3f83bde533Very cursed but entertaining bug as I try to get links scaling well
Mike Lynch
2024-04-26 16:57:21 +10:00
6f4d4cc633Link foreshortening works, but updating the geometry of every edge is making large objects like the 120-cell noticeably stuttery
Mike Lynch
2024-04-26 11:42:37 +10:00
fb9c78d82fFixed some scale problems
Mike Lynch
2024-04-26 08:59:26 +10:00
e478abe7c6Scaled the ends of the links so that they have w-perspective
Mike Lynch
2024-04-26 07:34:27 +10:00
f79a90e0d9Added the rest of the regular 3-d polyhedra
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 12:38:40 +10:00
78ebb381eePlayed around with the hyperplane and zoom so that it all looks better with unit radius normalisation
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 11:25:01 +10:00
f99901f1b0Normalised dodecahedron to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 11:07:21 +10:00
39fe6e5e40Normalised 120-cell to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 11:05:23 +10:00
836e0d5ab6Normalised 600-cell and snub 24-cell to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 11:03:11 +10:00
0be8c47608Normalised 24-cell to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 11:00:14 +10:00
5e31403420Normalised tesseract to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 10:58:41 +10:00
aba20124dbNormalised 5-cell and 16-cell to unit radius
Mike Lynch
2024-04-25 10:57:03 +10:00
973d1d944bMerge pull request '600-cell-layers' (#12) from 600-cell-layers into mainbombinans2023-11-04 05:35:59 +00:00
777b36d048Finished layered view of 600-cell, refactored cellindex and moved all of the reference data there.
Mike Lynch
2023-11-04 16:30:46 +11:00
6c360fcafdStart of code to build tetrahedra from 600-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-03 12:57:40 +11:00
7f35056ab8Made default thickness and nodesize a bit bigger
Mike Lynch
2023-11-03 10:38:35 +11:00
1b9f4478a8Merge pull request 'feature-more-ui-tweaks' (#11) from feature-more-ui-tweaks into mainbombinans2023-11-02 22:59:07 +00:00
bef56b211bUpdated lil-gui to 0.19.0 so options control doesn't jump to the end when you select a different shape
Mike Lynch
2023-11-03 09:56:19 +11:00
e805c64de6Added zoom control
Mike Lynch
2023-11-03 09:55:44 +11:00
029b14f53aMerge pull request 'Automatically shifts the camera distance to match the hyperplane.' (#10) from feature-improve-hyperplane into mainbombinans2023-11-02 07:41:43 +00:00
d9e7ae716bAutomatically shifts the camera distance to match the hyperplane. Put back 120-cell as the default.
Mike Lynch
2023-11-02 18:40:37 +11:00
25a2c5ebe6Added a manual chunks setting to stop Vite complaining on build
Mike Lynch
2023-11-02 16:52:40 +11:00
5494660d76Merge pull request 'bugfix-layered-links' (#9) from bugfix-layered-links into mainbombinans2023-11-02 05:37:33 +00:00
46dfb808f4Added better layer names
Mike Lynch
2023-11-02 16:36:18 +11:00
e7cb1856e0Added a flag to turn off link2opacity for layered 120-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-02 16:26:48 +11:00
c281c4569aMerge pull request 'feature-120-cell-layers' (#7) from feature-120-cell-layers into mainbombinans2023-11-02 03:15:51 +00:00
6f1c5a58e6Finished layer-by-layer visualisation of 120-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-02 14:10:13 +11:00
7323935a1fAdded layered 120-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 12:52:59 +11:00
6d9610a1c6options menu gets sensible default when shape changes
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:57:46 +11:00
c481d24f3cRefactored dodecahedron
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:52:48 +11:00
029e6f3161Added 600-cell and 120-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:49:42 +11:00
4bf38858eaAdded 24-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:43:54 +11:00
50214adbe3Reinstated 5-cell and 16-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:40:23 +11:00
71c6aa62acRemoved old inscribed tesseract
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:15:18 +11:00
76f463ae03Added refactored tesseract
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 11:14:57 +11:00
42d1871a9eImproved option defaults and URL params
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 10:47:46 +11:00
203850ba39First draft of refactored optional / visible nodes and links
Mike Lynch
2023-11-01 10:22:26 +11:00
06c1b074b3Started generalising / unifying inscribed links and layers as different ways of picking out parts of a structure
Mike Lynch
2023-10-27 17:32:44 +11:00
2f59c0b3a5Added a callback to set link and node visibility based on label at the render stage
Mike Lynch
2023-10-27 12:45:46 +11:00
944416f92bVisualisations of combinations of layers
Mike Lynch
2023-10-27 10:42:35 +11:00
8c256629b1Added a new partition of the 120-cell into layers
Mike Lynch
