return a table with 4 values: name, size, mode and isDir name -> name of path size -> size (obviously) mode -> permissions mode in a string as octal format isDir -> whether path is a directory
Hilbish is a new, Unix-like shell which uses Lua as its configuration language. It's decently fast for interactive use and includes a bunch of utility functions and features to make your life in a terminal easier.
- Documentation
- Gallery - See more screenshots of Hilbish in action
NOTE: Hilbish is currently only officially supported and tested on Linux
Prebuilt binaries
Binaries are provided for the latest commit.
Note that these use Hilbiline, not readline, and may be missing functionality (moving the cursor, proper unicode support and backspace working properly)
Click on the checkmark (or x) near the commit hash, then details for your platform
Then click on the artifacts drop down, and download artifact for your platform,
like what is highlighted in the screenshot.
Arch Linux users can install Hilbish from the AUR with the following command:
yay -S hilbish
Or from the latest master
commit with:
yay -S hilbish-git
Manual Build
- Go 1.16+
- GNU Readline
On Fedora or other RPM based distros, readline can be installed with:
sudo dnf install readline-devel
On Debian/Ubuntu and distros based on them, it can be installed with:
sudo apt install libreadline-dev
On Arch Linux, it can be installed with:
sudo pacman -S readline
First, clone Hilbish:
git clone --recursive
cd Hilbish
go get -d ./...
To build, run:
make dev
Or, if you want a stable branch, run these commands:
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
make build
After you did all that, run sudo make install
to install Hilbish globally.
Any kind of contributions to Hilbish are welcome! Read before getting started.
Thanks to everyone below who's contributed!
Made with contributors-img.
Hilbish is licensed under the MIT license! Read the license here for more info.
Images in the assets folder are under CC-BY-SA 4.0