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# rodo
A simple todo list tool for people who live on the command-line
By Jesse Laprade
## Todo
- [ ] Don't allow users to remove negative numbers
- [ ] Change nested maps into a `compose`
- [ ] Only allow quoted items to be added
- [ ] Add color option to config file
- [ ] Encrypt todo list file
# Screenshot
# Table of Contents
* [Platforms](
* [Requirements](
* [Downloading](
* [Setup](
* [GNU/Linux](
* [Windows Subsystem for Linux](
* [Usage](
* [Usage examples](
* [Configuration](
# Platforms
* GNU/Linux
* Windows Subsystem for Linux
# Requirements
* [Racket 6.x](
* [Git]( (Optional method for downloading)
# Downloading
* Via GitHub on a web browser
1. Click the *Clone or download* button at the top of
this page
2. Click *Download ZIP* from the drop-down list
* Via Git
* Run `git clone` on the command line
# Setup
Follow the steps below to set up rodo on the available
## GNU/Linux
Follow the steps below to set up rodo on GNU/Linux
### Set up a $PATH
1. Create a directory for your `$PATH` by running `mkdir ~/bin/`
2. Add your newly-created `~/bin/` to your `$PATH` by running `echo "export PATH=~/bin:\$PATH" >> .bashrc`
### Adding rodo to your $PATH
1. Create a file in your `~/bin/` directory with the following contents in it:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"
For example, if you downloaded the project to your
`~/downloads/` folder you would change the line `racket
~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"` to `racket
~/downloads/rodo/rodo.rkt "$@"`.
If you prefer to use an executable, rather than a wrapper,
you can create an executable binary file with `raco exe
2. Save the file
3. Make the file executable by running `chmod u+x ~/bin/name-of-your-file`
## Windows Subsystem for Linux
Follow the steps below to set up rodo on GNU/Linux
### Set up a $PATH
1. Create a directory for your `$PATH` by running `mkdir ~/bin/`
2. Add your newly-created `~/bin/` to your `$PATH` by running `echo "export PATH=~/bin:\$PATH" >> .bashrc`
### Adding rodo to your $PATH
1. Create a file in your `~/bin/` directory with the following contents in it:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"
For example, if you downloaded the project to your
`~/downloads/` folder you would change the line `racket
~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"` to `racket
~/downloads/rodo/rodo.rkt "$@"`.
If you prefer to use an executable, rather than a wrapper,
you can create an executable binary file with `raco exe
2. Save the file
3. Make the file executable by running `chmod u+x ~/bin/name-of-your-file`
# Usage
Type `rodo` plus one of the options below with a space
between `rodo` and the option.
`init` - Initializes a file in `~/.rodo/todo-list` by default
`ls` - Lists items from the list
`add` - Adds an entry to the list
`rm` - Removes an item from the list
**Note:** You may have to run `rodo ls` to see which number corresponds to which item when removing items.
## Usage examples
The examples below assume that you have rodo [set up]( in your `$PATH`
`rodo init`
`rodo ls`
`rodo add bread` (Single-word entry)
`rodo add "go to the bank"` (Multi-word entry)
`rodo rm 1`
# Configuring rodo
Right now, the configurations can be found in the `config.rkt file`. Settings, such as program name, path, and directory can be changed.