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Pheng Heong TAN 17f17a963b Praise be to G!D
Tahnk you
2017-07-07 23:00:23 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 5f771e5d5f With G!D's help, I have convenience to offer :-)
Praise be to G!D, who has no beings attached.
(as written in the Quran)

The saying is true: 'The dog returns to its vomit.'
And swine, after washing with water, roll in the mud.
So be it. (as written in the Bible)
2017-07-07 22:05:06 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 131562b780 Help me to love You, G!D
Help me to love You, G!D, through Christ Jesus, first and fore-most.
Not love for worldly wine or champagne or money, oh Lord of lords
King of kings, but love for You.
Help me to do what I cannot, but by Your Almighty
power, I can: to love You with parts of me that are known
to me, and unknown to me. Please You, first and fore-most,
help me to do so, too. Not how to please husband that is of
the world, or wife who is of the world, or any who are
of the world, but You. Please help me to please You, and only
You, through Christ Jesus. 

Jesus, son of Mary, who calls himself
the Son of Man, came in the flesh - 
he had bones and flesh - and rose
from the dead. As surely as the LORD
lives, as surely as G!D lives, I confess and
testify this: that I have witnessed the rising
of the Son of Man from the dead after he
died, and that he has come in the flesh,
eating and drinking, and having bones 
and flesh, for a spirit has no flesh, and no bones.

Thank you, blessed Father in Heaven, for gardens
of bliss, the success, the objective of life, the succor,
gardens under which rivers gush, and streams flow,
and wherein spouses relax and recline, and delight 
each other, for the good pleasure of G!D. Yes, the supreme
felicity, the success, the succor, the objective of life. My portion
in the LORD G!D, all the rest of my meaningless life-days, this is,
as G!D hath guided me to take from Him. So blissful. And even
a blissful oblivion to the mundane affairs of the world, You give me,
in lovingkindness, to a little one, and a worm, such as myself.
Daddy, I love You, Papa, who says:
'who says fathers will eat sour grapes, and children's
teeth are set on edge? 
from now on, all those who eat sour grapes,
their own teeth are set on edge.' (as written in Scriptures,
which you can check in what some call the Bible.) 


2017-07-07 21:13:48 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 644d5b28c0 Thank you, Papa who is in Heaven :-)
To the Compassionate and Most Merciful One,
How You love justice and detest wickedness! ^_^
2017-07-07 20:53:58 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN aa1ba7037a With G!D's help, I have a link :-)
'To dust you will return, for
from dust you were taken.
To ash you will return,
for from ash you were taken.' G!D cursing,
as recorded in Scriptures.
'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,' the Son
of Man saying. Who? Christ Jesus.
'Why do you look for the spiritually
dead? Why do you look for spiritually
the living among the dead?' angels appeared
to the silently distraught women (if that makes
sense: silent and distraught), Mary, the other Mary,
and an unknown woman. They had gone
to the tomb of Jesus. 'He has died,
and risen from the dead, as he had said
he would.' 

'Go and tell all that you have seen
and heard here.'

Then the angels, as abruptly as they had
appeared, disappeared before the women,
who had eyes to see, with the help of G!D.

