
This commit is contained in:
Dozens B. McCuzzins 2024-02-22 12:15:49 -07:00
parent 429bd97d7c
commit ab3086f6dd
17 changed files with 980 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -8,11 +8,23 @@ be well
├── d66
│   ├── justfile
│   ├── wellness-d66.html
│   ├── wellness-d66.pdf
│   ├── wellness-d66.src.txt
│   ├── wellness-d66.t
│   └── wellness-d66.txt
├── dodeca
│   ├── justfile
│   ├── wellness-dodeca.html
│   ├── wellness-dodeca.pdf
│   ├── wellness-dodeca.rec
│   ├── wellness-dodeca.t
│   └── wellness-dodeca.txt
├── feed.rec
├── lite
│   ├── justfile
│   ├── wellness-lite.html
│   ├── wellness-lite.pdf
│   ├── wellness-lite.src.txt
│   ├── wellness-lite.t
@ -25,12 +37,13 @@ be well
├── wellness.pdf
└── wellness.t
5 directories, 14 files
6 directories, 28 files
- `d66`: A wellness game with 2 six-sided dice and a 36-item lookup table
- `dodeca`: Roll a twelve sided dice
- `lite`: flip two coins. smol enough to fit in your head.
- `origedits`: some light edits to the original Wellness RPG by Case Duckworth
- `original`: the original game by Case Duckworth

d66/justfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# show all recipes
just --list --unsorted
# make text
[ wellness-d66.t -nt wellness-d66.html ] \
&& nroff -ms wellness-d66.t > wellness-d66.txt \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make html
[ wellness-d66.t -nt wellness-d66.html ] \
&& groff -ms -Thtml wellness-d66.t \
| gsed '/style type/a body { max-width: 80ch; margin-inline: auto; }' \
> wellness-d66.html \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make pdf
[ wellness-d66.t -nt wellness-d66.pdf ] \
&& cat wellness-d66.t | groff -ms -Tpdf > wellness-d66.pdf \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
build: txt html pdf

d66/wellness-d66.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
<!-- Creator : groff version 1.23.0 -->
<!-- CreationDate: Tue Feb 20 14:25:43 2024 -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=US-ASCII">
<meta name="Content-Style" content="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
body { max-width: 80ch; margin-inline: auto; }
p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
pre { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
table { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
h1 { text-align: center }
<title>wellness: a game</title>
<h1 align="center">wellness: a game</h1>
<p align="center"><i>dozens</i> <br>
a <i>43beans</i> joint</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; How To Play
<p style="margin-top: 1em">You will need:</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="7%"></td>
<td width="39%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">1 - 2 six-sided dice</p></td>
<td width="52%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="7%"></td>
<td width="39%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">pen and paper</p></td>
<td width="52%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Whenever you think about the
game, or whenever you notice yourself getting stressed, or
every thirty minutes (whichever happens first), roll 2d6.
Read them left to right, the first number being the tens
digit and the second number being the ones digit. For
example, if you rolled a 2 and a 3, that&rsquo;s a 23. Look
up your number on the tables below and do as instructed.
Repeat as many times as you like. When finished, write 1 - 3
sentences in your journal about how you feel in this
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="7%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">TIP:</p></td>
<td width="2%"></td>
<td width="91%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">You can also just pick your
favorite thing(s) from the tables below and just do
that.</p> </td></tr>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; Tables
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>11:</b> what is the most
story-worthy thing that has happened to you today?
<b>12:</b> repeat to yourself &quot;I am enough&quot; on
each inhale, and &quot;I have enough&quot; on each exhale.
<b>13:</b> what are you thankful for right now? <b>14:</b>
what has delighted you today? <b>15:</b> visualize your
favorite place. <b>16:</b> imagine happiness, health, and
peace for yourself. for a friend. for a stranger.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>21:</b> massage your temples
and your scalp. <b>22:</b> touch your toes and dangle. sway
side to side. <b>23:</b> trunk twists, march in place.
<b>24:</b> take a short walk. <b>25:</b> roll out your neck
clockwise and anticlockwise. <b>26:</b> massage your hands
and roll out your wrist.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>31:</b> breathe in for 4,
hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat 4 times.
<b>32:</b> breathe on quarter of the way full and pause.
halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way
up, pause. Exhale. Repeat. <b>33:</b> close your eyes and
count to ten. repeat. <b>34:</b> place one hand on your
belly and one hand on your chest. feel your stomach and ribs
fill up and deflate as you breathe. <b>35:</b> close one
nostril and breathe in. close that nostril and open the
other and breathe out. breathe in again through that same
nostril, then out the other. repeat. <b>36:</b> trace the
fingers of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the
way up, breathe out on the way down.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>41:</b> stand on one foot for
8 breaths. repeat on the other side. <b>42:</b> drink some
water. <b>43:</b> do tree pose. <b>44:</b> eat some fresh
fruit. <b>45:</b> say hi to a friend. <b>46:</b> look at
something far away for 8 breaths.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>51:</b> close your eyes.
<b>52:</b> rub your hands together really fast to build
heat. close your eyes and cup them with your hands. feel the
warmth. <b>53:</b> go get a chocolate or tasty treat.
<b>54:</b> enjoy a hot cup of nice tea. <b>55:</b> put some
cold water on your face. <b>56:</b> squeeze all your muscles
one by one then relax them.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>61:</b> put one thing away.
<b>62:</b> declutter your space. <b>63:</b> scan your body
from toes to head. <b>64:</b> listen to a favorite song.
<b>65:</b> go get some sunshine. <b>66:</b> go get some good
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; Mini Games
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="7%"></td>
<td width="91%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">After rolling, choose between
your number written backwards or forwards, or do both!
Example: if you roll a 2 and a 3, choose between 23 and 32.
(or do both)</p></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="7%"></td>
<td width="91%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">If both dice are a 1, 2, or a 3,
that is a MINOR ROLL. Soften or lessen something. Roll
again.</p> </td></tr>
<p style="margin-left:9%; margin-top: 1em">If both dice are
a 4, 5, or a 6, that is a MAJOR ROLL. Increase or enhance
something. Roll again.</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="7%"></td>
<td width="91%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">If you roll doubles, that is a
MIGHTY PORTENT. Something great is happening. Roll
again.</p> </td></tr>

