
165 lines
5.4 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require (prefix-in list: racket/list)
(prefix-in file: racket/file)
(prefix-in string: racket/string)
(prefix-in config: "config.rkt")
(prefix-in messages: "messages.rkt"))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (check-for-file)
(file-exists? config:path))
(define (create-file)
(let ([opened-file
(open-output-file config:path
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'can-update)])
(close-output-port opened-file)))
(define (check-for-folder)
(directory-exists? (expand-user-path
(define (create-folder)
(make-directory (expand-user-path
(define (display-hash-ref hash-list key)
(display (hash-ref hash-list key)))
;; Just so I don't have to keep typing
;; "#:mode...#:line-mode..." every time
(define (file->string-list config:path-to-file)
(let ([todo-list (file:file->lines config:path-to-file
#:mode 'text
#:line-mode 'any)])
(define (list-empty? lst)
(list:empty? (file->string-list lst)))
;; Find out which item is being removed by scooping up
;; the number the user entered in the command line
;; argument
(define (get-removed-item lst args)
;; Subtract one from what the user chose, because they are
;; are actually viewing the list numbers as human numbers
;; so (actual-number +1)
(list-ref (file->string-list lst) (sub1 (string->number args))))
(define (surround-in-quotes args)
(display (string-append "\"" args "\"")))
(define (prefix-with-period lst)
(string-append lst ". "))
(define (prefix-with-number lst)
;; Connect the list of numbers to the list of items
(map string-append
(map prefix-with-period
;; 3. Convert the numbers made below into strings
;; so we can append them to other strings
(map number->string
;; 2. The add1 here makes the numbers more human by
;; starting at 1 instead of 0
(map add1
;; 1. Create a list of numbers from the total
;; number of items in a list
(list:range (length lst)))))
;; This is just the original list that everything will
;; be appended to
(define (display-prettified-list)
(prefix-with-number (file->string-list config:path))
#:after-last "\n")))
;; This is a bit of ugly scheme sorcery
(define (append-to-end args lst)
(reverse (cons args (reverse (file->string-list lst)))))
(define (display-item-added args)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-added-prefix)
(surround-in-quotes args)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-added-suffix))
(define (display-item-removed args)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-removed-prefix)
(surround-in-quotes args)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'item-removed-suffix))
(define (show-list)
(cond [(and
;; If file exists, see if it's empty, if so
;; tell the user
(list-empty? config:path)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'empty-todo-list)
;; If file isn't empty, display a pretty list
;; If file doesn't exist, tell the user
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init)]))
(define (add-item-to-file args)
;; Add item to end of list and write to file
(let ([new-list (append-to-end args config:path)])
(string:string-join new-list "\n")
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'replace)
(display-item-added args)))
(define (add-item args)
(if (and
(add-item-to-file (vector-ref args 1))
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init))))
(define (remove-item-from-file args)
(let ([removed-item (get-removed-item config:path args)]
;; Todo:
;; Some how add removed-item here, instead of
;; repeating (get-removed-item config:path args).
;; This is still a mystery to me
[new-list (remove
(get-removed-item config:path args)
(file->string-list config:path))])
(string:string-join new-list "\n")
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'replace)
(display-item-removed removed-item)))
(define (remove-item args)
(cond [(list-empty? config:path)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'empty-todo-list)]
(remove-item-from-file (vector-ref args 1))]
[(and (not (check-for-folder)) (not (check-for-file)))
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'file-not-found)
(display-hash-ref messages:messages 'try-init))]))