
450 lines
10 KiB

package main
import (
// "hilbish/util"
rt "github.com/arnodel/golua/runtime"
var errNotExec = errors.New("not executable")
//var runnerMode lua.LValue = lua.LString("hybrid")
func runInput(input string, priv bool) {
running = true
cmdString := aliases.Resolve(input)
hooks.Em.Emit("command.preexec", input, cmdString)
// if runnerMode.Type() == lua.LTString {
switch /*runnerMode.String()*/ "hybrid" {
case "hybrid":
_, err := handleLua(cmdString)
if err == nil {
cmdFinish(0, cmdString, priv)
exitCode, err := handleSh(cmdString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
cmdFinish(exitCode, cmdString, priv)
case "hybridRev":
_, err := handleSh(cmdString)
if err == nil {
cmdFinish(0, cmdString, priv)
exitCode, err := handleLua(cmdString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
cmdFinish(exitCode, cmdString, priv)
case "lua":
exitCode, err := handleLua(cmdString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
cmdFinish(exitCode, cmdString, priv)
case "sh":
exitCode, err := handleSh(cmdString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
cmdFinish(exitCode, cmdString, priv)
// } else {
// can only be a string or function so
err := l.CallByParam(lua.P{
Fn: runnerMode,
NRet: 2,
Protect: true,
}, lua.LString(cmdString))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
cmdFinish(124, cmdString, priv)
luaexitcode := l.Get(-2) // first return value (makes sense right i love stacks)
runErr := l.Get(-1)
var exitCode uint8
if code, ok := luaexitcode.(lua.LNumber); luaexitcode != lua.LNil && ok {
exitCode = uint8(code)
if runErr != lua.LNil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, runErr)
cmdFinish(exitCode, cmdString, priv)
// }
func handleLua(cmdString string) (uint8, error) {
// First try to load input, essentially compiling to bytecode
chunk, err := l.CompileAndLoadLuaChunk("", []byte(cmdString), rt.TableValue(l.GlobalEnv()))
if err != nil && noexecute {
/* if lerr, ok := err.(*lua.ApiError); ok {
if perr, ok := lerr.Cause.(*parse.Error); ok {
print(perr.Pos.Line == parse.EOF)
return 125, err
// And if there's no syntax errors and -n isnt provided, run
if !noexecute {
_, err = rt.Call1(l.MainThread(), rt.FunctionValue(chunk))
if err == nil {
return 0, nil
return 125, err
func handleSh(cmdString string) (uint8, error) {
err := execCommand(cmdString)
if err != nil {
// If input is incomplete, start multiline prompting
if syntax.IsIncomplete(err) {
for {
cmdString, err = continuePrompt(strings.TrimSuffix(cmdString, "\\"))
if err != nil {
err = execCommand(cmdString)
if syntax.IsIncomplete(err) || strings.HasSuffix(cmdString, "\\") {
} else if code, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok {
return code, nil
} else if err != nil {
return 126, err
} else {
return 0, nil
} else {
if code, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok {
return code, nil
} else {
return 126, err
return 0, nil
// Run command in sh interpreter
func execCommand(cmd string) error {
file, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader(cmd), "")
if err != nil {
return err
var bg bool
exechandle := func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
_, argstring := splitInput(strings.Join(args, " "))
// i dont really like this but it works
if aliases.All()[args[0]] != "" {
for i, arg := range args {
if strings.Contains(arg, " ") {
args[i] = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", arg)
_, argstring = splitInput(strings.Join(args, " "))
// If alias was found, use command alias
argstring = aliases.Resolve(argstring)
args, _ = shell.Fields(argstring, nil)
// If command is defined in Lua then run it
luacmdArgs := l.NewTable()
for _, str := range args[1:] {
if commands[args[0]] != nil {
err := l.CallByParam(lua.P{
Fn: commands[args[0]],
NRet: 1,
Protect: true,
}, luacmdArgs)
if err != nil {
"Error in command:\n\n" + err.Error())
return interp.NewExitStatus(1)
luaexitcode := l.Get(-1)
var exitcode uint8
if code, ok := luaexitcode.(lua.LNumber); luaexitcode != lua.LNil && ok {
exitcode = uint8(code)
return interp.NewExitStatus(exitcode)
err := lookpath(args[0])
if err == errNotExec {
hooks.Em.Emit("command.no-perm", args[0])
hooks.Em.Emit("command.not-executable", args[0])
return interp.NewExitStatus(126)
} else if err != nil {
hooks.Em.Emit("command.not-found", args[0])
return interp.NewExitStatus(127)
killTimeout := 2 * time.Second
// from here is basically copy-paste of the default exec handler from
// sh/interp but with our job handling
hc := interp.HandlerCtx(ctx)
path, err := interp.LookPathDir(hc.Dir, hc.Env, args[0])
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(hc.Stderr, err)
return interp.NewExitStatus(127)
env := hc.Env
envList := make([]string, 0, 64)
env.Each(func(name string, vr expand.Variable) bool {
if !vr.IsSet() {
// If a variable is set globally but unset in the
// runner, we need to ensure it's not part of the final
// list. Seems like zeroing the element is enough.