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -53,52 +53,52 @@ from the tables below and just do that.
.heading Tables
.\" 10 mind
\f[B]11\f[] what is the most story-worthy thing that has happened to you today?
\f[B]12\f[] repeat to yourself "I am enough" on each inhale, and "I have enough" on each exhale.
\f[B]13\f[] what are you thankful for right now?
\f[B]14\f[] what has delighted you today?
\f[B]15\f[] visualize your favorite place .
\f[B]16\f[] imagine happiness, health, and peace for yourself. for a friend. for a stranger.
\f[B]11:\f[] what is the most story-worthy thing that has happened to you today?
\f[B]12:\f[] repeat to yourself "I am enough" on each inhale, and "I have enough" on each exhale.
\f[B]13:\f[] what are you thankful for right now?
\f[B]14:\f[] what has delighted you today?
\f[B]15:\f[] visualize your favorite place.
\f[B]16:\f[] imagine happiness, health, and peace for yourself. for a friend. for a stranger.
.\" 20 body
\f[B]21\f[] massage your temples and your scalp.
\f[B]22\f[] touch your toes and dangle. sway side to side.
\f[B]23\f[] trunk twists, march in place.
\f[B]24\f[] take a short walk.
\f[B]25\f[] roll out your neck clockwise and anticlockwise.
\f[B]26\f[] massage your hands and roll out your wrist.
\f[B]21:\f[] massage your temples and your scalp.
\f[B]22:\f[] touch your toes and dangle. sway side to side.
\f[B]23:\f[] trunk twists, march in place.
\f[B]24:\f[] take a short walk.
\f[B]25:\f[] roll out your neck clockwise and anticlockwise.
\f[B]26:\f[] massage your hands and roll out your wrist.
.\" 30 breath
\f[B]31\f[] breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat 4 times.
\f[B]32\f[] breathe on quarter of the way full and pause. halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way up, pause. Exhale. Repeat.
\f[B]33\f[] close your eyes and count to ten. repeat.
\f[B]34\f[] place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. feel your stomach and ribs fill up and deflate as you breathe.
\f[B]35\f[] close one nostril and breathe in. close that nostril and open the other and breathe out. breathe in again through that same nostril, then out the other. repeat.
\f[B]36\f[] trace the fingers of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the way up, breathe out on the way down.
\f[B]31:\f[] breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat 4 times.
\f[B]32:\f[] breathe on quarter of the way full and pause. halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way up, pause. Exhale. Repeat.
\f[B]33:\f[] close your eyes and count to ten. repeat.
\f[B]34:\f[] place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. feel your stomach and ribs fill up and deflate as you breathe.
\f[B]35:\f[] close one nostril and breathe in. close that nostril and open the other and breathe out. breathe in again through that same nostril, then out the other. repeat.
\f[B]36:\f[] trace the fingers of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the way up, breathe out on the way down.
.\" 40 balance
\f[B]41\f[] stand on one foot for 8 breaths. repeat on the other side.
\f[B]42\f[] drink some water.
\f[B]43\f[] do tree pose.
\f[B]44\f[] eat some fresh fruit.
\f[B]45\f[] say hi to a friend.
\f[B]46\f[] look at something far away for 8 breaths.
\f[B]41:\f[] stand on one foot for 8 breaths. repeat on the other side.
\f[B]42:\f[] drink some water.
\f[B]43:\f[] do tree pose.
\f[B]44:\f[] eat some fresh fruit.
\f[B]45:\f[] say hi to a friend.
\f[B]46:\f[] look at something far away for 8 breaths.
.\" 50 rest
\f[B]51\f[] close your eyes.
\f[B]52\f[] rub your hands together really fast to build heat. close your eyes and cup them with your hands. feel the warmth.
\f[B]53\f[] go get a chocolate or tasty treat.
\f[B]54\f[] enjoy a hot cup of nice tea.
\f[B]55\f[] put some cold water on your face.
\f[B]56\f[] squeeze all your muscles one by one then relax them.
\f[B]51:\f[] close your eyes.
\f[B]52:\f[] rub your hands together really fast to build heat. close your eyes and cup them with your hands. feel the warmth.
\f[B]53:\f[] go get a chocolate or tasty treat.
\f[B]54:\f[] enjoy a hot cup of nice tea.
\f[B]55:\f[] put some cold water on your face.
\f[B]56:\f[] squeeze all your muscles one by one then relax them.
.\" 60 place
\f[B]61\f[] put one thing away.
\f[B]62\f[] declutter your space.
\f[B]63\f[] scan your body from toes to head.
\f[B]64\f[] listen to a favorite song.
\f[B]65\f[] go get some sunshine.
\f[B]66\f[] go get some good smells.
\f[B]61:\f[] put one thing away.
\f[B]62:\f[] declutter your space.
\f[B]63:\f[] scan your body from toes to head.
\f[B]64:\f[] listen to a favorite song.
\f[B]65:\f[] go get some sunshine.
\f[B]66:\f[] go get some good smells.
.heading Mini Games
.IP \(rh
After rolling,

