
829 lines
22 KiB

// the core Hilbish API
// The Hilbish module includes the core API, containing
// interfaces and functions which directly relate to shell functionality.
// #field ver The version of Hilbish
// #field goVersion The version of Go that Hilbish was compiled with
// #field user Username of the user
// #field host Hostname of the machine
// #field dataDir Directory for Hilbish data files, including the docs and default modules
// #field interactive Is Hilbish in an interactive shell?
// #field login Is Hilbish the login shell?
// #field vimMode Current Vim input mode of Hilbish (will be nil if not in Vim input mode)
// #field exitCode Exit code of the last executed command
package main
import (
rt "github.com/arnodel/golua/runtime"
var hshMod *moonlight.Table
func hilbishLoader(mlr *moonlight.Runtime) moonlight.Value {
println("hilbish loader called")
var exports = map[string]moonlight.Export{
"alias": {hlalias, 2, false},
"appendPath": {hlappendPath, 1, false},
"complete": {hlcomplete, 2, false},
"cwd": {hlcwd, 0, false},
"exec": {hlexec, 1, false},
"runnerMode": {hlrunnerMode, 1, false},
"goro": {hlgoro, 1, true},
"highlighter": {hlhighlighter, 1, false},
"hinter": {hlhinter, 1, false},
"multiprompt": {hlmultiprompt, 1, false},
"prependPath": {hlprependPath, 1, false},
"prompt": {hlprompt, 1, true},
"inputMode": {hlinputMode, 1, false},
"interval": {hlinterval, 2, false},
"read": {hlread, 1, false},
"run": {hlrun, 1, true},
"timeout": {hltimeout, 2, false},
"which": {hlwhich, 1, false},
hshMod = moonlight.NewTable()
mlr.SetExports(hshMod, exports)
host, _ := os.Hostname()
username := curuser.Username
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
username = strings.Split(username, "\\")[1] // for some reason Username includes the hostname on windows
hshMod.SetField("ver", moonlight.StringValue(getVersion()))
hshMod.SetField("goVersion", moonlight.StringValue(runtime.Version()))
hshMod.SetField("user", moonlight.StringValue(username))
hshMod.SetField("host", moonlight.StringValue(host))
hshMod.SetField("home", moonlight.StringValue(curuser.HomeDir))
hshMod.SetField("dataDir", moonlight.StringValue(dataDir))
hshMod.SetField("interactive", moonlight.BoolValue(interactive))
hshMod.SetField("login", moonlight.BoolValue(login))
hshMod.SetField("exitCode", moonlight.IntValue(0))
//util.SetField(rtm, mod, "vimMode", rt.NilValue)
// hilbish.userDir table
hshuser := userDirLoader()
hshMod.SetField("userDir", moonlight.TableValue(hshuser))
// hilbish.os table
//hshos := hshosLoader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("os"), rt.TableValue(hshos))
// hilbish.aliases table
aliases = newAliases()
//aliasesModule := aliases.Loader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("aliases"), rt.TableValue(aliasesModule))
// hilbish.history table
//historyModule := lr.Loader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("history"), rt.TableValue(historyModule))
// hilbish.completion table
//hshcomp := completionLoader(rtm)
// TODO: REMOVE "completion" AND ONLY USE "completions" WITH AN S
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("completion"), rt.TableValue(hshcomp))
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("completions"), rt.TableValue(hshcomp))
// hilbish.runner table
//runnerModule := runnerModeLoader(mlr)
//hshMod.SetField("runner", moonlight.TableValue(runnerModule))
// hilbish.jobs table
jobs = newJobHandler()
//jobModule := jobs.loader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("jobs"), rt.TableValue(jobModule))
// hilbish.timers table
timers = newTimersModule()
//timersModule := timers.loader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("timers"), rt.TableValue(timersModule))
//editorModule := editorLoader(rtm)
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("editor"), rt.TableValue(editorModule))
//versionModule := rt.NewTable()