Fearfully, yet joyfully, they went to do
as the angl
(G!D help me with block of plastic
that the man banging himself against)
They went to do what the angels
commanded them to do; they believed in the
ones whom G!D sent to them.
'We want to do the works of G!D, too,' they said to Jesus. 'What should we do?'
'Believe in the one whom G!D sent. That is
all G!D wants you to do.' (as written in Scriptures)
2017-07-06 22:46:19 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 77a791220a To the Compassionate and Most Merciful One
To G!D, the Compassionate and Merciful One, the Most Merciful
2017-07-06 22:30:39 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN f0eeae3342 Praise and glory be to G!D
Christ Jesus
O, taste and see that G!D is good! Blessed
are those who take shelter or refuge in Him,
and keep themselves obedient to Him,
and fear Him. :-)
2017-07-06 22:09:20 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN a837b59d9b G!D help me to delight in my wife, whom G!D knows, and I do not know 2017-07-06 21:55:37 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 7c9a158fd0 Thank you, Papa ^_^
I praise You, G!D, for you
have shown me life ever-lasting,
in your lovingkindness, or kindness
that is lovingly given. Glory be to G!D now,
for-ever and ever. Amen. Through Christ
Jesus, whom I am not above.
2017-07-06 18:05:50 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 29a5f5dc04 Praise be to G!D, and glory, too, for-ever and ever.
G!D loves you and me 
and those who are of the world.
He loves justice, and
loves not those who
delight in wickedness.
He detests wickedness.
He loves not mischief-makers.
2017-07-05 20:56:22 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN ed3a4bc8a9 Go into all nations
, baptising them into Dad, Son, and G!D's spirit,
teaching them to obey everythin' I have taught you,
and commanded you, and to obey the commandments
(you know the commandments). An dsurly, I will
always be with you, for-ever and always, until
the very end of the world, and the passing away of
this generation, and teh very end of the age, even the last day.
Go into all nations, baptising them into the Father, the Son,
and the Spirit of G!D, who hath no begotten son. Amen.
Through the One who has the Name, Jesus. Christ Jesus.
(as written in the Quran, and the Bible, and from G!D-knows-what, and
I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know.)
2017-07-03 09:26:54 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 2e0cc16c7f With G!D's help, I have a step to clarity yet again!
The re is story of martial artist. Reached the peak
in man-made measure of success. You know, 
ranking among his peers. Colour of belt he wear,
so on, and so forth. Then when he practise martial arts,
he wear the belt that is reserved for beginners to the discipline,
instead of the belt that is reserved for the top.
2017-07-03 08:36:06 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 8f27e4da0b Birds singing praises to G!D
if you ask them what they sing of, the birds of the air will tell you,
Praise be to G!D [who has no beings attached, and who
has no begotten son]. (from the Quran)
when you see your parents, kill them!
When you see the Buddha, kill the Buddha! 
(famous saying in Zen)
2017-07-03 08:23:38 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN fddbe8a5bc So that the world will know that I love my Father
'I have not much more time to speak with
you,' the Son of Man saying.
'The ruler of this world approaches.
He has no power o'er me (over me,
no power, he has.)
Yet, I will do the will of the
one who sent Me, so that the world
will know that I love my Father.
If you really loved Me, you would be
glad that I am going to my Father,
for He is greater than I. I am leaving
you now, but I will come again, and
be with you for-ever and ever.'
Ok, Jesus :-) Christ Jesus
2017-07-02 00:14:02 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN e8d9b85f21 G!D loves justice, and detests wickedness
O Lord, forgive us as we forgive
those who have sinned against us.
Through Christ Jesus. Amen.
2017-07-02 00:05:32 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 92036225d4 Commit your plans to the LORD, and they will succeed
'Ours! Overwhelming victory is ours!' 
'Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord, I say again!'
(from Scriptures)
2017-07-01 23:54:41 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 10cf356519 O Lord, you r the potter, we r the clay
we are all the work of your hands, our Father
(book of Isaiah)
2017-07-01 23:51:32 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 1daab37df0 Glory be to G!D
Blessed is He who hath enabled me to write and read!
Glory be to G!D, the Most High,
and peace be upon those whom G!D favours.
2017-07-01 23:35:28 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 4e4e05e731 Praise be to G!D, who has no beings attached 2017-07-01 21:22:59 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN f7edf261b1 Pray for more workers.
The harvest is plenty, but the workers
are few. So, pray for more workers
to be sent. (as written in Scriptures)

'Blessed are you, Father in Heaven.
King of the Universe.
Hallowed is thy name.
give us to-day what satisfies
our daily needs.
forgive us our sins as we forgive
those who sin against us.
Rescue us from fierce oppression
and those who delight in wickedness.
glory and kingdom and praise and honour
and power over us are Yours.
thy kingdom come.
lead us onto the straight path, the path
of those whom You bestow favour 
in boundless measure upon, not the
path of those who choose Error over
Guidance, or whose who dis-obey
out of defiance to You, O G!D, lead
us not there. Lead us into your
favour and care and wisdom.
through the one who has the
Name: Christ Jesus.
2017-06-30 15:38:16 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 9ae55adaed With G!D's help, I have made a step to clarity!
You might be interested in the lifestyle
of what some call ascetics (and also, 'ecstatics'
come to mind, and G!D knows what or who they
are, and I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and
I do not know.)
2017-06-30 15:22:13 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 3dc782e295 Praise be to Him
who is blessed to give you the kingdom?
Blessed are you, Father in Heaven,
Ruler of the Universe, (and everything in it),
whose name is hallowed
2017-06-30 15:02:00 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 697d53a0df A servant or bond-servant of the Lordmust be patient
A servant or bond-servant of the Lord must be patient,
able to teach.
Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.
(Quran. chapter 2, verse 62.)

