
37 KiB

🎀 Changelog



  • fs.pipe function to get a pair of connected files (a pipe).
  • Added an alternative 2nd parameter to hilbish.run, which is streams. streams is a table of input and output streams to run the command with. It uses these 3 keys:
    • input as standard input for the command
    • out as standard output
    • err as standard error

Here is a minimal example of the new usage which allows users to now pipe commands directly via Lua functions:

local fs = require 'fs'
local pr, pw = fs.pipe()
hilbish.run('ls -l', {
	stdout = pw,
	stderr = pw,


hilbish.run('wc -l', {
	stdin = pr


  • Fix ansi attributes causing issues with text when cut off in greenhouse
  • Fix not compiling on freebsd

2.2.3 - 2024-04-27


  • Highligher and hinter work now, since it was regressed from the previous minor release.
  • cat command no longer prints extra newline at end of each file


  • cat command now reads files in chunks, allowing for reading large files

2.2.2 - 2024-04-16


  • Line refresh fixes (less flicker)
  • Do more checks for a TTY
    • Panic if ENOTTY is thrown from readline
    • use x/term function to check if a terminal


  • Page Up/Down keybinds for Greenhouse will now scroll up and down the size of the region (a page)


  • Remove usage of hilbish.goro in Greenhouse.
  • Values in hilbish table are no longer protected. This means they can be overridden. (#287)

2.2.1 - 2023-12-26


  • Removed a left over debug print
  • Recover panic in hilbish.goro

2.2.0 - 2023-12-25


  • Native Modules
  • Made a few additions to the sink type:
    • read() method for retrieving input (so now the in sink of commanders is useful)
    • flush() and autoFlush() related to flushing outputs
    • pipe property to check if a sink with input is a pipe (like stdin)
  • Add fuzzy search to history search (enable via hilbish.opts.fuzzy = true)
  • Show indexes on cdr list and use ~ for home directory.
  • Fix doc command not displaying correct subdocs when using shorthand api doc access (doc api hilbish.jobs as an example)
  • hilbish.messages interface (details in [#219])
  • hilbish.notification signal when a message/notification is sent
  • notifyJobFinish opt to send a notification when background jobs are
  • hilbish.goVersion for the version of Go used to compile Hilbish. completed.
  • Allow numbered arg substitutions in aliases.
    • Example: hilbish.alias('hello', 'echo %1 says hello') allows the user to run hello hilbish which will output hilbish says hello.
  • Greenhouse
    • Greenhouse is a pager library and program. Basic usage is greenhouse <file>
    • Using this also brings enhancements to the doc command like easy navigation of neighboring doc files. Ctrl-N can be used for the table of contents, which views adjacent documentation.


  • Documentation for EVERYTHING has been improved, with more information added, code example, parameter details, etc. You can see the improvements!
  • Documentation has gotten an uplift in the doc command. This includes:
    • Proper highlighting of code
    • Paging (via Greenhouse)
    • Highlighting more markdown things


  • Fix panic when runner doesn't return a table
  • Fix edge case of crash on empty alias resolve
  • File completion on Windows
  • Job management commands work now
  • Fix infinite loop when navigating history without any history. #252
  • Return the prefix when calling hilbish.completions.call. #219
  • Replaced sed in-place editing with grep and mv for compatibility with BSD utils

2.1.2 - 2022-04-10


  • Bad april fools code ;(

2.1.1 - 2022-04-01


  • Validation checks for command input
  • Improved runtime performance
  • Validate Lua code

2.1.0 - 2022-02-10


  • Documented custom userdata types (Job and Timer Objects)
    • Coming with this fix is also adding the return types for some functions that were missing it
  • Added a dedicated input and dedicated outputs for commanders (sinks - info at doc api commander).
  • Local docs is used if one of Hilbish's branches is found
  • Return 1 exit code on doc not found
  • hilbish.runner.getCurrent() to get the current runner
  • Initialize Hilbish Lua API before handling signals


  • index or _index subdocs should not show up anymore
  • hilbish.which not working correctly with aliases
  • Commanders not being able to pipe with commands or any related operator.
  • Resolve symlinks in completions
  • Updated runner-mode docs
  • Fix hilbish.completion functions panicking when empty input is provided