//util.SetField(rtm, versionModule, "branch", rt.StringValue(gitBranch))
//util.SetField(rtm, versionModule, "full", rt.StringValue(getVersion()))
//util.SetField(rtm, versionModule, "commit", rt.StringValue(gitCommit))
//util.SetField(rtm, versionModule, "release", rt.StringValue(releaseName))
//mod.Set(rt.StringValue("version"), rt.TableValue(versionModule))
// very meta
//moduleModule := moduleLoader(mlr)
//hshMod.SetField("module", moonlight.TableValue(moduleModule))
return moonlight.TableValue(hshMod)
func getenv(key, fallback string) string {
value := os.Getenv(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return fallback
return value
func setVimMode(mode string) {
hshMod.SetField("vimMode", moonlight.StringValue(mode))
hooks.Emit("hilbish.vimMode", mode)
func unsetVimMode() {
hshMod.SetField("vimMode", moonlight.NilValue)
func handleStream(v rt.Value, strms *streams, errStream bool) error {
ud, ok := v.TryUserData()
if !ok {
return errors.New("expected metatable argument")
val := ud.Value()
var varstrm io.Writer
if f, ok := val.(*iolib.File); ok {
varstrm = f.Handle()
if f, ok := val.(*sink); ok {
varstrm = f.writer
if varstrm == nil {
return errors.New("expected either a sink or file")
if errStream {
strms.stderr = varstrm
} else {
strms.stdout = varstrm
return nil
// run(cmd, streams) -> exitCode (number), stdout (string), stderr (string)
// Runs `cmd` in Hilbish's shell script interpreter.
// The `streams` parameter specifies the output and input streams the command should use.
// For example, to write command output to a sink.
// As a table, the caller can directly specify the standard output, error, and input
// streams of the command with the table keys `out`, `err`, and `input` respectively.
// As a boolean, it specifies whether the command should use standard output or return its output streams.
// #param cmd string
// #param streams table|boolean
// #returns number, string, string
// #example
// This code is the same as `ls -l | wc -l`
local fs = require 'fs'
local pr, pw = fs.pipe()
hilbish.run('ls -l', {
stdout = pw,
stderr = pw,
hilbish.run('wc -l', {
stdin = pr
// #example
func hlrun(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
strms := &streams{}
var terminalOut bool
if len(c.Etc()) != 0 {
tout := c.Etc()[0]
var ok bool
terminalOut, ok = tout.TryBool()
if !ok {
luastreams, ok := tout.TryTable()
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("bad argument to run (expected boolean or table, got " + tout.TypeName() + ")")
handleStream(luastreams.Get(rt.StringValue("out")), strms, false)
handleStream(luastreams.Get(rt.StringValue("err")), strms, true)
stdinstrm := luastreams.Get(rt.StringValue("input"))
if !stdinstrm.IsNil() {
ud, ok := stdinstrm.TryUserData()
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("bad type as run stdin stream (expected userdata as either sink or file, got " + stdinstrm.TypeName() + ")")
val := ud.Value()
var varstrm io.Reader
if f, ok := val.(*iolib.File); ok {
varstrm = f.Handle()
if f, ok := val.(*sink); ok {
varstrm = f.reader
if varstrm == nil {
return nil, errors.New("bad type as run stdin stream (expected userdata as either sink or file)")
strms.stdin = varstrm
} else {
if !terminalOut {
strms = &streams{
stdout: new(bytes.Buffer),
stderr: new(bytes.Buffer),
var exitcode uint8
stdout, stderr, err := execCommand(cmd, strms)
if code, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok {
exitcode = code
} else if err != nil {
exitcode = 1
var stdoutStr, stderrStr string
if stdoutBuf, ok := stdout.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
stdoutStr = stdoutBuf.String()
if stderrBuf, ok := stderr.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
stderrStr = stderrBuf.String()
return c.PushingNext(t.Runtime, rt.IntValue(int64(exitcode)), rt.StringValue(stdoutStr), rt.StringValue(stderrStr)), nil
// cwd() -> string
// Returns the current directory of the shell.
