feat: add hilbish properties

TorchedSammy 2022-03-29 23:37:53 -04:00
parent 8714f54915
commit 0a5a2e727e
Signed by: sammyette
GPG Key ID: 904FC49417B44DCD
1 changed files with 9 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func hilbishLoad(rtm *rt.Runtime) (rt.Value, func()) {
util.SetExports(rtm, mod, exports)
hshMod = mod
// host, _ := os.Hostname()
host, _ := os.Hostname()
username := curuser.Username
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
@ -76,22 +76,17 @@ func hilbishLoad(rtm *rt.Runtime) (rt.Value, func()) {
The nice lil shell for {blue}Lua{reset} fanatics!
Check out the {blue}{bold}guide{reset} command to get started.
util.SetField(L, mod, "ver", lua.LString(version), "Hilbish version")
util.SetField(L, mod, "user", lua.LString(username), "Username of user")
util.SetField(L, mod, "host", lua.LString(host), "Host name of the machine")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "ver", rt.StringValue(version), "Hilbish version")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "user", rt.StringValue(username), "Username of user")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "host", rt.StringValue(host), "Host name of the machine")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "home", rt.StringValue(curuser.HomeDir), "Home directory of the user")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "dataDir", rt.StringValue(dataDir), "Directory for Hilbish's data files")
util.SetField(L, mod, "interactive", lua.LBool(interactive), "If this is an interactive shell")
util.SetField(L, mod, "login", lua.LBool(interactive), "Whether this is a login shell")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "interactive", rt.BoolValue(interactive), "If this is an interactive shell")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "login", rt.BoolValue(login), "Whether this is a login shell")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "greeting", rt.StringValue(greeting), "Hilbish's welcome message for interactive shells. It has Lunacolors formatting.")
/*util.SetField(l, mod, "vimMode", lua.LNil, "Current Vim mode of Hilbish (nil if not in Vim mode)")
util.SetField(l, hshMod, "exitCode", lua.LNumber(0), "Exit code of last exected command")
util.Document(L, mod, "Hilbish's core API, containing submodules and functions which relate to the shell itself.")
util.SetField(rtm, mod, "vimMode", rt.NilValue, "Current Vim mode of Hilbish (nil if not in Vim mode)")
util.SetField(rtm, hshMod, "exitCode", rt.IntValue(0), "Exit code of last exected command")
//util.Document(rtm, mod, "Hilbish's core API, containing submodules and functions which relate to the shell itself.")
// hilbish.userDir table
hshuser := rt.NewTable()