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package main
import (
rt "github.com/arnodel/golua/runtime"
var timers *timersModule
var timerMetaKey = rt.StringValue("hshtimer")
type timersModule struct {
mu *sync.RWMutex
wg *sync.WaitGroup
timers map[int]*timer
latestID int
running int
func newTimersModule() *timersModule {
return &timersModule{
timers: make(map[int]*timer),
latestID: 0,
mu: &sync.RWMutex{},
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
func (th *timersModule) wait() {
func (th *timersModule) create(typ timerType, dur time.Duration, fun *rt.Closure) *timer {
defer th.mu.Unlock()
t := &timer{
typ: typ,
fun: fun,
dur: dur,
channel: make(chan struct{}, 1),
th: th,
id: th.latestID,
t.ud = timerUserData(t)
th.timers[th.latestID] = t
return t
func (th *timersModule) get(id int) *timer {
defer th.mu.RUnlock()
return th.timers[id]
// #interface timers
2023-01-18 06:39:26 -04:00
// create(type, time, callback) -> @Timer
// Creates a timer that runs based on the specified `time`.
// #param type number What kind of timer to create, can either be `hilbish.timers.INTERVAL` or `hilbish.timers.TIMEOUT`
// #param time number The amount of time the function should run in milliseconds.
// #param callback function The function to run for the timer.
func (th *timersModule) luaCreate(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.CheckNArgs(3); err != nil {
return nil, err
timerTypInt, err := c.IntArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ms, err := c.IntArg(1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cb, err := c.ClosureArg(2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timerTyp := timerType(timerTypInt)
tmr := th.create(timerTyp, time.Duration(ms) * time.Millisecond, cb)
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.UserDataValue(tmr.ud)), nil
// #interface timers
2023-01-18 06:39:26 -04:00
// get(id) -> @Timer
// Retrieves a timer via its ID.
// #param id number
// #returns Timer
func (th *timersModule) luaGet(thr *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
id, err := c.IntArg(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := th.get(int(id))
if t != nil {
return c.PushingNext1(thr.Runtime, rt.UserDataValue(t.ud)), nil
return c.Next(), nil
// #interface timers
// #field INTERVAL Constant for an interval timer type
// #field TIMEOUT Constant for a timeout timer type
// timeout and interval API
If you ever want to run a piece of code on a timed interval, or want to wait
a few seconds, you don't have to rely on timing tricks, as Hilbish has a
timer API to set intervals and timeouts.
These are the simple functions `hilbish.interval` and `hilbish.timeout` (doc
accessible with `doc hilbish`, or `Module hilbish` on the Website).
An example of usage:
2023-01-18 06:39:26 -04:00
local t = hilbish.timers.create(hilbish.timers.TIMEOUT, 5000, function()
print 'hello!'
2023-01-18 06:39:26 -04:00
print(t.running) // true
func (th *timersModule) loader(rtm *rt.Runtime) *rt.Table {
timerMethods := rt.NewTable()
timerFuncs := map[string]util.LuaExport{
"start": {timerStart, 1, false},
"stop": {timerStop, 1, false},
util.SetExports(rtm, timerMethods, timerFuncs)
timerMeta := rt.NewTable()
timerIndex := func(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) {
ti, _ := timerArg(c, 0)
arg := c.Arg(1)
val := timerMethods.Get(arg)
if val != rt.NilValue {
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, val), nil
keyStr, _ := arg.TryString()
switch keyStr {
case "type": val = rt.IntValue(int64(ti.typ))
case "running": val = rt.BoolValue(ti.running)
case "duration": val = rt.IntValue(int64(ti.dur / time.Millisecond))
return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, val), nil
timerMeta.Set(rt.StringValue("__index"), rt.FunctionValue(rt.NewGoFunction(timerIndex, "__index", 2, false)))
l.SetRegistry(timerMetaKey, rt.TableValue(timerMeta))
thExports := map[string]util.LuaExport{
"create": {th.luaCreate, 3, false},
"get": {th.luaGet, 1, false},
luaTh := rt.NewTable()
util.SetExports(rtm, luaTh, thExports)
util.SetField(rtm, luaTh, "INTERVAL", rt.IntValue(0))
util.SetField(rtm, luaTh, "TIMEOUT", rt.IntValue(1))
return luaTh
func timerArg(c *rt.GoCont, arg int) (*timer, error) {
j, ok := valueToTimer(c.Arg(arg))
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("#%d must be a timer", arg + 1)
return j, nil
func valueToTimer(val rt.Value) (*timer, bool) {
u, ok := val.TryUserData()
if !ok {
return nil, false
j, ok := u.Value().(*timer)
return j, ok
func timerUserData(j *timer) *rt.UserData {
timerMeta := l.Registry(timerMetaKey)
return rt.NewUserData(j, timerMeta.AsTable())