View File

@ -38,43 +38,44 @@ TIP: You can also just pick your favorite thing(s) from the ta
⇒ Tables ⇐
11 what is the most storyworthy thing that has happened to you
today? 12 repeat to yourself "I am enough" on each inhale, and
"I have enough" on each exhale. 13 what are you thankful for
right now? 14 what has delighted you today? 15 visualize your
favorite place . 16 imagine happiness, health, and peace for
11: what is the most storyworthy thing that has happened to you
today? 12: repeat to yourself "I am enough" on each inhale, and
"I have enough" on each exhale. 13: what are you thankful for
right now? 14: what has delighted you today? 15: visualize your
favorite place. 16: imagine happiness, health, and peace for
yourself. for a friend. for a stranger.
21 massage your temples and your scalp. 22 touch your toes and
dangle. sway side to side. 23 trunk twists, march in place. 24
take a short walk. 25 roll out your neck clockwise and anti
clockwise. 26 massage your hands and roll out your wrist.
21: massage your temples and your scalp. 22: touch your toes and
dangle. sway side to side. 23: trunk twists, march in place.
24: take a short walk. 25: roll out your neck clockwise and an
ticlockwise. 26: massage your hands and roll out your wrist.
31 breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat
4 times. 32 breathe on quarter of the way full and pause.
halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way up,
pause. Exhale. Repeat. 33 close your eyes and count to ten. re
peat. 34 place one hand on your belly and one hand on your
31: breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Re
peat 4 times. 32: breathe on quarter of the way full and pause.
halfway full, pause. three quarters, pause. Fill all the way up,
pause. Exhale. Repeat. 33: close your eyes and count to ten. re
peat. 34: place one hand on your belly and one hand on your
chest. feel your stomach and ribs fill up and deflate as you
breathe. 35 close one nostril and breathe in. close that nostril
and open the other and breathe out. breathe in again through that
same nostril, then out the other. repeat. 36 trace the fingers
of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the way up,
breathe out on the way down.
breathe. 35: close one nostril and breathe in. close that nos
tril and open the other and breathe out. breathe in again through
that same nostril, then out the other. repeat. 36: trace the
fingers of one hand from thumb to pinkie. breathe in on the way
up, breathe out on the way down.
41 stand on one foot for 8 breaths. repeat on the other side. 42
drink some water. 43 do tree pose. 44 eat some fresh fruit. 45
say hi to a friend. 46 look at something far away for 8 breaths.
41: stand on one foot for 8 breaths. repeat on the other side.
42: drink some water. 43: do tree pose. 44: eat some fresh
fruit. 45: say hi to a friend. 46: look at something far away
for 8 breaths.
51 close your eyes. 52 rub your hands together really fast to
51: close your eyes. 52: rub your hands together really fast to
build heat. close your eyes and cup them with your hands. feel
the warmth. 53 go get a chocolate or tasty treat. 54 enjoy a
hot cup of nice tea. 55 put some cold water on your face. 56
the warmth. 53: go get a chocolate or tasty treat. 54: enjoy a
hot cup of nice tea. 55: put some cold water on your face. 56:
squeeze all your muscles one by one then relax them.
61 put one thing away. 62 declutter your space. 63 scan your
body from toes to head. 64 listen to a favorite song. 65 go get
some sunshine. 66 go get some good smells.
61: put one thing away. 62: declutter your space. 63: scan your
body from toes to head. 64: listen to a favorite song. 65: go
get some sunshine. 66: go get some good smells.
⇒ Mini Games ⇐