// #returns string
func hlcwd(mlr *moonlight.Runtime, c *moonlight.GoCont) (moonlight.Cont, error) {
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
return mlr.PushNext1(c, moonlight.StringValue(cwd)), nil
// read(prompt) -> input (string)
// Read input from the user, using Hilbish's line editor/input reader.
// This is a separate instance from the one Hilbish actually uses.
// Returns `input`, will be nil if Ctrl-D is pressed, or an error occurs.
// #param prompt? string Text to print before input, can be empty.
// #returns string|nil
func hlread(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
luaprompt := c.Arg(0)
if typ := luaprompt.Type(); typ != rt.StringType && typ != rt.NilType {
return nil, errors.New("expected #1 to be a string")
prompt, ok := luaprompt.TryString()
if !ok {
// if we are here and `luaprompt` is not a string, it's nil
// substitute with an empty string
prompt = ""
lualr := &lineReader{
rl: readline.NewInstance(),
input, err := lualr.Read()
if err != nil {
return c.Next(), nil
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(input)), nil
prompt(str, typ)
Changes the shell prompt to the provided string.
There are a few verbs that can be used in the prompt text.
These will be formatted and replaced with the appropriate values.
`%d` - Current working directory
`%u` - Name of current user
`%h` - Hostname of device
#param str string
#param typ? string Type of prompt, being left or right. Left by default.
-- the default hilbish prompt without color
hilbish.prompt '%u %d ∆'
-- or something of old:
hilbish.prompt '%u@%h :%d $'
-- prompt: user@hostname: ~/directory $
func hlprompt(mlr *moonlight.Runtime, c *moonlight.GoCont) (moonlight.Cont, error) {
err := mlr.Check1Arg(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := mlr.StringArg(c, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typ := "left"
// optional 2nd arg
if len(c.Etc()) != 0 {
ltyp := c.Etc()[0]
var ok bool
typ, ok = ltyp.TryString()
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("bad argument to run (expected string, got " + ltyp.TypeName() + ")")
switch typ {
case "left":
prompt = p
case "right": lr.SetRightPrompt(fmtPrompt(p))
default: return nil, errors.New("expected prompt type to be right or left, got " + typ)
return c.Next(), nil
// multiprompt(str)
// Changes the text prompt when Hilbish asks for more input.
// This will show up when text is incomplete, like a missing quote
// #param str string
imagine this is your text input:
user ~ ∆ echo "hey
but there's a missing quote! hilbish will now prompt you so the terminal
will look like:
user ~ ∆ echo "hey
--> ...!"
so then you get
user ~ ∆ echo "hey
--> ...!"
hey ...!
hilbish.multiprompt '-->'
func hlmultiprompt(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
prompt, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
multilinePrompt = prompt
return c.Next(), nil
// alias(cmd, orig)
// Sets an alias, with a name of `cmd` to another command.
// #param cmd string Name of the alias
// #param orig string Command that will be aliased
-- With this, "ga file" will turn into "git add file"
hilbish.alias('ga', 'git add')
-- Numbered substitutions are supported here!
hilbish.alias('dircount', 'ls %1 | wc -l')
-- "dircount ~" would count how many files are in ~ (home directory).
//func hlalias(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
func hlalias(mlr *moonlight.Runtime, c *moonlight.GoCont) (moonlight.Cont, error) {
if err := mlr.CheckNArgs(c, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd, err := mlr.StringArg(c, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
orig, err := mlr.StringArg(c, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aliases.Add(cmd, orig)
return c.Next(), nil
// appendPath(dir)
// Appends the provided dir to the command path (`$PATH`)
// #param dir string|table Directory (or directories) to append to path
hilbish.appendPath '~/go/bin'
-- Will add ~/go/bin to the command path.