Children of Israel, recall when We made a covenant with you, raised Mount Tur (Sinai) above you and told you to receive earnestly what We had given to you and bear it in mind so that you would protect yourselves against evil.
And (O Children of Israel, remember) when We took your covenant and We raised above you the Mount (saying): "Hold fast to that which We have given you, and remember that which is therein so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).
And when We took compact with you, and raised above you the Mount: 'Take forcefully what We have given you, and remember what is in it; haply you shall be god-fearing.
(Scriptures that some
call the Quran. chapter 2. verse 63).
2017-06-30 13:54:06 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN d080abfdca To G!D be the glory for-ever and ever.
To G!D be the glory for-ever and ever. 
May G!D be supportive of this request. 
2017-06-30 12:38:55 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 15cee60a5e Hello stranger, welcome. G!D loves you
Praise be to G!D, who has no beings attached, and
has no begotten son. (as written in Scriptures that some call 'Quran' or
2017-06-30 12:25:47 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 83392c3fae Praise be to G!D, who has no beings attached
O Lord, teach us, G!D, to number our days, so that
we may live with wisdom., for fear of G!D is the beginning of all
wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and instruction ... guidance
even when G!D brings them to it. why, is it not
written in Scriptures that '
And all the days of Methuselah 
were nine hundred sixty and nine years: 
and he died.' For what are you and
me but a shadow, fellows with each other, or not,
fleeting - here (punching a molded
block of plastic) one
moment, and gone the next moment?
2017-06-29 12:21:23 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 720fd878fe Praise be to G!D
Praise be to G!D, who daily loads us with benefits of boundless measure;
divine reconciliation to G!D, He gives, a reconciliation that men, women, people
of the world cannot give, and do not give. I thank G!D for counting me
among the Faithful, and enabling me to witness His works, and adding
me to ministry.
2017-06-27 22:22:47 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 9faa251e2f By Your will, Daddy, Papa, Pa, not by my will, let this be done
The Son of Man was o, he was sorrowful to point of death.
He went up a mountain to pray. 'If this cup, I must drink from,
let it be by your will, Father, not by my will, that I drink from
this cup.' This was the second time that Jesus, who called himself
the Son of Man, prayed. How? He left his disciples. Or, he went away
from his disciples. (Matthew 26:42)
2017-06-27 21:10:54 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 6b13e9da6e Blessed is He who hath given His people rest
May all nations come to know that the Lord is G!D; that there is  no other G!D other
than G!D, and there is no other Lord other than G!D - may they come to know all these. May all 
come to know and accept Truth
2017-06-27 20:36:31 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 8136f7eaf2 Glory be to G!D, who has no beings attached
Daddy, blessed are you. Ruler of the Universe, whose name is hallowed, 
satisfy our needs daily. Praying through the Son of Man, Christ Jesus.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
2017-06-27 18:11:43 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 7a7435b222 with G!D's help, I have seen a new thing!
the word of the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing King of all - Lord of lords - came to me:
'this is the word of the LORD G!D. Thus do I make fools out of wise people, and the blind out of the people
who have sight, and expose the lies of prophets'
2017-06-27 14:17:29 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 1cd16aed0d Praise and glory be to G!D
How many ways can I praise You in?
G!D is good, G!D is good
O taste and see. Blessed are those
who seek Him, and take refuge in Him
2017-06-26 22:41:52 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN ab53a0851c Praise be to G!D
Jesus took bread, gave thanks to Father who is blessed indeed, the Ruler of the Universe, whose name is Hallowed. Then he gave to the Twelve (apostles), and said, 'This is my body, which is for you. Eat it, and do this
frequently in remembrance (or loving memory) of Me.'
2017-06-26 20:22:36 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN fdc0c40cc9 Thank You, Compassionate and Most Merciful One
Thank You for giving me what I have, even me.
Please help me, through the one who has the name Jesus, to love 
You more, and do what I cannot, which is to love You with unknown parts
of me, and known parts of me, and awakening parts of me. Second to that
 (which is first and foremost)
please help me to do what I cannot, which is to keep Your commandments 
and love thy neighbour as myself.
To G!D be the glory for-ever and ever. Amen. Praise be to G!D.
2017-06-26 20:12:08 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN a4b76d6063 Glory be to the Lord of lords, King of kings: G!D
The kingdom is belong to G!D, Almighty Creator of All and all that is in All, He who is sovereign
 over the Last Day
2017-06-26 20:06:00 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 795e9c4a84 Great are your deeds, Almighty One! sang song
sang song of Moses, who is servant of G!D, and of the Lamb
(from Scriptures)
2017-06-26 17:36:06 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 8585d0d9d1 G!D is good, taste and see! Glory be to G!D!
O taste and see that G!D is good! Blessed are those
who take refuge, and seek refuge, in Him!