// This is a linear search, but this scenario should be
// rare, and the number of variables shouldn't be large.
for i, kv := range envList {
if strings.HasPrefix(kv, name+"=") {
envList[i] = ""
if vr.Exported && vr.Kind == expand.String {
envList = append(envList, name+"="+vr.String())
return true
cmd := exec.Cmd{
Path: path,
Args: args,
Env: envList,
Dir: hc.Dir,
Stdin: hc.Stdin,
Stdout: hc.Stdout,
Stderr: hc.Stderr,
err = cmd.Start()
var j *job
if bg {
j = jobs.getLatest()
if err == nil {
if bg {
if done := ctx.Done(); done != nil {
go func() {
if killTimeout <= 0 || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// TODO: don't temporarily leak this goroutine
// if the program stops itself with the
// interrupt.
go func() {
err = cmd.Wait()
var exit uint8
switch x := err.(type) {
case *exec.ExitError:
// started, but errored - default to 1 if OS
// doesn't have exit statuses
if status, ok := x.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
if status.Signaled() {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
exit = uint8(128 + status.Signal())
goto end
exit = uint8(status.ExitStatus())
goto end
exit = 1
goto end
case *exec.Error:
// did not start
fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
exit = 127
goto end
case nil:
goto end
return err
if bg {
j.exitCode = int(exit)
return interp.NewExitStatus(exit)
runner, _ := interp.New(
interp.StdIO(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr),
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
printer := syntax.NewPrinter()
for _, stmt := range file.Stmts {
bg = false
if stmt.Background {
bg = true
printer.Print(buf, stmt.Cmd)
stmtStr := buf.String()
err = runner.Run(context.TODO(), stmt)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func lookpath(file string) error { // custom lookpath function so we know if a command is found *and* is executable
var skip []string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
skip = []string{"./", "../", "~/", "C:"}
} else {
skip = []string{"./", "/", "../", "~/"}
for _, s := range skip {
if strings.HasPrefix(file, s) {
return findExecutable(file, false, false)
for _, dir := range filepath.SplitList(os.Getenv("PATH")) {
path := filepath.Join(dir, file)
err := findExecutable(path, true, false)
if err == errNotExec {
return err
} else if err == nil {
return nil
return os.ErrNotExist
func splitInput(input string) ([]string, string) {
// end my suffering
// TODO: refactor this garbage
quoted := false
startlastcmd := false
lastcmddone := false
cmdArgs := []string{}
sb := &strings.Builder{}
cmdstr := &strings.Builder{}
lastcmd := "" //readline.GetHistory(readline.HistorySize() - 1)
for _, r := range input {
if r == '"' {
// start quoted input
// this determines if other runes are replaced
quoted = !quoted
// dont add back quotes
} else if !quoted && r == '~' {
// if not in quotes and ~ is found then make it $HOME
} else if !quoted && r == ' ' {
// if not quoted and there's a space then add to cmdargs
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, sb.String())
} else if !quoted && r == '^' && startlastcmd && !lastcmddone {
// if ^ is found, isnt in quotes and is
// the second occurence of the character and is
// the first time "^^" has been used
startlastcmd = !startlastcmd
lastcmddone = !lastcmddone
} else if !quoted && r == '^' && !lastcmddone {
// if ^ is found, isnt in quotes and is the
// first time of starting "^^"
startlastcmd = !startlastcmd
} else {
if sb.Len() > 0 {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, sb.String())
return cmdArgs, cmdstr.String()
func cmdFinish(code uint8, cmdstr string, private bool) {
// if input has space at the beginning, dont put in history
if interactive && !private {
// util.SetField(l, hshMod, "exitCode", lua.LNumber(code), "Exit code of last exected command")
hooks.Em.Emit("command.exit", code, cmdstr)