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Welcome to a very long awaited release of Hilbish, and on Christmas. Just think of it as a long preparing, late Christmas gift. :) This release does not contain a whole lot of changes, but it is a new release with enhancements and bug fixes!
Documentation As is a trend, the documentation has been improved by ONE HUNDRED TIMES." property="og:description"><meta content="The release with full changelogs and prebuilt binaries can be seen at the v2.2.0 tag.
Welcome to a very long awaited release of Hilbish, and on Christmas. Just think of it as a long preparing, late Christmas gift. :) This release does not contain a whole lot of changes, but it is a new release with enhancements and bug fixes!
Documentation As is a trend, the documentation has been improved by ONE HUNDRED TIMES." name=description><meta name=revisit-after content="2 days"><meta name=keywords content="Lua,Hilbish,Linux,Shell"><meta property="og:locale" content="en_GB"><link rel=canonical href=https://rosettea.github.io/Hilbish/><meta property="og:url" content="https://rosettea.github.io/Hilbish/"><link href=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.0-beta1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css rel=stylesheet integrity=sha384-0evHe/X+R7YkIZDRvuzKMRqM+OrBnVFBL6DOitfPri4tjfHxaWutUpFmBp4vmVor crossorigin=anonymous><script src=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.0-beta1/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js integrity=sha384-pprn3073KE6tl6bjs2QrFaJGz5/SUsLqktiwsUTF55Jfv3qYSDhgCecCxMW52nD2 crossorigin=anonymous></script><link rel=stylesheet href=https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.1.1/css/all.min.css integrity="sha512-KfkfwYDsLkIlwQp6LFnl8zNdLGxu9YAA1QvwINks4PhcElQSvqcyVLLD9aMhXd13uQjoXtEKNosOWaZqXgel0g==" crossorigin=anonymous referrerpolicy=no-referrer><link rel=stylesheet href=/Hilbish/css/syntax.min.eb77978873f3b324603120b558a36c98ad57d6ee7b77928e3bc131bd76c5935a.css integrity="sha256-63eXiHPzsyRgMSC1WKNsmK1X1u57d5KOO8ExvXbFk1o="></link><style>.heading>.heading-link{opacity:0}.heading:hover>.heading-link{visibility:visible;opacity:1;transition:all .1s ease-in}@keyframes highlight{0%{background:0 0}50%{background:#fff2cf}100%{background:0 0}}div:target{animation:highlight 1.2s;animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(1,-.02,.45,.89)}table{border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#565c64;border-collapse:collapse;margin-bottom:12px}table td{padding:5px}table tr{border-width:1px}thead{display:none}</style></head><body class="d-flex flex-column min-vh-100" style=overflow-x:hidden><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display:none"><symbol id="check-circle-fill" fill="currentcolor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M16 8A8 8 0 110 8a8 8 0 0116 0zm-3.97-3.03a.75.75.0 00-1.08.022L7.477 9.417 5.384 7.323a.75.75.0 00-1.06 1.06L6.97 11.03a.75.75.0 001.079-.02l3.992-4.99a.75.75.0 00-.01-1.05z"/></symbol><symbol id="info-fill" fill="currentcolor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M8 16A8 8 0 108 0a8 8 0 000 16zm.93-9.412-1 4.705c-. 2.29-.287zM8 5.5a1 1 0 110-2 1 1 0 010 2z"/></symbol><symbol id="exclamation-triangle-fill" fill="currentcolor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M8.982 1.566a1.13 1.13.0 00-1.96.0L.165 13.233c-.457.778.091 1.767.98 1.767h13.713c.889.0 1.438-.99.98-1.767L8.982 1.566zM8 5c.535.0.954.462.9.995l-.35 3.507a.552.552.0 01-1.1.0L7.1 5.995A.905.905.0 018 5zm.002 6a1 1 0 110 2 1 1 0 010-2z"/></symbol></svg><header><nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md sticky-top bg-light border-bottom"><div class=container-fluid><a class=navbar-brand href=/Hilbish><img src=/Hilbish/hilbish-logo-and-text.png alt height=48>
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<span class=navbar-toggler-icon></span></button><div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id=navbarSupportedContent><ul class="navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0"><li class=nav-item><a href=/Hilbish/ class=nav-link>Home</a></li><li class=nav-item><a href=/Hilbish/install/ class=nav-link>Install</a></li><li class=nav-item><a href=/Hilbish/docs/ class=nav-link>Docs</a></li><li class=nav-item><a href=/Hilbish/blog/ class=nav-link>Blog</a></li></ul></div></div></nav></header><main><div class="container mt-2"><h1>v2.2 Release</h1><img src='https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/38820196?s=460&u=b9f4efb2375bae6cb30656d790c6e0a2939327c0&v=4' width=48 style=border-radius:100%>
<em class=text-muted>by <strong>sammyette</strong><time> // December 25, 2023</time></em><div class=my-4><blockquote><p>The release with full changelogs and prebuilt binaries can be
seen at the <a href=https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish/releases/tag/v2.2.0 target=_blank rel=noopener>v2.2.0</a>
tag.</p></blockquote><p>Welcome to a very long awaited release of Hilbish, and on Christmas. Just think
of it as a long preparing, late Christmas gift. :)
This release does not contain a whole lot of changes, but it is a new
release with enhancements and bug fixes!</p><h2 id=documentation class=heading>Documentation
<a href=#documentation class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h2><p>As is a trend, the documentation has been improved by ONE HUNDRED TIMES.