-- Or do multiple:
hilbish.appendPath {
func hlappendPath(mlr *moonlight.Runtime, c *moonlight.GoCont) (moonlight.Cont, error) {
if err := mlr.Check1Arg(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
arg := mlr.Arg(c, 0)
// check if dir is a table or a string
if moonlight.Type(arg) == moonlight.TableType {
moonlight.ForEach(moonlight.ToTable(arg), func(_ moonlight.Value, v moonlight.Value) {
if moonlight.Type(v) == moonlight.StringType {
} else if moonlight.Type(arg) == moonlight.StringType {
} else {
return nil, errors.New("bad argument to appendPath (expected string or table, got " + arg.TypeName() + ")")
return c.Next(), nil
func appendPath(dir string) {
dir = strings.Replace(dir, "~", curuser.HomeDir, 1)
pathenv := os.Getenv("PATH")
// if dir isnt already in $PATH, add it
if !strings.Contains(pathenv, dir) {
os.Setenv("PATH", pathenv + string(os.PathListSeparator) + dir)
// exec(cmd)
// Replaces the currently running Hilbish instance with the supplied command.
// This can be used to do an in-place restart.
// #param cmd string
func hlexec(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmdArgs, _ := splitInput(cmd)
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
cmdPath, err := exec.LookPath(cmdArgs[0])
if err != nil {
// if we get here, cmdPath will be nothing
// therefore nothing will run
// syscall.Exec requires an absolute path to a binary
// path, args, string slice of environments
syscall.Exec(cmdPath, cmdArgs, os.Environ())
} else {
cmd := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
return c.Next(), nil
// goro(fn)
// Puts `fn` in a Goroutine.
// This can be used to run any function in another thread at the same time as other Lua code.
// **This is a limitation of the Lua runtime.**
// #param fn function
func hlgoro(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
fn, err := c.ClosureArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// call fn
go func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// do something here?
_, err := rt.Call1(l.MainThread(), rt.FunctionValue(fn), c.Etc()...)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error in goro function:\n\n", err)
return c.Next(), nil
// timeout(cb, time) -> @Timer
// Executed the `cb` function after a period of `time`.
// This creates a Timer that starts ticking immediately.
// #param cb function
// #param time number Time to run in milliseconds.
// #returns Timer
func hltimeout(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.CheckNArgs(2); err != nil {
return nil, err
cb, err := c.ClosureArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ms, err := c.IntArg(1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
interval := time.Duration(ms) * time.Millisecond
timer := timers.create(timerTimeout, interval, cb)
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.UserDataValue(timer.ud)), nil
// interval(cb, time) -> @Timer
// Runs the `cb` function every specified amount of `time`.
// This creates a timer that ticking immediately.
// #param cb function
// #param time number Time in milliseconds.
// #return Timer
func hlinterval(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.CheckNArgs(2); err != nil {
return nil, err
cb, err := c.ClosureArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ms, err := c.IntArg(1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
interval := time.Duration(ms) * time.Millisecond
timer := timers.create(timerInterval, interval, cb)
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.UserDataValue(timer.ud)), nil
// complete(scope, cb)
// Registers a completion handler for the specified scope.
// A `scope` is expected to be `command.<cmd>`,
// replacing <cmd> with the name of the command (for example `command.git`).
// The documentation for completions, under Features/Completions or `doc completions`
// provides more details.
// #param scope string
// #param cb function
-- This is a very simple example. Read the full doc for completions for details.
hilbish.complete('command.sudo', function(query, ctx, fields)
if #fields == 0 then
-- complete for commands
local comps, pfx = hilbish.completion.bins(query, ctx, fields)
local compGroup = {
items = comps, -- our list of items to complete
type = 'grid' -- what our completions will look like.
return {compGroup}, pfx
-- otherwise just be boring and return files
local comps, pfx = hilbish.completion.files(query, ctx, fields)
local compGroup = {
items = comps,
type = 'grid'
return {compGroup}, pfx
func hlcomplete(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
scope, cb, err := util.HandleStrCallback(t, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
luaCompletions[scope] = cb
return c.Next(), nil
// prependPath(dir)
// Prepends `dir` to $PATH.
