLookup[1], strings.ToLower(typName))
2023-01-18 10:39:26 +00:00
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="#%s" style="text-decoration: none;">%s</a>`, linkedTyp, typName)
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("#### %s\n", htmlSig))
for _, doc := range dps.Doc {
if !strings.HasPrefix(doc, "---") {
f.WriteString(doc + "\n")
}(mod, docPath, v)
go func(md, modname string, modu module) {
defer wg.Done()
if modu.ParentModule != "" {
ff, _ := os.Create("emmyLuaDocs/" + modname + ".lua")
ff.WriteString("--- @meta\n\nlocal " + modname + " = {}\n\n")
for _, em := range emmyDocs[modname] {
if strings.HasSuffix(em.DocPiece.GoFuncName, strings.ToLower("loader")) {
dps := em.DocPiece
funcdocs := dps.Doc
ff.WriteString("--- " + strings.Join(funcdocs, "\n--- ") + "\n")
if len(em.Annotations) != 0 {
ff.WriteString(strings.Join(em.Annotations, "\n") + "\n")
accessor := "."
if dps.IsMember {
accessor = ":"
signature := strings.Split(dps.FuncSig, " ->")[0]
var intrface string
if dps.IsInterface {
intrface = "." + dps.Interfacing
ff.WriteString("function " + modname + intrface + accessor + signature + " end\n\n")
ff.WriteString("return " + modname + "\n")
}(mod, mod, v)
2021-10-16 03:58:56 +00:00