Okay, not quite, but they’ve definitely been given an uplift.
Everything has been rewritten, new documentation has been added to both
the website and the local docs accessible with the <code>doc</code> command.
Both the website and local docs are now in sync with each other.</p><p>This means that the <code>doc</code> command has also been improved to consolidate
the documentation changes. It looks a lot better, has pagination, etc!</p><p>Speaking of pagination…</p><h2 id=features class=heading>Features
<a href=#features class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h2><h3 id=greenhouse class=heading>Greenhouse
<a href=#greenhouse class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h3><p>The first new added feature is the Greenhouse pager! It is a library and
command accessible via <code>greenhouse</code>. It will have better integration with
Hilbish things, like notifications and can be used as a base for displaying
multi-line text output instead of paging to less. The usage of Greenhouse is
more efficient and better in Hibish!</p><h3 id=notifications class=heading>Notifications
<a href=#notifications class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h3><p>Wait… notifications? Yes! All new in the 2.2 release is a generic notification
interface for things in Hilbish to alert the user of things going on. Stuff like
background jobs finishing, simple alarms, <em>actual messages</em>, whatever you like.</p><h3 id=fuzzy-searching class=heading>Fuzzy Searching
<a href=#fuzzy-searching class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h3><p>Users can now use fuzzy search for command history and completion search.
Enable it with <code>hilbish.opts.fuzzy = true</code>!</p><h4 id=smaller-enhancements class=heading>Smaller Enhancements
<a href=#smaller-enhancements class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h4><p>Did you know of the <code>cdr</code> command? I personally don’t use it, but I’ve made
it look slightly better for ease of use. That simple change is adding the indexes
next to the directory so you’ll know to type <code>cdr 2</code>.</p><p>Users can now add aliases with numbered substitutions. In shell script,
some people have to make functions for certain things that are actually
just aliases. A simple example: <code>nix run nixpkgs#package</code> cannot be aliased
because if it was aliased to something like <code>run</code> normally there would be a space after.</p><p>Simple fix:</p><div class=highlight><pre tabindex=0 class=chroma><code class=language-lua data-lang=lua><span class=line><span class=ln>1</span><span class=cl><span class=n>hilbish.alias</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=s1>'run'</span><span class=p>,</span> <span class=s1>'nix run nixpkgs#%1'</span><span class=p>)</span>
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>Rejoice!</p><h2 id=bug-fixes class=heading>Bug Fixes
<a href=#bug-fixes class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h2><p>There are a small amount of bug fixes but they’re still fixes!</p><p>In some cases Hilbish will panic if:</p><ul><li>Alias resolution results in something empty</li><li>A user does not return a table in a runner functions
These are both fixed.</li></ul><p>An infinite loop has been patched out if someone navigates without
having any prior history. Imagine pressing the up key on a fresh Hilbish
install and you shell no longer working… that’s gone now.</p><p>Something else that’s gone… is still Windows support, but I added a fix
which will make file completion work now. Job management commands work as
well now too due to an oversight when changing up the job functions.</p><h2 id=towards-v23 class=heading>Towards v2.3
<a href=#towards-v23 class=heading-link><i class="fas fa-paperclip"></i></a></h2><p>For the next release, I’m hoping that it won’t take as long to deliver on
what is realistically a small amount of changes. So v2.3 will be coming
in a short time with some good changes, promise! See you in the
next blog post.</p></div></div></main><footer class="footer mt-auto mt-auto py-3 bg-light row border-top"><div class="col mb-3"></div><div class="col mb-3"><a href=/Hilbish class="d-flex align-items-center mb-3 link-dark text-decoration-none"><img src=/Hilbish/hilbish-logo-and-text.png alt height=48 class="d-inline-block align-text-top" style=margin-left:-20px></a><ul class="nav flex-column"><li class="nav-item mb-2"><a href=/Hilbish class="nav-link p-0 text-muted">Home</a></li><li class="nav-item mb-2"><a href=/Hilbish/docs/faq class="nav-link p-0 text-muted">FAQ</a></li><li class="nav-item mb-2"><a href=https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish class="nav-link p-0 text-muted">Source</a></li><li class="nav-item mb-2"><a href=https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish/releases class="nav-link p-0 text-muted">Releases</a></li><li class="nav-item mb-2"><a href=/Hilbish/docs class="nav-link p-0 text-muted">Documentation</a></li></ul></div><div class="col mb-3"></div><div class="col mb-3"></div><div class="col mb-3"></div><div class="col mb-3"><p class="text-muted mt-4">Rosettea © 2022-2023<br>Made with <i class="fa-solid fa-heart" style=color:#f6345b></i></p></div><div class="col mb-3"></div></footer></body></html> |