// #param dir string
func hlprependPath(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
dir, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dir = strings.Replace(dir, "~", curuser.HomeDir, 1)
pathenv := os.Getenv("PATH")
// if dir isnt already in $PATH, add in
if !strings.Contains(pathenv, dir) {
os.Setenv("PATH", dir + string(os.PathListSeparator) + pathenv)
return c.Next(), nil
// which(name) -> string
// Checks if `name` is a valid command.
// Will return the path of the binary, or a basename if it's a commander.
// #param name string
// #returns string
func hlwhich(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
name, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// itll return either the original command or what was passed
// if name isnt empty its not an issue
alias := aliases.Resolve(name)
cmd := strings.Split(alias, " ")[0]
// check for commander
if cmds.Commands[cmd] != nil {
// they dont resolve to a path, so just send the cmd
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(cmd)), nil
path, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
if err != nil {
return c.Next(), nil
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(path)), nil
// inputMode(mode)
// Sets the input mode for Hilbish's line reader.
// `emacs` is the default. Setting it to `vim` changes behavior of input to be
// Vim-like with modes and Vim keybinds.
// #param mode string Can be set to either `emacs` or `vim`
func hlinputMode(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
mode, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch mode {
case "emacs":
lr.rl.InputMode = readline.Emacs
case "vim":
lr.rl.InputMode = readline.Vim
return nil, errors.New("inputMode: expected vim or emacs, received " + mode)
return c.Next(), nil
// runnerMode(mode)
// Sets the execution/runner mode for interactive Hilbish.
// This determines whether Hilbish wll try to run input as Lua
// and/or sh or only do one of either.
// Accepted values for mode are hybrid (the default), hybridRev (sh first then Lua),
// sh, and lua. It also accepts a function, to which if it is passed one
// will call it to execute user input instead.
// Read [about runner mode](../features/runner-mode) for more information.
// #param mode string|function
func hlrunnerMode(mlr *moonlight.Runtime, c *moonlight.GoCont) (moonlight.Cont, error) {
if err := mlr.Check1Arg(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
mode := mlr.Arg(c, 0)
switch moonlight.Type(mode) {
case moonlight.StringType:
switch mode.AsString() {
case "hybrid", "hybridRev", "lua", "sh": runnerMode = mode
default: return nil, errors.New("execMode: expected either a function or hybrid, hybridRev, lua, sh. Received " + mode.AsString())
case moonlight.FunctionType: runnerMode = mode
default: return nil, errors.New("execMode: expected either a function or hybrid, hybridRev, lua, sh. Received " + mode.TypeName())
return c.Next(), nil
// hinter(line, pos)
// The command line hint handler. It gets called on every key insert to
// determine what text to use as an inline hint. It is passed the current
// line and cursor position. It is expected to return a string which is used
// as the text for the hint. This is by default a shim. To set hints,
// override this function with your custom handler.
// #param line string
// #param pos number Position of cursor in line. Usually equals string.len(line)
-- this will display "hi" after the cursor in a dimmed color.
function hilbish.hinter(line, pos)
return 'hi'
func hlhinter(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
return c.Next(), nil
// highlighter(line)
// Line highlighter handler.
// This is mainly for syntax highlighting, but in reality could set the input
// of the prompt to *display* anything. The callback is passed the current line
// and is expected to return a line that will be used as the input display.
// Note that to set a highlighter, one has to override this function.
// #example
// --This code will highlight all double quoted strings in green.
// function hilbish.highlighter(line)
// return line:gsub('"%w+"', function(c) return lunacolors.green(c) end)
// end
// #example
// #param line string
func hlhighlighter(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
line, err := c.StringArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(line)), nil