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Module fs filesystem interaction and functionality library doc


The fs module provides easy and simple access to filesystem functions and other things, and acts an addition to the Lua standard library's I/O and filesystem functions.


abs(path) -> string

Gives an absolute version of path.

basename(path) -> string

Gives the basename of path. For the rules, see Go's filepath.Base


Changes directory to dir

dir(path) -> string

Returns the directory part of path. For the rules, see Go's filepath.Dir

glob(pattern) -> matches (table)

Glob all files and directories that match the pattern. For the rules, see Go's filepath.Glob

join(...) -> string

Takes paths and joins them together with the OS's directory separator (forward or backward slash).

mkdir(name, recursive)

Makes a directory called name. If recursive is true, it will create its parent directories.

readdir(dir) ->

Returns a table of files in dir.

stat(path) ->

Returns a table of info about the path. It contains the following keys: name (string) - Name of the path size (number) - Size of the path mode (string) - Permission mode in an octal format string (with leading 0) isDir (boolean) - If the path is a directory