
2.0 KiB

tildemush handbook

This handbook will serve as a reference for tilde.town's tildemush virtual community. It is intended for new and experienced users. This handbook will provide an introduction to tildemush, understanding the interface, using tildemush, and the WITCH scripting language.

Table of Contents

Quick start

This section is for people who are comfortable with what they know about tildemush, but need a few commands to get them started.

  1. ssh into tilde.town

  2. Run tmclient

  3. Use the up-arrow, down-arrow, and enter-key to login or register

What is tildemush?



Getting started

Conventions used in this handbook

  • Note ++ - Notes signify additional information
  • Tip -> - Tips signify an alternate procedure for completing a step
  • Caution !! - Cautions signify that damage may occur
  • Example - Examples provide a visual reference of how a procedure would be performed
  • Inline code - Inline code signifies package names, filenames, commands, and keyboard keys
  • Code block - Code blocks signify file contents, or an interface element




Starting tildemush

Understanding the interface

Using tildemush

Scripting with WITCH

More information