
84 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File

# rodo
**rodo** is a command-line todo list written in Racket
## Getting started
The following instructions will get you a copy of the
project for use on your local machine
### Requirements
* GNU/Linux
* Racket 6.x
### Setting up rodo
1. Download from your terminal by running:
`git clone`
2. Create a $PATH if you haven't done so already:
`echo "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" >> .bashrc`
3. Create a file called `rodo` in your $PATH and add the
following contents to it:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"
For example, if you `git clone`d the project to your
`~/downloads/` folder you would change the line:
`racket ~/path/to/rodo.rkt "$@"`
`racket ~/downloads/rodo/rodo.rkt "$@"`
4. Make the `rodo` file executable:
`chmod u+x rodo`
## Usage
The below examples assume that you have rodo set up in your
$PATH folder. If you don't, you would simply go to the
directory of the `rodo.rkt` file and use `./rodo <command>`
### `init`
Initializes a file in `~/.rodo/todo-list` by default
**Example:** `rodo init`
### `ls`
Lists items from the list
**Example:** `rodo rm 1`
### `add`
Adds an item to the list
**Example:** `rodo add bread`
**Note:** For multi-word items you will need to surround your item in double quotes like this:
`$ rodo add "go to the bank"`
### `rm`
Removes an item from the list
**Example:** `rodo rm 1`
**Note:** You may have to run `rodo ls` to see which number corresponds to which item to remove it.
## Configuring rodo
Right now, the configurations can be found in the `config.rkt` file. Settings such at program name, path, and directory can be set here.