Hilbish is a Unix-y shell which uses Lua for scripting. Things like the prompt, general configuration and such are done with Lua.
For interactive use, it uses a library to run sh which works on all platforms Hilbish can be compiled for. It can also act as a Lua REPL if you want it to be.
Prebuilt binaries
Go here for builds on the master branch.
Arch Linux users can install Hilbish from the AUR with the following command:
yay -S hilbish
Or from the latest master
commit with:
yay -S hilbish-git
Nix/NixOS users can install Hilbish from the central repository, nixpkgs, through the usual ways. If you're new to nix you should probably read up on how to do that here.
Manual Build
First, clone Hilbish. The recursive is required, as some Lua libraries are submodules.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish
cd Hilbish
go get -d ./...
To build, run:
make dev
Or, if you want a stable branch, run these commands:
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
make build
After you did all that, run sudo make install
to install Hilbish globally.
Any kind of contributions to Hilbish are welcome! Read CONTRIBUTING.md before getting started.
Thanks to everyone below who's contributed!
Made with contributors-img.
Hilbish is licensed under the MIT license.
Images and assets are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0