
61 lines
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2023-12-02 16:35:12 +00:00
local fs = require 'fs'
-- explanation: this specific function gives to us info about
-- the currently running source. this includes a path to the
-- source file (info.source)
-- we will use that to automatically load all commands by reading
-- all the files in this dir and just requiring it.
local info = debug.getinfo(1)
local commandDir = fs.dir(info.source)
if commandDir == '.' then return end
local commands = fs.readdir(commandDir)
for _, command in ipairs(commands) do
local name = command:gsub('%.lua', '') -- chop off extension
if name ~= 'init' then
-- skip this file (for obvious reasons)
require('nature.completions.' .. name)
function hilbish.completion.handler(line, pos)
if type(line) ~= 'string' then error '#1 must be a string' end
if type(pos) ~= 'number' then error '#2 must be a number' end
-- trim leading whitespace
local ctx = line:gsub('^%s*(.-)$', '%1')
if ctx:len() == 0 then return {}, '' end
local res = hilbish.aliases.resolve(ctx)
local resFields = string.split(res, ' ')
local fields = string.split(ctx, ' ')
if #fields > 1 and #resFields > 1 then
fields = resFields
local query = fields[#fields]
if #fields == 1 then
local comps, pfx = hilbish.completion.bins(query, ctx, fields)
local compGroup = {
items = comps,
type = 'grid'
return {compGroup}, pfx
local ok, compGroups, pfx = pcall(hilbish.completion.call,
'command.' .. fields[1], query, ctx, fields)
if ok then
return compGroups, pfx
local comps, pfx = hilbish.completion.files(query, ctx, fields)
local compGroup = {
items = comps,
type = 'grid'
return {compGroup}, pfx