mirror of https://github.com/Hilbis/Hilbish synced 2025-03-13 18:00:41 +00:00

Compare commits


2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
chore: remove lua docgen 2022-12-14 23:57:04 -04:00
docs: support field docs for modules 2022-12-14 23:54:10 -04:00
5 changed files with 49 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -4,24 +4,15 @@ on:
- master
- docs-refactor
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: true
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
- name: Download Task
run: 'sh -c "$(curl --location https://taskfile.dev/install.sh)" -- -d'
- name: Build
run: ./bin/task
- name: Run docgen
run: go run cmd/docgen/docgen.go
- name: Run lua docgen
run: ./hilbish cmd/docgen/docgen.lua
- name: Commit new docs
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4

View File

@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
// the core Hilbish API
// The Hilbish module includes the core API, containing
// interfaces and functions which directly relate to shell functionality.
// #field ver The version of Hilbish
// #field user Username of the user
// #field host Hostname of the machine
// #field dataDir Directory for Hilbish data files, including the docs and default modules
// #field interactive Is Hilbish in an interactive shell?
// #field login Is Hilbish the login shell?
// #field vimMode Current Vim input mode of Hilbish (will be nil if not in Vim input mode)
// #field exitCode xit code of the last executed command
package main
import (

View File

@ -70,16 +70,11 @@ var prefix = map[string]string{
"terminal": "term",
func setupDoc(mod string, fun *doc.Func) *docPiece {
docs := strings.TrimSpace(fun.Doc)
inInterface := strings.HasPrefix(docs, "#interface")
if (!strings.HasPrefix(fun.Name, prefix[mod]) && !inInterface) || (strings.ToLower(fun.Name) == "loader" && !inInterface) {
return nil
func getTagsAndDocs(docs string) (map[string][]tag, []string) {
pts := strings.Split(docs, "\n")
parts := []string{}
tags := make(map[string][]tag)
for _, part := range pts {
if strings.HasPrefix(part, "#") {
tagParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(part, "#"), " ")
@ -109,6 +104,30 @@ func setupDoc(mod string, fun *doc.Func) *docPiece {
return tags, parts
func docPieceTag(tagName string, tags map[string][]tag) []docPiece {
dps := []docPiece{}
for _, tag := range tags[tagName] {
dps = append(dps, docPiece{
FuncName: tag.id,
Doc: tag.fields,
return dps
func setupDoc(mod string, fun *doc.Func) *docPiece {
docs := strings.TrimSpace(fun.Doc)
inInterface := strings.HasPrefix(docs, "#interface")
if (!strings.HasPrefix(fun.Name, prefix[mod]) && !inInterface) || (strings.ToLower(fun.Name) == "loader" && !inInterface) {
return nil
tags, parts := getTagsAndDocs(docs)
var interfaces string
funcsig := parts[0]
doc := parts[1:]
@ -121,22 +140,8 @@ func setupDoc(mod string, fun *doc.Func) *docPiece {
em := emmyPiece{FuncName: funcName}
// manage fields
fields := []docPiece{}
for _, tag := range tags["field"] {
fields = append(fields, docPiece{
FuncName: tag.id,
Doc: tag.fields,
properties := []docPiece{}
for _, tag := range tags["property"] {
properties = append(properties, docPiece{
FuncName: tag.id,
Doc: tag.fields,
fields := docPieceTag("field", tags)
properties := docPieceTag("property", tags)
for _, d := range doc {
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "---") {
@ -245,7 +250,7 @@ func main() {
descParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(p.Doc), "\n")
tags, descParts := getTagsAndDocs(strings.TrimSpace(p.Doc))
shortDesc := descParts[0]
desc := descParts[1:]
filteredPieces := []docPiece{}
@ -279,6 +284,8 @@ func main() {
ShortDescription: shortDesc,
Description: strings.Join(desc, "\n"),
HasInterfaces: hasInterfaces,
Properties: docPieceTag("property", tags),
Fields: docPieceTag("field", tags),

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
local fs = require 'fs'
local emmyPattern = '^%-%-%- (.+)'
local pieces = {}
local files = fs.readdir 'nature'
for _, fname in ipairs(files) do
local isScript = fname:match'%.lua$'
if not isScript then goto continue end
local f = io.open(string.format('nature/%s', fname))
local header = f:read '*l'
if not header:match(emmyPattern) then goto continue end
local iface = header:match(emmyPattern)
pieces[iface] = {}
local docPiece = {}
for line in f:lines() do
if line == header then goto continue2 end
if not line:match(emmyPattern) then
if line:match '^function' then
local pattern = (string.format('^function %s.', iface) .. '(%w+)')
local funcName = line:match(pattern)
pieces[iface][funcName] = docPiece
docPiece = {}
goto continue2
table.insert(docPiece, line)
for iface, dps in pairs(pieces) do
local mod = iface:match '(%w+)%.'
local path = string.format('docs/api/%s/%s.md', mod, iface)
local f <close> = io.open(path, 'a+')
print(mod, path)
for func, docs in pairs(dps) do
local params = table.filter(docs, function(t)
return t:match '^%-%-%- @param'
f:write(string.format('## %s(', func))
for i, str in ipairs(params) do
if i ~= 1 then
f:write ', '
f:write(str:match '^%-%-%- @param ([%w]+) ')
for _, str in ipairs(docs) do
if not str:match '^%-%-%- @' then
f:write(str:match '^%-%-%- (.+)' .. '\n')

View File

@ -11,6 +11,16 @@ menu:
The Hilbish module includes the core API, containing
interfaces and functions which directly relate to shell functionality.
## Interface fields
- `ver`: The version of Hilbish
- `user`: Username of the user
- `host`: Hostname of the machine
- `dataDir`: Directory for Hilbish data files, including the docs and default modules
- `interactive`: Is Hilbish in an interactive shell?
- `login`: Is Hilbish the login shell?
- `vimMode`: Current Vim input mode of Hilbish (will be nil if not in Vim input mode)
- `exitCode`: xit code of the last executed command
## Functions
### alias(cmd, orig)
Sets an alias of `cmd` to `orig`