dodeca/justfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# show all recipes
just --list --unsorted
# make text
[ {{src}}.t -nt {{src}}.txt ] \
&& nroff -t -ms {{src}}.t > {{src}}.txt \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make html
[ {{src}}.t -nt {{src}}.html ] \
&& sed '/tbl start/,/tbl end/ s/^/.\\" /' {{src}}.t \
| sed '/markdown start/,/markdown end/ s/^\.\\" //' \
| sed '/:::/d' \
| groff -ms -Thtml \
| gsed "/style type/a body { max-width: 80ch; margin-inline: auto; }" \
> {{src}}.html \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make pdf
[ {{src}}.t -nt {{src}}.pdf ] \
&& cat {{src}}.t | groff -ms -t -Tpdf > {{src}}.pdf \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make text html and pdf
build: txt html pdf
&& ed {{src}}.t << 'EOE'
/tbl start/,/tbl end/d
/markdown start/,/markdown end/ s/\.\\" //
/BEGINTABLE/+,/ENDTABLE/- w /tmp/table.ed
/markdown start/- kt
/markdown start/,/markdown end/d
'tr !cat /tmp/table.ed | pandoc -t html

dodeca/wellness-dodeca.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
<!-- Creator : groff version 1.23.0 -->
<!-- CreationDate: Thu Feb 22 11:14:26 2024 -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=US-ASCII">
<meta name="Content-Style" content="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
body { max-width: 80ch; margin-inline: auto; }
p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
pre { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
table { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: top }
h1 { text-align: center }
<title>wellness dodeca: a game</title>
<h1 align="center">wellness dodeca: a game</h1>
<p align="center"><i>dozens</i> <br>
a <i>43beans</i> joint</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; How To Play
<p style="margin-top: 1em">You will need one twelve sided
dice. Whenever you think about the game, or whenever you
notice yourself getting stressed, or every thirty minutes,
roll your twelve sided dice. Look up the result on the
Wellness Table.</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">NOTE:</p></td>
<td width="89%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Some numbers are present in more
than one category. This means you get to choose the result
you want. (Or the result you don&rsquo;t want, but
need.)</p> </td></tr>
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; Wellness
Table &lArr;</big></big></b></p>
<pre style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"> BEGINTABLE
d12 Category Result
---------------- ----------- ---------------------------
2, 3, 5, 7, 11 prime breath and meditation
3, 6, 9, 12 unit of 3 physical activity
4, 8, 12 unit of 4 set and setting
5, 10 unit of 5 massage and self soothing
1 1 ONE
<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b><big><big>&rArr; Example
Activities &lArr;</big></big></b></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Breath and meditation</p></td>
<td width="54%">
<p style="margin-left:11%;">box breathing; interupted
inhale breathing; slow count to ten; finger tracing breath;
peaceful visualization; gratitude; mindfulness; body
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="37%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Physical activity</p></td>
<td width="63%">
<p style="margin-left:11%;">short walk; standing stretch;
balance exercise; drink water; seated stretch</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="33%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Set and setting</p></td>
<td width="67%">
<p style="margin-left:11%;">tidy up your space; listen to a
favorite song; go get some sunshine; look at something far
away; say hi to a friend</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="54%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Massage and self soothing</p></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-left:11%;">take a short nap; have a tasty
treat; massage your hands and roll out your wrists; neck
rolls clockwise and anticlockwise; massage your temples and
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="7%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">ONE</p></td>
<td width="4%"></td>
<td width="89%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">a powerful result. take the rest
of the day off, or roll again.</p></td></tr>