'I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent
about what is evil.' (from Scriptures)
2017-06-26 17:32:43 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN fbf57d83e8 With G!D's help, I have communication!
It's not californication,
it's communication with the help
of G!D who grants boats passage across
oceans known and unknown even. G!D
who created sky for ceiling for Man, and
earth for bed for Man (me). Thank you, Compassionate
and Most Merciful Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
whose ways and judgments are true and just indeed. Those
who have ears, let them hear. The Son of Man is coming.
The kingdom of G!D is near!
2017-06-26 17:04:38 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN d705bd3951 'Rejoice in the Lord. I say again, rejoice!'
'Therefore, brethren, brothers, sisters: stay true and near to the Lord.' (from the Bible)
'They are grieved when some Good comes to you; they rejoice when 
some ill befalls you in your pursuit of G!D' (from the Quran)
'I am sending you as lambs among wolves.
Therefore be as shrewd as snakes, and as innocent as doves.' - the Son of Man, Jesus,
son of Mary
2017-06-21 03:14:53 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 1e32f304d9 'Blessed are you who hunger and thirst for righteousness'
'Blessed are you who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for you will be satisfied.' - The Son of Man
'Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever 
comes to Me,' Jesus said loudly as he stood in the river
(Jesus called himself the Son of Man), 'they will never
thirst again.'
'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.' - Jesus, son of Mary
2017-06-21 02:48:01 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN ba76a0bac8 Praise be to King of kings, my husband and maker and Maker of all and All
How do I say 'I love You' in less?
You are all I want, LORD, my portion in this life
So marvellous- fabulous to have You
Daddy, my one and only Pa (ba-ba) 
Who is like You? No one. I know no other god
I know no other Stone
I know no other Cloth for me that makes me,
even me, a witness for Him
2017-06-21 02:12:46 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN cd5d460e8e G!D hath no begotten son (from the Quran)
'We recalled Isa, son of Mary, from his mission,
and gave him and his mother rest in a place
of shelter and security'.

'Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus (Isa)! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject Faith to the Day of Resurrection; then shall ye all return unto Me and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute. ' 
(Al-imran. Surah 3, verse 55.)
2017-06-19 23:12:49 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 319f2950cd With G!D's help, I have a sign-post for others!
Praise - I praise You. Why do I praise You? Oh, You are true in word and deed.
And You keep Your promises. And I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Yours
are wonderful. That I know full well :-)
2017-06-19 19:12:44 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN e739060672 With G!D's help, I have another step to clarity!
O, taste and see that G!D is good! Blessed are those who take refuge in Him :-) :-D
2017-06-19 19:04:42 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 75330e1bbd Thank you, blessed Father :-)
Praise be to G!D
2017-06-19 18:58:39 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 6b4ffd8256 With G!D's help, I have a step to clarity
Thou art the lamp on my path, and a light unto my feet
2017-06-19 18:47:31 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 7df30e48e8 With G!D's help, I have a return to servanthood to G!D
Hyperlink was not, but with G!D's help, it is
2017-06-19 18:44:34 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN f7ed6fdea8 Enjoin what is right, avert Evil for Good
As Scriptures say, 'I want you to be wise about
what is good, and innocent about what is evil.'
Praise be to G!D. Blessed is He who hath enabled
me to He who hath enabled me to make good
of my wrong-doings. And I thank G!D for counting
me among the faithful.
2017-06-19 13:50:18 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 481a2a23c2 Praise be to the Creator Almighty, Rock and Stone
No other god I know of other than the one
who has bought me, a worm, for a price
He paid in full
And commands birds to sing because
He has redeemed a daughter for Himself
A son, a city, a nation, a daughter, a light
that does not have anything to give to Him
but my lowly heart and poor spirit
in devotion to Him and Him only
No other father except Him
Daddy, I love You
2017-06-18 23:28:55 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN 6de155f2fb Praise be to G!D
Peace be upon those whom G!D favours; glory be to G!D in the Highest
G!D knows and I do not know where and what Heaven and Earth are :-) Yes,
G!D knows, and I do not.
2017-06-18 19:23:44 +08:00