2023-10-27 10:18:54 +11:00
fb1d6ddd45Removed logging
Mike Lynch
2023-10-18 11:22:24 +11:00
1f6c35c7b8Refactored label120cell.js so that it works a bit better on the repl
Mike Lynch
2023-10-18 11:22:13 +11:00
88049ca891renamed testbed.js to label120cell.js
Mike Lynch
2023-10-18 10:21:28 +11:00
bf8356b0a2Merge pull request 'feature-update-link' (#3) from feature-update-link into mainbombinans2023-09-30 02:53:16 +00:00
e539f4f3afChanged source link to go to Gitea
Mike Lynch
2023-09-30 12:48:34 +10:00
c8ce499b22Added dodecahedron with compound of five cubes, refactored the inscribed polytopes into one function
Mike Lynch
2023-09-16 17:05:07 +10:00
6e8cfa8763Added tetrahedra inscriptions for dodecahedron, rearranged UI
Mike Lynch
2023-09-15 18:33:33 +10:00
fb8067a13eadded a dodecahedron
Mike Lynch
2023-09-14 16:42:20 +10:00
63b2f8f22eImproved colours so that the smaller polytopes still get high-contrast nodes and inscriptions
Mike Lynch
2023-09-10 18:26:15 +10:00
229218ec40Inscriptions of 16-cells in 24-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-09-09 17:50:43 +10:00
7c49116bbaAdded tesseract inscriptions
Mike Lynch
2023-09-09 17:47:49 +10:00
fc5acaeda8Added inscriptions for 600-cell, improved the gui, you can now see all five 600-cells in the 120-cell for full mindbending
Mike Lynch
2023-09-06 18:03:44 +10:00
73c1cb0193Added credits and link to github
Mike Lynch
2023-09-02 17:52:06 +10:00
6b0c5cf97eSimplified rotation ui
Mike Lynch
2023-09-02 17:41:00 +10:00
62ae3486d8Refactored the gui defaults and added a 120-cell with one inscribed 600-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-09-02 17:11:08 +10:00
41d8f7ed92Updated indexing for the smaller polytopes
Mike Lynch
2023-09-01 19:00:55 +10:00
f9d59a777dMerge branch 'feature-120-cell-index'
Mike Lynch
2023-09-01 18:07:59 +10:00
9f08a82c0cRearranging things a bit before publishing
Mike Lynch
2023-09-01 18:04:19 +10:00
26f927daaeBuilding it up layer by layer
Mike Lynch
2023-09-01 17:34:27 +10:00
c093c89ce6Indexing algorithm tested on the 50-cell skeleton of great circles without any deadlocks or label mismatches
Mike Lynch
2023-08-28 08:31:45 +10:00
43ed181d75might have a working version of coherent indexing, tests ok with a great circle
Mike Lynch
2023-08-27 18:14:51 +10:00
f3bd62d2c2Merge branch 'feature-120-cell-index'
Mike Lynch
2023-08-26 16:03:08 +10:00
f4176b9cedsuccessfully traversed a great circle
Mike Lynch
2023-08-26 16:02:48 +10:00
3b806c3796Basic function to colour a single dodecahedron defined by an face and a neighbouring vertex
Mike Lynch
2023-08-26 13:54:44 +10:00
8a926f0552Successfully auto-coloured a single dodecahedron
Mike Lynch
2023-08-25 18:08:22 +10:00
2808b256a2Manual compound-of-tetrahedra colouring
Mike Lynch
2023-08-21 17:25:51 +10:00
6c6402bad9Merge branch 'feature-120-cell-index'
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 11:29:19 +10:00
02cfdc5f80Stored the test 120-cell colours as a static array for performance
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 11:28:13 +10:00
6436efece2Moved the 120-cell dodecahedron detection code to its own file, and tested it colouring every dodecahedron when it builds the 120-cell: looks good
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 11:18:29 +10:00
585627f140Brute-force dodecahedron detector
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 10:50:28 +10:00
32644b5d1eCan get the two dodecahedra which a face belongs to
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 10:29:50 +10:00
228d1a91c4Dodecahedron detector is working on a single test case
Mike Lynch
2023-08-20 09:46:30 +10:00
5a09caef93Getting towards an auto-dodecahedon detector for the 120-cell
Mike Lynch
2023-08-19 18:00:19 +10:00
aa5501e14aMoved the unsuccessful indexing code out of testbed and renamed it
Mike Lynch
2023-08-19 16:23:29 +10:00
34c9755bd1Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature-120-cell-index' into feature-120-cell-index
Mike Lynch
2023-08-17 08:33:08 +10:00
e1047a46e8Manual labelling
Mike Lynch
2023-08-17 08:32:41 +10:00
147b9af466Manual indexing ideas
Mike Lynch
2023-08-16 09:40:11 +10:00
2f609594e5Faces and stuff
Mike Lynch
2023-08-13 17:51:25 +10:00
7cc7331db1Merge branch 'feature-faces' into temp-merge-faces
Mike Lynch
2023-08-12 07:33:38 +10:00
7ac70fd261Added return from interate callback
Mike Lynch
2023-08-12 07:30:36 +10:00
85a171da22Fixed syntax error but the naive version of the tetrahedral algorithm doesn't work
Mike Lynch
2023-08-11 21:08:39 +10:00
a412b5d8aaBroken, don't understand why yet
Mike Lynch
2023-08-11 18:07:12 +10:00
Mike Lynch
2023-08-11 07:33:45 +10:00
971a791339Added indexing for tesseract
Mike Lynch
2023-08-06 18:54:32 +10:00
c3766b749bHour of nutty hacking and it's labelling 105 nodes
Mike Lynch
2023-08-06 13:41:01 +10:00