
97 lines
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// Here is the core api for the hilbi shell itself
// Basically, stuff about the shell itself and other functions
// go here.
package main
import (
var exports = map[string]lua.LGFunction {
"run": hlrun,
"flag": hlflag,
"cwd": hlcwd,
func HilbishLoader(L *lua.LState) int {
mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), exports)
host, _ := os.Hostname()
username := curuser.Username
// this will be baked into binary since GOOS is a constant
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
username = strings.Split(username, "\\")[1] // for some reason Username includes the hostname on windows
L.SetField(mod, "ver", lua.LString(version))
L.SetField(mod, "user", lua.LString(username))
L.SetField(mod, "host", lua.LString(host))
L.SetField(mod, "home", lua.LString(homedir))
L.SetField(mod, "dataDir", lua.LString(dataDir))
L.SetField(mod, "interactive", lua.LBool(interactive))
L.SetField(mod, "login", lua.LBool(interactive))
xdg := L.NewTable()
L.SetField(xdg, "config", lua.LString(confDir))
L.SetField(xdg, "data", lua.LString(getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", homedir + "/.local/share")))
L.SetField(mod, "xdg", xdg)
util.Document(L, mod, "A miscellaneous sort of \"core\" API for things that relate to the shell itself and others.")
return 1
// run(cmd)
// Runs `cmd` in Hilbish's sh interpreter
func hlrun(L *lua.LState) int {
var exitcode uint8 = 0
cmd := L.CheckString(1)
err := execCommand(cmd)
if code, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok {
exitcode = code
} else if err != nil {
exitcode = 1
return 1
// flag(f)
// Checks if the `f` flag has been passed to Hilbish.
func hlflag(L *lua.LState) int {
flagchar := L.CheckString(1)
return 1
// cwd()
// Returns the current directory of the shell
func hlcwd(L *lua.LState) int {
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
return 1
func getenv(key, fallback string) string {
value := os.Getenv(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return fallback
return value