2.0.1 - 2022-12-28


  • Corrected documentation for hooks, removing outdated command.no-perm
  • Fixed an issue where cd with no args would not update the old pwd
  • Tiny documentation enhancements for the hilbish.timer interface

2.0.0 - 2022-12-20


  • Hilbish now uses Task insead of Make for builds.
  • The doc format has been changed from plain text to markdown. YOU MUST reinstall Hilbish to remove the duplicate, old docs.
  • Hilbish will by default install to /usr/local instead of just /usr/ when building via Task. This is mainly to avoid conflict of distro packages and local installs, and is the correct place when building from git either way. To keep Hilbish in /usr, you must have PREFIX="/usr/" when running task build or task install
  • Windows is no longer supported. It will build and run, but will have problems. If you want to help fix the situation, start a discussion or open an issue and contribute.


  • Inline hints, akin to fish and the others. To make a handler for hint text, you can set the hilbish.hinter function. For more info, look at its docs with the doc hilbish command.
  • Syntax highlighting function. To make a handler for it, set hilbish.highlighter. Same thing as the hinter, check doc hilbish for more info/docs.
  • Ctrl+K deletes from the cursor to the end of the line. (#128)
  • Alt+Backspace as an alternative of Ctrl+W to delete a word. (#132)
  • Enhanced timer API (doc timers)
  • Don't exit until intervals are stopped/finished when running a non interactive script.
  • Ctrl+D deletes character below cursor if line isn't empty instead of exiting.
  • Ctrl+Delete to forward delete a word.
  • Right prompt (#140)
  • Ctrl+_ to undo in Emacs input mode.
  • Emacs style forward/backward word keybinds (#139)
  • hilbish.completion.call to call a completion handler (doc completions)
  • hilbish.completion.handler to set a custom handler for completions. This is for everything/anything as opposed to just adding a single command completion. #122
  • fs.abs(path) to get absolute path.
  • Nature module (doc nature)
  • hilbish.jobs.add(cmdstr, args, execPath) to add a job to the job table. cmdstr would be user input, args is the args for the command (includes arg0) and execPath is absolute path to command executable
  • job.add hook is thrown when a job is added. acts as a unique hook for jobs
  • hilbish.jobs.disown(id) and disown builtin to disown a job. disown without arguments will disown the last job.
  • hilbish.jobs.last() returns the last added job.
  • Job output (stdout/stderr) can now be obtained via the stdout and stderr fields on a job object.
  • Documentation for jobs is now available via doc jobs.
  • hilbish.alias.resolve(cmdstr) to resolve a command alias.
  • hilbish.opts for shell options.
  • hilbish.editor interface for interacting with the line editor that Hilbish uses.
  • hilbish.vim interface to dynamically get/set vim registers. Example usage: hilbish.vim.registers['a'] = 'hello'. You can also get the mode with it via hilbish.vim.mode
  • hilbish.version interface for more info about Hilbish's version. This includes git commit, branch, and (new!!) release name.
  • Added fg and bg builtins
  • job.foreground() and job.background(), when job is a job object, foreground and backgrounds a job respectively.
  • Friendlier functions to the hilbish.runner interface, which also allow having and using multiple runners.
  • A few new functions to the fs module:
    • fs.basename(path) gets the basename of path
    • fs.dir(path) gets the directory part of path
    • fs.glob(pattern) globs files and directories based on patterns
    • fs.join(dirs...) joins directories by OS dir separator
  • .. and 2 properties
    • fs.pathSep is the separator for filesystem paths and directories
    • fs.pathListSep is the separator for $PATH env entries
  • Lua modules located in hilbish.userDir.data .. '/hilbish/start' (like ~/.local/share/hilbish/start/foo/init.lua) will be ran on startup
  • hilbish.init hook, thrown after Hilbish has initialized Lua side
  • Message of the day on startup (hilbish.motd), mainly intended as quick small news pieces for releases. It is printed by default. To disable it, set hilbish.opts.motd to false.
  • history opt has been added and is true by default. Setting it to false disables commands being added to history.
  • hilbish.rawInput hook for input from the readline library
  • Completion of files in quotes
  • A new and "safer" event emitter has been added. This causes a performance deficit, but avoids a lot of random errors introduced with the new Lua runtime (see #197)
  • bait.release(name, catcher) removes handler for the named event
  • exec, clear and cat builtin commands
  • hilbish.cancel hook thrown when user cancels input with Ctrl-C
  • 1st item on history is now inserted when history search menu is opened (#148)
  • Documentation has been improved vastly!


