
3.1 KiB


TOWN CON is a celebration of's 10 year anniversary featuring 24 hours of talks, art, and music by townies.

TOWN CON begins at 0:00 UTC on October 11, 2024 and ends 23:59 UTC on October 12, 2024.

There is an additional day of TOWN CON on October 12th for townies attending TOWN CON MEAT EDITION in Chicago, Illinois, USA.


TOWN CON's primary locus of reality will be here on the server in a text-mode environment. This environment will be supplemented with audio/video feeds as needed.

Works submitted by townies will all be slotted into a viewing schedule to run throughout the 24 hours of the event. The text-mode environment will either show the submitted work or have a pointer off to where it can be consumed in a browser.

The text mode environment will either be a HERMETICUM instance (if I finish the project in time) or just IRC.


Throughout the event townies are encouraged to cluster and collaborate on various creative JAMS. Re-run this tool and select Propose a creative jam if you want to suggest one. Suggested jams:

  • 88x31 badge jam
  • forum software jam
  • game jam
  • dos jam


TOWN CON MEAT EDITION takes place October 11th and 12th in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

On the 11th we'll be plugged into the digital event together and on the 12th we'll do something in meatspace.

live music jam

Meat edition guests are encouraged to bring small sound or music emitting devices. We'll set them up with recording system and do some jamming. Some synthesizers and a sampler will be provided.


The venue is a converted warehouse loft located at:

Loft 606
2605 W Armitage Ave, 
Chicago, IL 60647

The venue has enough sleeping space to lodge everyone who expressed interest in coming in person, however some people will need to volunteer to sleep on couches. I have the venue reserved for:

  • the evening of October 10th (feel free to arrive this day!)
  • all day October 11th
  • all day October 12th
  • the morning of October 13th (feel free to leave this day!)

The total cost to book this venue was $8,637. I've paid for it out of pocket and would love if townies could help chip in for the cost. As of right now (2024-08-31) I have received $0 of chip in and will update this as I get donations.

To learn more about the venue you can visit their website:


I'll arrange food throughout the event.

  • 10th
    • dinner: local restaurant food for dinner
  • 11th
    • breakfast: bulk order from Colectivo
    • lunch: sandwich fixins
    • dinner: vegan deep dish pizza from Kitchen 17
  • 12th
    • breakfast: bulk order from Colectivo
    • lunch: sandwich fixins
    • dinner: vegan mexican food from Quesadilla Del Reina Del Sur
  • 13th
    • breakfast: bulk order from Colectivo

There are also plenty of restaurants around the venue if people want to get their own food.


I'd like to do a field trip on the 12th...Some potential ideas:

  • go to the nearby thrift store
  • go out to minigolf
  • go to a museum
  • go into the woods
  • just hang out and play synths (field trip of the mind)

!!! TBD !!!