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<div align="center">
🎀 a nice lil shell for lua people made with go and lua
2021-04-08 18:55:37 +00:00
</blockquote><p align="center">
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2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
Hilbish is an interactive Unix-like shell written in Go, with the config
and other code written in Lua.
It is currently in a Beta state. Though very fit for daily usage,
updates may contain breaking changes.
# Screenshots
<div align="center">
<img src="gallery/default.png"><br><br>
<img src="gallery/terminal.png"><br><br>
<img src="gallery/pillprompt.png">
2021-03-21 22:19:26 +00:00
# Links
- **[Documentation](https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish/wiki)**
- **[Gallery](https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish/discussions/36)** - See
more screenshots of Hilbish in action
2021-03-21 22:19:26 +00:00
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
# Building
Prebuilt binaries are not yet provided, so to try it out you'll have to manually compile.
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
**NOTE:** Hilbish is currently only officially supported and tested on Linux
2021-04-04 17:15:55 +00:00
### Prerequisites
- [Go 1.16](https://go.dev)
- GNU Readline
On Fedora, readline can be installed with:
sudo dnf install readline-devel
On Debian/Ubuntu and distros based on them, it can be installed with:
sudo apt install libreadline-dev
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
### Install
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
git clone https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish
cd Hilbish
make build
sudo make install
# Or
sudo make all
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
Alternativly, if you use Arch Linux, you can compile Hilbish with an **(unofficial)** AUR package
yay -S hilbish-git
Or install a prebuilt binary from an **(unofficial)** AUR package
yay -S hilbish
### Uninstall
sudo make uninstall
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
# Contributing
Any kind of contributions to Hilbish are welcome!
Make sure to read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) before getting started.
### Special Thanks To
Everyone here who has contributed:
<a href="https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=Hilbis/Hilbish" />
*Made with [contributors-img](https://contrib.rocks).*
### Credits
- [This blog post](https://www.vidarholen.net/contents/blog/?p=878) which
is how Hilbish now inserts a newline even if output doesn't have one.
2021-03-20 05:45:17 +00:00
# License
Hilbish is licensed under the MIT license.
[Read here](LICENSE) for more info.