  • Breaking Change: Upgraded to Lua 5.4. This is probably one of (if not the) biggest things in this release. To recap quickly on what matters (mostly):
    • os.execute returns 3 values instead of 1 (but you should be using hilbish.run)
    • I/O operations must be flushed (io.flush())
  • Breaking Change: MacOS config paths now match Linux.
  • Overrides on the hilbish table are no longer permitted.
  • Breaking Change: Runner functions are now required to return a table. It can (at the moment) have 4 variables:
    • input (user input)
    • exitCode (exit code)
    • error (error message)
    • continue (whether to prompt for more input) User input has been added to the return to account for runners wanting to prompt for continued input, and to add it properly to history. continue got added so that it would be easier for runners to get continued input without having to actually handle it at all.
  • Breaking Change: Job objects and timers are now Lua userdata instead of a table, so their functions require you to call them with a colon instead of a dot. (ie. job.stop() -> job:stop())
  • All fs module functions which take paths now implicitly expand ~ to home.
  • Breaking Change: hilbish.greeting has been moved to an opt (hilbish.opts.greeting) and is always printed by default. To disable it, set the opt to false.
  • Breaking Change: command.no-perm hook has been replaced with command.not-executable
  • History is now fetched from Lua, which means users can override hilbish.history methods to make it act how they want.
  • guide has been removed. See the website for general tips and documentation


  • If in Vim replace mode, input at the end of the line inserts instead of replacing the last character.
  • Make forward delete work how its supposed to.
  • Prompt refresh not working properly.
  • Crashing on input in xterm. (#131)
  • Make delete key work on st (#131)
  • hilbish.login being the wrong value.
  • Put full input in history if prompted for continued input
  • Don't put alias expanded command in history (sound familiar?)
  • Handle cases of stdin being nonblocking (in the case of #136)
  • Don't prompt for continued input if non interactive
  • Don't insert unhandled control keys.
  • Handle sh syntax error in alias
  • Use invert for completion menu selection highlight instead of specific colors. Brings an improvement on light themes, or themes that don't follow certain color rules.
  • Home/End keys now go to the actual start/end of the input.
  • Input getting cut off on enter in certain cases.
  • Go to the next line properly if input reaches end of terminal width.
  • Cursor position with CJK characters has been corrected (#145)
  • Files with same name as parent folder in completions getting cut off #130)
  • hilbish.which now works with commanders and aliases.
  • Background jobs no longer take stdin so they do not interfere with shell input.
  • Full name of completion entry is used instead of being cut off
  • Completions are fixed in cases where the query/line is an alias alone where it can also resolve to the beginning of command names. (reference this commit) for explanation.
  • Jobs now throw job.done and set running to false when stopped via Lua job.stop function.
  • Jobs are always started in sh exec handler now instead of only successful start.
  • SIGTERM is handled properly now, which means stopping jobs and timers.
  • Fix panic on trailing newline on pasted multiline text.
  • Completions will no longer be refreshed if the prompt refreshes while the menu is open.
  • Print error on search fail instead of panicking
  • Windows related fixes:
    • hilbish.dataDir now has tilde (~) expanded.
    • Arrow keys now work on Windows terminals.
    • Escape codes now work.
  • Escape percentage symbols in completion entries, so you will no longer see an error of missing format variable
  • Fix an error with sh syntax in aliases
  • Prompt now works with east asian characters (CJK)
  • Set back the prompt to normal after exiting the continue prompt with ctrl-d
  • Take into account newline in input when calculating input width. Prevents extra reprinting of the prompt, but input with newlines inserted is still a problem
  • Put cursor at the end of input when exiting $EDITOR with Vim mode bind
  • Calculate width of virtual input properly (completion candidates)
  • Users can now tab complete files with spaces while quoted or with escaped spaces. This means a query of Files\ to\ with file names of Files to tab complete and Files to complete will result in the files being completed.
  • Fixed grid menu display if cell width ends up being the width of the terminal
  • Cut off item names in grid menu if its longer than cell width
  • Fix completion search menu disappearing
  • Make binary completion work with bins that have spaces in the name
  • Completion paths having duplicated characters if it's escaped
  • Get custom completion command properly to call from Lua
  • Put proper command on the line when using up and down arrow keys to go through command history
  • Don't do anything if length of input rune slice is 0 (commit for explanation)

