fix: file completions changes

changed the way file completions are handed
completely, which fixes #130 and makes the
full name appear in the completion menu instead
of it being cut off
TorchedSammy 2022-04-20 13:06:46 -04:00
parent 6ccb9ebeff
commit 1458ecdcab
Signed by: sammyette
GPG Key ID: 904FC49417B44DCD
3 changed files with 54 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func luaFileComplete(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
return nil, err
completions := fileComplete(query, ctx, fds)
completions, _ := fileComplete(query, ctx, fds)
luaComps := rt.NewTable()
for i, comp := range completions {

View File

@ -6,21 +6,8 @@ import (
func fileComplete(query, ctx string, fields []string) []string {
var completions []string
prefixes := []string{"./", "../", "/", "~/"}
for _, prefix := range prefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(query, prefix) {
completions, _ = matchPath(strings.Replace(query, "~", curuser.HomeDir, 1), query)
if len(completions) == 0 && len(fields) > 1 {
completions, _ = matchPath("./" + query, query)
return completions
func fileComplete(query, ctx string, fields []string) ([]string, string) {
return matchPath(query)
func binaryComplete(query, ctx string, fields []string) ([]string, string) {
@ -29,17 +16,17 @@ func binaryComplete(query, ctx string, fields []string) ([]string, string) {
prefixes := []string{"./", "../", "/", "~/"}
for _, prefix := range prefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(query, prefix) {
fileCompletions := fileComplete(query, ctx, fields)
fileCompletions, filePref := matchPath(query)
if len(fileCompletions) != 0 {
for _, f := range fileCompletions {
name := strings.Replace(query + f, "~", curuser.HomeDir, 1)
if err := findExecutable(name, false, true); err != nil {
fullPath, _ := filepath.Abs(expandHome(query + strings.TrimPrefix(f, filePref)))
if err := findExecutable(fullPath, false, true); err != nil {
completions = append(completions, f)
return completions, ""
return completions, filePref
@ -75,37 +62,52 @@ func binaryComplete(query, ctx string, fields []string) ([]string, string) {
return completions, query
func matchPath(path, pref string) ([]string, error) {
func matchPath(query string) ([]string, string) {
var entries []string
matches, err := filepath.Glob(path + "*")
if err == nil {
args := []string{
"\"", "\\\"",
"'", "\\'",
"`", "\\`",
" ", "\\ ",
"(", "\\(",
")", "\\)",
"[", "\\[",
"]", "\\]",
var baseName string
r := strings.NewReplacer(args...)
for _, match := range matches {
name := filepath.Base(match)
p := filepath.Base(pref)
if pref == "" || pref == "./" {
p = ""
path, _ := filepath.Abs(expandHome(filepath.Dir(query)))
if string(query) == "" {
// filepath base below would give us "."
// which would cause a match of only dotfiles
path, _ = filepath.Abs(".")
} else if !strings.HasSuffix(query, string(os.PathSeparator)) {
baseName = filepath.Base(query)
files, _ := os.ReadDir(path)
for _, file := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), baseName) {
entry := file.Name()
if file.IsDir() {
entry = entry + string(os.PathSeparator)
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, p)
matchFull, _ := filepath.Abs(match)
if info, err := os.Stat(matchFull); err == nil && info.IsDir() {
name = name + string(os.PathSeparator)
name = r.Replace(name)
entries = append(entries, name)
entry = escapeFilename(entry)
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries, err
return entries, baseName
func escapeFilename(fname string) string {
args := []string{
"\"", "\\\"",
"'", "\\'",
"`", "\\`",
" ", "\\ ",
"(", "\\(",
")", "\\)",
"[", "\\[",
"]", "\\]",
"$", "\\$",
"&", "\\&",
"*", "\\*",
">", "\\>",
"<", "\\<",
"|", "\\|",
r := strings.NewReplacer(args...)
return r.Replace(fname)

View File

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ func newLineReader(prompt string, noHist bool) *lineReader {
rl.TabCompleter = func(line []rune, pos int, _ readline.DelayedTabContext) (string, []*readline.CompletionGroup) {
ctx := string(line)
var completions []string
var compGroup []*readline.CompletionGroup
@ -237,12 +236,14 @@ func newLineReader(prompt string, noHist bool) *lineReader {
if len(compGroup) == 0 {
completions = fileComplete(query, ctx, fields)
compGroup = append(compGroup, &readline.CompletionGroup{
completions, p := fileComplete(query, ctx, fields)
fcompGroup := []*readline.CompletionGroup{{
TrimSlash: false,
NoSpace: true,
Suggestions: completions,
return p, fcompGroup
return "", compGroup