basically, dont disregard the error we get and dont return previous
input. now we try to prompt for new input without running the
previous if the function got an error
this is basically 72973eade78eb313a255b582112318b31ba9f473
but it actually works and doesnt break everything
if an error occurred with the ContinuePrompt function (in this case,
the error is simply EOL/ctrl d) then return previous input alone
this makes it able to be changed compile time, which should help
in support for systems that dont follow fhs (damn nix)
and windows as well, but that'll be first class
since im stupid, normal commands that are aliased add
the expanded version to the history, and not the alias itself.
lua alias was added since im dumb and did `input` instead of `cmdString`
so now, history is handled once, in main.go
idk how to explain this man
in code `hilbish` is now a module, which can also be required like
others. but it is already a global export as the variable of the same
basically, if i had something like
> here i want to \
it would return "here i want to complete"
so now it doesnt anymore, if you want the space, do it manually
anytime hilbish is ran as shebang or given a script to run,
itll provide an `args` variable which will be the args a user
provides to the script.
it includes the execute path, as most argv's do
this reverts commit 8d5e36bcdebdbb8c00dfb02cd3175ce89dbd3a7d.
apparently, when i reordered the code it caused hilbish's history
to be emptied and not work when used interactively
i literally have no idea why
this will probably change to a better global var in the
future, but it's `_user` now.
this provides a simple, guaranteed way of getting the
current user's name
$USER (in?)correctly shows the previous user when
`su` is used, _user will always be root in this case