dodeca/wellness-dodeca.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
%rec: wellness
%doc: d12 wellness table
%allowed: d12 category result
%mandatory: d12 category result
d12: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
Category: prime
Result: breath and meditation
d12: 3, 6, 9, 12
Category: unit of 3
Result: physical activity
d12: 4, 8, 12
Category: unit of 4
Result: set and setting
d12: 5, 10
Category: unit of 5
Result: massage and self soothing
d12: 1
Category: 1
Result: ONE

dodeca/wellness-dodeca.t Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
.\" Macros and Configs
.ds TITLE wellness dodeca: a game
.ds AUTHOR dozens
.ds TAG a \f[I]43beans\f[] joint
.nr PO 1.5i
.nr LL 5.5i
.de heading \" a heading macro
.sp 1
\f[B]\s+3\(rA \\$* \(lA\s0\f[] \" Bolds, and embiggens
.sp 0.2
.if n .pl 999i \" if nroff, make page length way too long
. \" (prevent pagination)
.\" Document Info
.\" Begin Document
.heading How To Play
You will need one twelve sided dice.
Whenever you think about the game,
or whenever you notice yourself getting stressed,
or every thirty minutes,
roll your twelve sided dice.
Look up the result on the Wellness Table.
Some numbers are present in more than one category.
This means you get to choose the result you want.
(Or the result you don't want, but need.)
.heading Wellness Table
.\" ::: tbl start
lb lb lbx
-- -- --
l l lx.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11;prime;breath and meditation
3, 6, 9, 12;unit of 3;physical activity
4, 8, 12;unit of 4;set and setting
5, 10;unit of 5;massage and self soothing
.\" ::: tbl end
.\" ::: markdown start
.\" .DS
.\" .nf
.\" d12 Category Result
.\" ---------------- ----------- ---------------------------
.\" 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 prime breath and meditation
.\" 3, 6, 9, 12 unit of 3 physical activity
.\" 4, 8, 12 unit of 4 set and setting
.\" 5, 10 unit of 5 massage and self soothing
.\" 1 1 ONE
.\" .fi
.\" .DE
.\" ::: markdown end
.heading Example Activities
.IP "Breath and meditation"
box breathing; interupted inhale breathing; slow count to ten; finger tracing breath; peaceful visualization; gratitude; mindfulness; body scan
.IP "Physical activity"
short walk; standing stretch; balance exercise; drink water; seated stretch
.IP "Set and setting"
tidy up your space; listen to a favorite song; go get some sunshine; look at something far away; say hi to a friend
.IP "Massage and self soothing"
take a short nap; have a tasty treat; massage your hands and roll out your wrists; neck rolls clockwise and anticlockwise; massage your temples and wrists.
a powerful result. take the rest of the day off, or roll again.
.if n .pl \n[nl]u \" if nroff, set page length to number of lines
. \" (prevent empty lines at end of text)

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
wellness dodeca: a game
a 43beans joint
⇒ How To Play ⇐
You will need one twelve sided dice. Whenever you
think about the game, or whenever you notice yourself
getting stressed, or every thirty minutes, roll your
twelve sided dice. Look up the result on the Wellness
Some numbers are present in more than one cate
gory. This means you get to choose the result you
want. (Or the result you dont want, but need.)
⇒ Wellness Table ⇐
d12 Category Result
2, 3, 5, 7, 11 prime breath and meditation
3, 6, 9, 12 unit of 3 physical activity
4, 8, 12 unit of 4 set and setting
5, 10 unit of 5 massage and self soothing
1 1 ONE
⇒ Example Activities ⇐
Breath and meditation
box breathing; interupted inhale breathing; slow
count to ten; finger tracing breath; peaceful vi
sualization; gratitude; mindfulness; body scan
Physical activity
short walk; standing stretch; balance exercise;
drink water; seated stretch
Set and setting
tidy up your space; listen to a favorite song; go
get some sunshine; look at something far away; say
hi to a friend
Massage and self soothing
take a short nap; have a tasty treat; massage your
hands and roll out your wrists; neck rolls clock
wise and anticlockwise; massage your temples and
ONE a powerful result. take the rest of the day off,
or roll again.

