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synced 2025-03-28 09:20:41 +00:00
docs: add better introduction for bait module
also highlights codeblocks better
This commit is contained in:
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ func main() {
f, _ := os.Create(docPath)
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(header, modOrIface, modname, modu.ShortDescription))
typeTag, _ := regexp.Compile(`@\w+`)
modDescription := typeTag.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(modu.Description, "<", `\<`, -1), func(typ string) string {
modDescription := typeTag.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(modu.Description, "<", `\<`, -1), "{{\\<", "{{<", -1), func(typ string) string {
typName := typ[1:]
typLookup := typeTable[strings.ToLower(typName)]
ifaces := typLookup[0] + "." + typLookup[1] + "/"
@ -8,17 +8,37 @@ menu:
## Introduction
Bait is the event emitter for Hilbish. Why name it bait? Why not.
It throws hooks that you can catch. This is what you will use if
you want to listen in on hooks to know when certain things have
happened, like when you've changed directory, a command has failed,
etc. To find all available hooks thrown by Hilbish, see doc hooks.
Bait is the event emitter for Hilbish. Much like Node.js and
its `events` system, many actions in Hilbish emit events.
Unlike Node.js, Hilbish events are global. So make sure to
pick a unique name!
Usage of the Bait module consists of userstanding
event-driven architecture, but it's pretty simple:
If you want to act on a certain event, you can `catch` it.
You can act on events via callback functions.
Examples of this are in the Hilbish default config!
Consider this part of it:
bait.catch('command.exit', function(code)
running = false
doPrompt(code ~= 0)
What this does is, whenever the `command.exit` event is thrown,
this function will set the user prompt.
## Functions
### bait.catch(name, cb)
Catches a hook with `name`. Runs the `cb` when it is thrown
#### Parameters
This function has no parameters.
`string` **`name`**
### bait.catchOnce(name, cb)
Same as catch, but only runs the `cb` once and then removes the hook
@ -1,9 +1,28 @@
// the event emitter
// Bait is the event emitter for Hilbish. Why name it bait? Why not.
// It throws hooks that you can catch. This is what you will use if
// you want to listen in on hooks to know when certain things have
// happened, like when you've changed directory, a command has failed,
// etc. To find all available hooks thrown by Hilbish, see doc hooks.
Bait is the event emitter for Hilbish. Much like Node.js and
its `events` system, many actions in Hilbish emit events.
Unlike Node.js, Hilbish events are global. So make sure to
pick a unique name!
Usage of the Bait module consists of userstanding
event-driven architecture, but it's pretty simple:
If you want to act on a certain event, you can `catch` it.
You can act on events via callback functions.
Examples of this are in the Hilbish default config!
Consider this part of it:
bait.catch('command.exit', function(code)
running = false
doPrompt(code ~= 0)
What this does is, whenever the `command.exit` event is thrown,
this function will set the user prompt.
package bait
import (
@ -253,8 +272,8 @@ func (b *Bait) bthrow(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
// catch(name, cb)
// Catches a hook with `name`. Runs the `cb` when it is thrown
// --- @param name string
// --- @param cb function
// #param name string ummm
// #param cb function ?
func (b *Bait) bcatch(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
name, catcher, err := util.HandleStrCallback(t, c)
if err != nil {
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ enableGitInfo = true
unsafe = true
style = 'pastie'
name = 'sammyette'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
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@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
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