2.0.0-rc1 - 2022-09-14

This is a pre-release version of Hilbish for testing. To see the changelog, refer to the Unreleased section of the full changelog (version 2.0.0 for future reference).

1.2.0 - 2022-03-17


  • Job Management additions
    • job.start and job.done hooks (doc hooks job)
    • hilbish.jobs interface (get(id) function gets a job object via id, all() gets all)
  • Customizable runner/exec mode
    • However Hilbish runs interactive user input can now be changed Lua side (doc runner-mode)


  • vimMode doc is now vim-mode


  • Make sure input which is supposed to go in history goes there
  • Cursor is right at the end of input on history search

1.1.0 - 2022-03-17


  • hilbish.vimAction hook (doc vimMode actions)
  • command.not-executable hook (will replace command.no-perm in a future release)


  • Check if interactive before adding to history
  • Escape in vim mode exits all modes and not only insert
  • Make 2nd line in prompt empty if entire prompt is 1 line
  • Completion menu doesnt appear if there is only 1 result
  • Ignore SIGQUIT, which caused a panic unhandled
  • Remove hostname in greeting on Windows
  • Handle PATH binaries properly on Windows
  • Fix removal of dot in the beginning of folders/files that have them for file complete
  • Fix prompt being set to the continue prompt even when exited

1.0.4 - 2022-03-12


  • Panic when history directory doesn't exist

1.0.3 - 2022-03-12


  • Removed duplicate executable suggestions
  • User input is added to history now instead of what's ran by Hilbish
  • Formatting issue with prompt on no input

1.0.2 - 2022-03-06


  • Cases where Hilbish's history directory doesn't exist will no longer cause a panic

1.0.1 - 2022-03-06


  • Using hilbish.appendPath will no longer result in string spam (debugging thing left being)
  • Prompt gets set properly on startup

1.0.0 - 2022-03-06


  • MacOS is now officialy supported, default compile time vars have been added for it
  • Windows is properly supported as well
  • catchOnce() to bait - catches a hook once
  • hilbish.aliases interface - allows you to add, delete and list all aliases with Lua
  • hilbish.appendPath() can now take a table of arguments for ease of use
  • hilbish.which(binName) acts as the which builtin for other shells, it finds the path to binName in $PATH
  • Signal hooks sigusr1 and sigusr2 (unavailable on Windows)
  • Commands starting with a space won't be added to history
  • Vim input mode
    • Hilbish's input mode for text can now be changed to either Emacs (like it always was) or Vim via hilbish.inputMode()
    • Changing Vim mode throws a hilbish.vimMode hook
    • The current Vim mode is also accessible with the hilbish.vimMode property
  • Print errors in hilbish.timeout() and hilbish.goro() callbacks
  • hilbish.exit hook is thrown when Hilbish is going to exit
  • hilbish.exitCode property to get the exit code of the last executed command
  • screenMain and screenAlt functions have been added to Ansikit to switch to the terminal's main and alt buffer respectively


  • Tab completion for executables
  • Stop interval (hilbish.interval()) when an error occurs
  • Errors in bait hooks no longer cause a panic, and remove the handler for the hook as well
  • Formatting of home dir to ~
  • Check if Hilbish is in interactive before trying to use its handlers for signals
  • Global args table when running as script is no longer userdata
  • Home dir is now added to recent dirs (the case of cd with no arg)
  • index subdoc will no longer appear
  • Alias expansion with quotes
  • Add full command to history in the case of incomplete input
  • hilbish.exec() now has a windows substitute
  • Fixed case of successful command after prompted for more input not writing to history
  • command.exit is thrown when sh input is incorrect and when command executed after continue prompt exits successfully


  • The minimal config is truly minimal now
  • Default config is no longer copied to user's config and is instead ran its location

Breaking Changes

(there were a lot...)

  • Change default SHLVL to 0 instead of 1
  • ~/.hilbishrc.lua will no longer be run by default, it now only uses the paths mentioned below.
  • Changed Hilbish's config path to something more suited according to the OS ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hilbish/init.lua on Linux, ~/Library/Application Support/hilbish/init.lua on MacOS and (%APPDATA%/hilbish/init.lua on Windows). Previously on Unix-like it was $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hilbish/hilbishrc.lua
  • The history path has been changed to a better suited path. On Linux, it is $XDG_DATA_HOME/hilbish/.hilbish-history and for others it is the config path.
  • hilbish.xdg no longer exists, use hilbish.userDir instead, as it functions the same but is OS agnostic
  • hilbish.flag() has been removed
  • ~/.hprofile.lua has been removed, instead check in your config if hilbish.login is true
  • hilbish.complete() has had a slight refactor to fit with the new readline library. It now expects a table of "completion groups" which are just tables with the type and items keys. Here is a (more or less) complete example of how it works now:
    hilbish.complete('command.git', function()
    	return {
    			items = {
    			type = 'grid'
    			items = {
    				['--git-dir'] = {'Description of flag'},
    			type = 'list'
    Completer functions are now also expected to handle subcommands/subcompletions

0.7.1 - 2021-11-22


  • Tab complete absolute paths to binaries properly
  • Allow execution of absolute paths to binaries (06272778f8 regression)

0.7.0 - 2021-11-22


  • hilbish.interactive and hilbish.login properties to figure out if Hilbish is interactive or a login shell, respectively.
  • hilbish.read function to take input more elegantly than Lua's io.read
  • Tab Completion Enhancements
    • A new tab complete API has been added. It is the single complete function which takes a "scope" (example: command.<cmdname>) and a callback which is expected to return a table. Users can now add custom completions for specific commands. An example is:
    complete('command.git', function()
      return {
      	commit = {
    For git, Hilbish will complete commands add, version and commit. For the commit subcommand, it will complete the flags and/or files which <file> is used to represent.
    • Hilbish will now complete binaries in $PATH, or any executable to a path (like ./ or ../)
    • Files with spaces will be automatically put in quotes and completions will work for them now.
  • prependPath function (#81)
  • Signal hooks (#80)
    • This allows scripts to add their own way of handling terminal resizes (if you'd need that) or Ctrl-C
  • Module properties (like hilbish.ver) are documented with the doc command.
  • Document bait hooks


  • The prompt won't come up on terminal resize anymore.
  • appendPath should work properly on Windows.
  • A panic when a commander has an error has been fixed.

0.6.1 - 2021-10-21


  • Require paths now use the dataDir variable so there is no need to change it anymore unless you want to add more paths
  • Remove double slash in XDG data require paths
  • Ctrl+C is handled properly when not interactive and won't result in a panic anymore
  • Commanders are handled by the sh interpreter library only now, so they work with sh syntax


  • Error messages from fs functions now include the path provided

0.6.0 - 2021-10-17


  • Hilbish will expand ~ in the preloadPath and samplePathConf variables. These are for compile time.
  • On Windows, the hostname in %u has been removed.
  • Made it easier to compile on Windows by adding Windows-tailored vars and paths.
  • Add require paths ./libs/?/?.lua
  • Hilbish will now respect $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and will load its config and history there first and use Lua libraries in there and $XDG_DATA_HOME if they are set. (#71)
    • If not, Hilbish will still default to ~
  • Added some new hooks
    • command.precmd is thrown right before Hilbish prompts for input
    • command.preexec is thrown right before Hilbish executes a command. It passes 2 arguments: the command as the user typed, and what Hilbish will actually execute (resolved alias)
  • hilbish.dataDir is now available to know the directory of Hilbish data files (default config, docs, preload, etc)
  • A docgen program has been added to cmd/docgen in the GitHub repository, As the name suggests, it will output docs in a docs folder for functions implemented in Go
  • All hilbish modules/libraries now have a __doc metatable entry which is simply a short description of the module.
  • fs.readdir(dir) has been added. It will return a table of files in dir
  • Errors in the fs.mkdir function are now handled.
  • Breaking Change: fs.cd no longer returns a numeric code to indicate error. Instead, it returns an error message.
  • The doc command has been added to document functions of Hilbish libraries. Run the command for more details.
  • link(url, text) has been added to ansikit. It returns a string which can be printed to produce a hyperlink in a terminal. Note that not all terminals support this feature.
  • The Succulent library has been added. This includes more utility functions and expansions to the Lua standard library itself.
  • The command string is now passed to the command.exit hook


  • Hilbish won't print an extra newline at exit with ctrl + d
  • command.exit with 0 exit code will now be thrown if input is nothing
  • Breaking Change: fs.stat has been made better. It returns a proper table instead of userdata, and has fields instead of functions
    • It includes name, mode as a octal representation in a string, isDir, and size


  • timeout() is now blocking
  • Directories with spaces in them can now be cd'd to
  • An alias with the same name as the command will now not cause a freeze (#73)
  • Userdata is no longer returned in the following cases:
    • Commander arguments
    • fs functions

0.5.1 - 2021-06-16


  • Add ~/.config/hilbish as a require path


  • cd hook is only thrown after directory has actually changed


  • Handle error in commander properly, preventing a panic from Lua

0.5.0 - 2021-06-12

An absolutely massive release. Probably the biggest yet, includes a bunch of fixes and new features and convenient additions to the Lua API.


  • -n flag, which checks Lua for syntax errors without running it
  • exec(command) function, acts like the exec builtin in sh
    • Example: exec 'awesome' in an .xinitrc file with Hilbish as shebang
  • Commands from commander can now return an exit code
commander.register('false', function()
return 1

When false is run, it will have the exit code of 1, this is shorter/easier than throwing the command.exit hook and can work if the functionality of that changes

  • Added -c description
  • args variable, set when Hilbish runs a Lua script. It is an array that includes the execute path as the first argument
  • Lua code can be aliased
  • Recursive aliases
    • At the moment this only works for the first argument
  • Hilbish can now be used with Hilbiline if compiled to do so (currently only for testing purposes)
  • goro(func) runs a function in a goroutine. With channels that gopher-lua also provides, one can do parallelism and concurrency in Lua (but go style).
    • coroutine no those dont exist they dont matter goro is easier
  • cd - will change to the previous directory
  • hilbish.cwd() gets the current working directory
  • timeout(func, time) works exactly like the setTimeout function in JavaScript. It will run func after a period of time in milliseconds.
  • interval(func, time) works exactly like the setInterval function in JavaScripit. It will run func every time milliseconds
  • hilbish.home is a crossplatform Lua alternative to get the home directory easily.
  • commander.deregister(cmdName) de-registers any command defined with commander.


  • Breaking Change: Move _user and _ver to a global hilbish table
    • Accessing username and Hilbish version is now done with hilbish.user and hilbish.ver
  • hilbish.run(cmd) runs cmd with Hilbish's sh interpreter. Using this function instead of os.execute ensures that sh syntax works everywhere Hilbish does.
  • hilbish.flag(flag) checks if flag has been passed to Hilbish.
  • Aliases now work with every command and not only the first one
    • Therefore alias1; alias2 works now
  • command.not-found hook
  • $SHLVL is now incremented in Hilbish. If not a valid number, it will be changed to 1
  • fs.mkdir can now make directories recursively if the 2nd argument is set to true
    • fs.mkdir('path/to/dir', true)
  • Hilbish runs a preload.lua file in the current directory first, then falls back to the global preload. Before the order was reversed.
  • Check if aliased command is defined in Lua, so registered commanders can be aliased
  • Add input to history before alias expansion. Basically, this adds the actual alias to history instead of the aliased command.
  • Global preload path, require paths, default config directory and sample config directory can now be changed at compile time to help support other systems.


  • cd now exits with code 1 instead of the error code if it occurs
  • Don't append directory to $PATH with appendPath if its already there
  • Continued input is no longer joined with a space unless explicitly wanted
  • Hilbish won't try to go interactive if it isn't launched in a TTY (terminal)
  • Ctrl+D on a continue prompt with no input no longer causes a panic
  • Actually handle the -h/--help option

0.4.0 - 2021-05-01


  • Ctrl C in the prompt now cancels/clear input (I've needed this for so long also)
  • Made Hilbish act like a login shell on login
    • If Hilbish is the login shell, or the -l/--login flags are used, Hilbish will use an additional ~/.hprofile.lua file, you can use this to set environment variables once on login
  • -c has been added to run a single command (this works exactly like being in the prompt would, so Lua works as well)
  • -i (also --interactive) has been added to force Hilbish to be an interactive shell in cases where it usually wont be (like with -c)
  • Use readline in continue prompt
  • Added a mulitline hook that's thrown when in the continue/multiline prompt
  • Added appendPath function to append a directory to $PATH
    • ~ will be expanded to $HOME as well
  • A utility string.split function is now added
    • string.split(str, delimiter)
  • Added a _user variable to easily get current user's name


  • BREAKING Change: Lunacolors has replaced ansikit for formatting colors, which means the format function has been removed from ansikit and moved to Lunacolors.
    • Users must replace ansikit with lunacolors in their config files
  • A getopt-like library is now used for command line flag parsing
  • cd builtin now supports using environment variables
    • This means you can now cd $NVM_DIR as an example
  • Function arguments are now more strictly typed (prompt(nil) wouldnt work now)
  • Other general code/style changes


  • Fix makefile adding Hilbish to /etc/shells on every make install

Since Lunacolors is a submodule, you may just want to completely reclone Hilbish recursively and then update (rerun make install) Or instead of recloning, run git submodule update --init --recursive in Hilbish's git directory

0.3.2 - 2021-04-10


  • Add more functions to ansikit module
  • Add functions stat and mkdir to fs module
  • -C flag to define path to config
  • Add require path ~/.local/share/hilbish/libs


  • Continue to new line if output doesnt end with it



0.3.1 - 2021-04-06


  • Fix %u in prompt format being full name and instead make it actually username

0.3.0 - 2021-04-05


  • Added a multiprompt function to change the prompt of the multiline/continuation/newline prompt
  • _ver variable to get Hilbish's version from Lua


  • BREAKING Change: Removed Bait hooks command.success and command.fail, there is now the single hook command.exit, with a single argument passed which the exit code of the command. Use this to determine if a command has failed or not (failure is code != 0)
  • BREAKING Change: The Ansikit function text has been renamed to format.
  • fs.cd now throws an exception instead of silently failing, which you should handle with pcall
  • Enhancements to the cd command:
    • With no arguments will move to $HOME
    • Now throws a cd hook, with a single hook arg being the arguments to the command
    • Now works for directories with spaces
  • Lua input now throws a success hook if it succeeded
  • Command history is now saved to ~/.hilbish-history
  • Globals defined in Lua that are strings will be defined as an env variable (#16)
  • Input ending with \ will now go to a newline
  • exit command is now written in Lua


  • Input is now trimmed
  • Internals are slightly cleaned up and codebase split up
  • Hilbish will now fall back to a builtin minimal config if the user's config has syntax errors on loading
  • Commands defined in Lua now report the error to the user cleanly instead of panicking if it has occured

0.2.0 - 2021-03-31


  • Hooks (events) are the new and main thing in v0.2, you can now listen for hooks or cast out (emit) custom ones, via the bait package
  • ^^ to refer to the previous command. It's for the lazy hands like me, so I can do something like ENV=VAR ^^
  • Way more (more like any) comments in the core code.


  • Prompt has been changed to have printf-like verbs to format. This makes it easier on the user's side to configure, and doesn't require hooks to change it for things like current directory.
  • Default prompt's changed and the triangle changes color based on if command failed or not.

0.1.2 - 2021-03-24


  • Add Lua input to history

0.1.1 - 2021-03-24


  • Go to new line if sh input is incomplete
> for i in {1..5}

This input for example will prompt for more input to complete:


0.1.0 - 2021-03-24


  • Tab complete files
  • Makefile installation
  • sh support

0.0.12 - 2021-03-21

First "stable" release of Hilbish.