feed.rec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
%rec: feed
%doc: metadata about a recfeed
%type: updated date
%type: author,title,summary,location line
%mandatory: author title location updated
%allowed: author title summary location updated contact
author: dozens <>
title: wellness game
summary: games that are good for you
location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/feed.rec
updated: 2024-02-17T19:22:17-07:00
%rec: item
%doc: an item belonging to a recfeed
%key: id
%type: id int
%auto: id
%type: title,summary,location line
%type: published,updated date
%mandatory: id title location published
%allowed: id title location published summary updated
id: 0
title: wellness d66
summary: 36 good things
location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/d66/wellness-d66.t
published: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00
updated: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00
id: 1
title: wellness lite
summary: smol good things
location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/lite/wellness-lite.t
published: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00
updated: 2024-02-17T19:23:08-07:00
id: 2
title: wellness dodeca
summary: smol good things
location: /Users/cb/wellnessrpg/dodeca/wellness-dodeca.t
published: 2024-02-22T11:17:08-07:00
updated: 2024-02-22T11:17:08-07:00

lite/justfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# show all recipes
just --list --unsorted
# make text
[ {{src}}. -nt {{src}}.html ] \
&& nroff -ms {{src}}.t > {{src}}.txt \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make html
[ {{src}}.t -nt {{src}}.html ] \
&& sed '/tbl start/,/tbl end/ s/^/.\\" /' {{src}}.t \
| sed '/markdown start/,/markdown end/ s/^\.\\" //' \
| sed '/:::/d' \
| groff -ms -Thtml \
| gsed "/style type/a body { max-width: 80ch; margin-inline: auto; }" \
> {{src}}.html \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
# make pdf
[ {{src}}.t -nt {{src}}.pdf ] \
&& cat {{src}}.t | groff -ms -t -Tpdf > {{src}}.pdf \
|| echo "Nothing to be done"
build: txt html pdf

lite/wellness-lite.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
<!-- Creator : groff version 1.23.0 -->
<!-- CreationDate: Tue Feb 20 14:57:00 2024 -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see">
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h1 { text-align: center }
<title>wellness lite: a game</title>
<h1 align="center">wellness lite: a game</h1>
<p align="center"><i>dozens</i> <br>
a <i>43beans</i> joint</p>
<p style="margin-top: 1em">You will need two
distinguishable coins. One is your BODY coin, and the other
is your MIND coin. Flip them both.</p>
<pre style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Body Mind Result
------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
H T Do a physical activity
T H Do a mental activity
H H Do both
T T Say something nice about yourself and flip again</pre>
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Some physical activities:</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Stand up and reach for the sky,
do some side bends.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Go for a short walk.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Drink some water.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Roll your wrists and massage
your hands.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Touch your toes and dangle. sway
side to side.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Choose your own.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Some mental activities:</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">What are you grateful for?</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Imagine your favorite place.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Take 12 mindful breaths.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Imagine happiness, health, and
peace.</p> </td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Say hi to a friend.</p></td>
<td width="43%">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="2%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">&#9758;</p></td>
<td width="9%"></td>
<td width="46%">
<p style="margin-top: 1em">Choose your own.</p></td>
<td width="43%">

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -21,6 +21,24 @@ You will need two distinguishable coins.
One is your BODY coin,
and the other is your MIND coin.
Flip them both.
.\" ::: rec start
.\" Body: H
.\" Mind: T
.\" Result: Do a physical activity
.\" Body: T
.\" Mind: H
.\" Result: Do a mental activity
.\" Body: H
.\" Mind: H
.\" Result: Do both
.\" Body: T
.\" Mind: T
.\" Result: Say something nice about yourself and flip again
.\" ::: rec end
.\" ::: tbl start
@ -36,6 +54,20 @@ Say something nice about yourself and flip again
.\" ::: tbl end
.\" ::: markdown start
.\" .DS
.\" .nf
.\" .ds FAM C
.\" \f[C]Body Mind Result\f[]
.\" ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
.\" H T Do a physical activity
.\" T H Do a mental activity
.\" H H Do both
.\" T T Say something nice about yourself and flip again
.\" .fi
.\" .DE
.\" ::: markdown end
Some physical activities: