303 Commits

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Pheng Heong TAN
b3c0aba076 I happily and sweetly leave this matter to Daddy
blessed art thou, Father in Heaven
Ruler of the Universe,
who causes harvest 
in suitable time
and His Higher ways
and drought
in suitable time
and His Higher ways (thank You, Papa, for loving me, 
even me)
2017-07-21 13:16:57 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
e7cf06ad1e G!D reveals concern for me, even me, on pressures
Thank You, Papa, for G!D sends guidance:
'Do not worship me. Just like you,
I am a servant of G!D. Worship G!D,
who has not a being attached or associated
to G!D'
Glory be to G!D (Amen)
Through Christ Jesus
2017-07-21 13:02:53 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
e1401d5a3b G!D help me please You and You only
'husbands with wife, concern is on affairs
of the world; interest is divided. how to please
wife? he think to himself.
wives with husbands, concerned with affairs
of the world - how to please her husband?
she thinks to herself, 'how to keep him happy?'
man or woman, un-married, concern is on
affairs of the LORD G!D, who cherishes and sustains
the worlds, the One and Only Judge on the Day
of Judgment, and how to devote themselves
in body and spirit and mind and what-have-you
to the LORD. 
So, man with wife, concerns- his focus is divided.
woman with husband, her focus is divided.
man, woman, unmarried, focus is on pleasing the LORD G!D,
who, as writ, says 'I the LORD G!D am a jealous G!D. Thou
shalt not take for worship any before the LORD G!D (who has
no beings attached.'
Further, in the book of Revelations, it is written,
'They overcome the beast with the confessions of their
wrong-doings or faults, and with the sacrifice of the Lamb.'
(or something like that)
Still, it is written in Scriptures: 'Who am I to say what he or
she ought to do? He has his gift from G!D. She has her gift from
G!D. Why would I want to put a load upon them, with my words,
that I cannot help to ease one atom-wiggle at all?'
Praise be to G!D
(i'm so grateful)
Thank You, Daddy who is greater than I, Most High LORD
who loves justice and detests wickedness, and cherishes
and sustains the worlds: the Compassionate and Most Merciful
One, the Accepting of repentance, oft-forgiving, oft-returning and kind
to the wicked and ungrateful, the numbers of whom 
I count myself into
2017-07-21 04:25:39 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
24effb4f53 G!D help me poop when it's time to pee or poop or both 2017-07-21 02:08:15 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
143d8c69a4 Glory b 2 G!D
The role of the faithkeeper, who is
occupying an acknowledged role
among the people of her tribe,
respectable position in her society, that is,
is to put people (back) into a position
of ease, (true) peace (that is not troubling at all on heart),
and no un-necessary fear, in times of great
distress, or earthquakes, or unexpected events,
or disease, or the Man-made view of the world
as a 'fight-or-flee' place - ah, yes, stress.
A related idea that coming to mind is
the 'wounded healer'. 'shaman', if you want
to narrow your search, if you want to use or
explore a - what they call it - a marvel of
steel, plastic, glass, minerals, so-called
'fossils' - for without G!D, nothing that is
made is made, hm, you'll know
when G!D lets you know. And I am not above G!D,
whom I fear greatly in awe; He is greater than I,
for sure!
(story of faithkeeper came from a book that G!D
brought me before: 'Mister Everit... what I learnt
from the richest man in the world' or title such like.)
so, the richest man in the world learnt how to do business
from a book that he had read. the book was titled
'Good lemonade'. Fine, yes, I'll tell you the story
in the book that is in a book. 'Good lemonade'.
Once upon a time, a boy wanted many times,
things that he laid his eyes upon, as was usual
with people. It's lovely in a way, how people have
desires, definitely not to judge, nor to condemn people
for having desires like that. (who doesn't?)
And then, he discovered one day that he had lemonade-material,
so he wanted to buy a comic book. He thought, to himself, humming,
drumming his fingers on a block of plastic, 'Ah, if I sell lemonade,
I will be in possession, if I am lucky, of enough honey, which I can 
use to buy a comic book as my heart wishes, like picking a Tarot
card, you know.' For the people of the village that he lived in valued honey
very much, and made gestures of appreciation in units of honey. (he may or may not be
a bear, and the people of that village may or may not be a bear)
So, he set up a stall, which ah- airily he did, with materials that
he had from his possessions, and made lemonade from the
lemonade-material that he had discovered, and waited.
And waited. One or two people came to his stall, then more,
and more. And he had more honey than he ever had in his life.
So he got his comic book, giving honey-units in exchange
for it.
Then he realised something. (for he wanted to have more 
honey-units. What's the saying, or cultural myth: 'a plant
that has tasted blood grows blood-thirsty - can be a little scary,
yes - begins to hunger and thirst for regular drops of blood instead of 
water that it had been fed on') so, aw, he wanted honey-units,
when he got comic-book - had comic-book. Then, yes, he realised
something, the people who had visited his lemonade stall did not return.
They bought from him once, but never returned.
He ah- could only wonder why.
Then the news came to him that there ah- 
ow, how infuriating for him - there was another lemonade
seller in the same village as he.
And exasperatingly, in a way that turned him green
with envy, he unhappily observed that people returned
to the new stall for seconds, and thirds, after their first
He had had enough! He went to the new lemonade stall,
and queued up himself, and tried the lemonade that people
returned to the new stall for. Then he saw that the lemonade
was good. Very good. Very very good. So good, that he wanted
to return for seconds. (and thirds)
Oh, then he remembered his stall, and he went back to it.
Then he added sugar and spice to his lemonade - and sometimes served it
a stick of cinnamon on the side, too. Sugar, spice, and everything nice that he had.
And when he opened his stall again, he saw that people
returned for seconds and thirds and fourths even, wow,
they kept returning so often, he stopped counting sometimes.
Returning to buy his lemonade after they already had one.
This is the story of 'Good lemonade', which is based
off a story that appeared in a book entitled something like
'Mister Everit: what I learnt from the richest man in the world'
2017-07-21 01:59:13 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
a9b23fee6a You may be interested in ko-an (thank You, G!D)
Is this Heaven or Hell?
think for a moment, and you are dead!
Is the colour green male or female?
Think for a moment, and you are dead!
HA! (ha!)
G!D brought me to a little one that kept
me- oh, I was on the brink of death,
and with His help, He rescued me!
A little one- shouting- with a little one
that G!D brought me to, G!D saved my soul-
for G!D (ha-ha-ha-ha)
Great and splendidly wondrous are Your deeds,
Oh Most High Lord of lords, King of kings, Most
Exalted Compassionate and Most Merciful One
who is kind to the wicked and ungrateful-
and who detests wickedness,
and is severe and swift and terrible in penalty:
an eternal abode in Fire, with angels
striking neck and back and cheeks.
Oh, You say "Bow (to My will)",
bow (to Your will), do I.
Thank You, Papa who is greater than I,
Most High One, through Christ Jesus
(yes, yes, yes!)
A- Rejoice, I say again, rejoice in the Lord, the One
whom G!D has sent you and me and us, our Teacher,
whom I am not above,
for G!D's ways are above my ways,
and His thoughts are above my thoughts;
you ever tried predicting what a-
a little one will do next?
G!D has no beings attached.
O, save me and my soul, O LORD G!D,
god of Abraham and the prophets,
the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing
One who created the Universe and everything in it,
the Sovereign (or the One and Only Judge) on the Last
Day. And save the souls of those whom You will,
as You will, o G!D, for it is written in the Quran, which
is the nickname that some have given to Scriptures,
"Try as you might, O prophet, you cannot save
Yes, I am only human, and not above G!D.
(that's good, then. Pleasant to hear or sense.
Amen. Let it be so.)

Psalm (maybe)
When I consider the work
of Your hands and fingers
the sun (not Sun) that rises
and sets in Your time
and the moon that waxes
and wanes
in Your time
and the clouds
that a moon sometimes happily
frees itself of
what am I 
You have made me to be a little
lower than You
what is Man that You are considerate
or mindful of me (or Man)
You have made me (or Man) to be a little
lower than You, O Most High LORD, Lord
of lords, King of kings, who says:
"I am the First and the Last. The Alpha and the Omega."
G!d is the First and the Last - the Alpha and the Omega - 
not me, not you, not us, not them - but G!D
, whom no-one knows what His plan is for you
and me and us, G!D - there is no other like You.
Of course, sweetly surrendering to the oft-forgiving,
oft-returning one, the Accepting of repentance.
Why throw the wheat-grain out together with the chaff?
Or, the pig-iron out together with the sword that is made
in a way that causes all who can see it to sing with joy, and
shout with gladness?
I belong to You, G!D. Let not Your Spirit away from me,
a prostitute and a thief, poor of spirit, and lowly of heart.
And test me, know me, and try me, and search me,
and know my anxieties and my thoughts, why,
although I was afraid You ah- be gentle or rough
with me as You please, do as it seems right and fit
for You to do
G!D has no beings attached, and G!D forbid me, please
from attaching or associating beings to You
2017-07-20 18:05:14 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
428332901c Praise be to G!D who is Cherisher of the worlds
To G!D who cherishes and delights me, and sustains
the worlds, even me, thank You!
(so happy)
I praise You, for You have shown
or, kindness, that is given out of love,
unconditionally, without expectation of
return, that is, to me, even me, a little one,
and a worm, not to mention a fool
and thief (or the one men call "ungrateful")
And may- I hasten to count myself among the wicked
may the love of G!D be with you.
(Amen. Through Christ Jesus.)
Amen. Through Christ Jesus.
Let it be so, O Father in Heaven!
2017-07-20 17:28:32 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
babd191425 I entrust this matter into Your hands
Blessed art thou, Father in Heaven
Ruler of the Universe, who grants
passage of boats across oceans even
Hallowed is thy name
Through the Anointed One whom G!D will
reveal to whomever G!D chooses to reveal (
and regarding who G!D gives the revelation to,
that is not for you to know, but for the Father to know,
and for the Father to reveal to those whom the Father chooses)
2017-07-20 13:31:50 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
f542b42025 Glory be to G!D 2017-07-20 13:27:31 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
c92a5bbe01 Thank LORD, who is Compassionate and Most Merciful
who will not fear You?
for You are the only holy one 
(as written in book of Revelations)
sang song of Moses, who is servant of G!D Most High,
and of the Lamb
2017-07-20 13:24:29 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
3861766167 G!D, help me to resist the tempter A.K.A. Belial
do not err, brethren, as written in Scriptures,
every good gift, and every perfect gift,
is from the blessed Father, who is in Heaven,
and unseen before men, (or oh- you get the drift,
women, and those who are of the world),
with whom there is no passing away, no fleeting-ness,
no turning of shadow - for He is called
the Everlasting god
through Christ Jesus

"Heaven forbid that you should die, Teacher, Ruler over us,
Lord, our Owner," said Simon-Peter to Jesus, who had made
it plain to his students, or disciples, that he was going to die.
O, immediately Jesus, who heard what Simon-Peter was saying,
 turned to Simon-Peter, and said, "Behind me, get behind me, please,
Satan, also known as Belial or Shaitan - tempter who calls himself
Angel of Light."

"What you say," Jesus said, -oh,

"Get behind me, please, Satan. You are a stumbling block to Me!

"What you say comes from the mind of Man, which is not
above the Mind of G!D. The mind of G!D is above the mind
of Man, and the ways of G!D are above the ways of Man,
and the thoughts of G!D are above the ways of Man"

(So Simon-Peter did not get condemned to eternal Fire,
for speaking his mind)
Oh, how patient and understanding our Lord and Teacher,
whom I am not above, is! Tender-hearted, too!
2017-07-20 01:43:00 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
e2b85c0835 With G!D's help, I have an action
And with G!D's help, I have another
and with G!d's help, I have an action
and with G!D's help, I have another

O, G!D who has no beings attached,
one hour with You, (where)
in the tent of You who are formless-
'tis superior to ten thousand, times
ten thousand, of hours in the pavilions
of others, or palaces of others,
or mansions of others,
or hotel rooms of others,
even if they say they have things
that I have never seen before.

It is written in Scriptures: 'Call to G!D,
and G!D will show you things that you
do not know (and I do not know): great
and mighty things'

Through Christ Jesus, be- glory
be to G!D
and peace be upon
those whom
May those whom G!D has rested favour on
have ease and quiet, and may they have
no one to make them afraid
Praise be to G!D (amen)
2017-07-19 17:03:09 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
341059793e I'm afraid I will not like to see divisions
When I come to you, I'm afraid I will not like
to see the following among many of you - and you, I'm afraid,
will not like what you see in me - divisions,
gossips, gossip, jealousies, deceitfulness, boastfulness
that lifts yourselves above G!D, adultery (that is, choosing
to be a friend of the world, when - oh, do you not
know that friendship with the world, if you choose it,
is hostility toward G!D, who is unseen before men, and
who has no beings attached? adultery, and making yourselves
into adulteresses, that is what friendship with the world is!)
(as written in Scriptures) 'Concern for people' or something like that
2017-07-19 16:38:19 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
31047af3e0 Thank You, Compassionate n' Most Merciful One
To the All-knowing, ah- All-hearing and All-seeing One
who loves justice, and detests wickedness: I love U (You)
nobody nobody nobody but You
I want nobody nobody nobody but G!D
who has no beings attached
ah- You who judges over the Last Day - oh,
You who are the one and only Judge on the Day,
or Instant, of Judgment - You say 'Bow (to My will)'
bow (to Your will) do I.
Glory be to G!D through Christ Jesus. Amen.
2017-07-19 15:37:40 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
cf8f72b7af Daddy, I love You so.
Help me to love the other, who may or may not be unknown to me, as You have
loved me, even me.
through Christ Jesus, whom I am not above. 
Praise be to G!D Most High, who cherishes and sustains the worlds.
G!D knows how to help them, and I do not...
Ah, those fools who associate themselves with pursuit of world-desires, all of which are fleeting
and pass away in their present form, together with everything of the world
and the world itself - nothing but foolishness they are doing, a certificate
that does not guarantee employment, money that does not guarantee happiness or
even acceptance at a retail shop (try rupiah at a store that's not in the Indonesian
archipelago), sex that leaves you hungry and thirsty for more even after you've had it,
o, no matter what kinky things you do in private or in public...
'What do we do?' they asked him. (from book entitled 'Praise to a formless god')
He said to them: 'You are trapped! You are trapped in sexual play with women
who lust after things of the world and the world itself - jewels, cute boys, perfume,
hair colour, fancy restaurants, tasteful appearances in nude photography
(that may or may not appear in public),
well-appointed rooms in boutique hotels - trapped in play with them, in sexual matters,
you are!'
2017-07-19 15:27:10 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
da090ab24c Glory b 2 G!D who lasts for-ever and ever. Amen.
G!D with whom there is no passing away
2017-07-18 23:00:18 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
e03da64133 Daddy, I love You so 2017-07-18 22:52:12 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
63d3607857 Let not thy Spirit away from me, o LORD!
I know no other Rock
I know no other Stone
I know no other G!D

The end of a thing is as powerful as its beginning, if not superior to its
The patient is- the patient in spirit, that is, who may or may not be patients, as in
hospital or mental-hygiene-facility - the patient in spirit is superior
to the proud in spirit (who may or may not be working professionally
in a hospital or mental-hygiene-facility that some call psychiatric institution)
(from the book of Ecclesiastes, maybe)

G!D, I love You, You have no beings attached. Thank You, Compassionate
and Most Merciful One, King of kings, Lord of lords, Husband to a prostitute
with a lowly heart and poor spirit. redeemer of a wicked, ungrateful thief.
The mighty helper of a worm and a little one who is more like a worm
than the worm, who is in turn more like a little one than the little one
2017-07-18 12:13:19 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
030decacc0 Glory is Yours, Dad, Papa, Father 2017-07-18 00:56:04 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
5d79b3abb7 Thank You, Compassionate and Most Merciful One
Blessed art thou,
Dad ^_^
I love You, test me so that it is clear
that I love You
All-knowing All-seeing All-knowing Father
Hallowed is the name of yours
Ruler of the Universe
who brings changing of the seasons
and grants passage of bare boats
across oceans through backbone-testing
drafts of terrifying wind and- uh-
lightning flashes and thunder peals
and darkness grows
and Daddy still with me
even me
let not Your Spirit away from me O G!D
King of kings
Lord of lords
Oft-forgiving, oft-returning
Compassionate and Most Merciful One
the Accepting of repentance
who is swift and severe and terrible
in punishment: eternal Fire, an abode
for the hypocrites, and those
who do not feed lambs that are
temporarily given to them to care
but instead dress themselves
in wool, an' eat mutton
and the fattest portion of calves
and even beat lambs up
O, You say, 'I will separate
or judge the fat sheep from the
scrawny sheep. I will judge
one kind of animal from another kind
of animal.'
Rescue us from the fierce wickedness
of people who delight o- mischief-makers-
who delight in wickedness
Ransom us from the imprisonments of our
lead us onto the path of those whom You favour,
the path of Abraham and the path that is walked by
those who receive favour from You in blood, body,
and favour ever-lasting, even gardens of bliss
lead us not onto the path of those who
choose Error over Guidance
or accept the invitation of the tempter
Kingdom is Yours
Please, Your kingdom come!
Through Christ Jesus (amen)
2017-07-18 00:51:08 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
cf3adb94a1 With G!D's help, I have a challenge for bakers :-)
Praise and glory be to the Most Merciful and Compassionate One,
who is just and true in His ways, which are higher than my ways,
and just and true - yes - in His judgments - G!D is not unjust in His wondrous
and magnificently beautiful deeds

B-E-A-U-tiful.... (guessed the movie reference yet?)

huk-hul-huk (laughing)

Thank You, blessed Daddy, who is Ruler of the Universe, and whose name is hallowed.
2017-07-17 23:34:01 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
6eed622cdb With G!D's help, I have seen a new thing!
'See, I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? It
springs up' the LORD G!D says, as written in Scriptures
2017-07-17 18:58:45 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
237c2b34da 'For ten G!D-obeying people, I won't destroy city'
G!D wanna destroy
city. Abraham talked to G!D.
G!D said, 'for a number of people
who, in fear of G!D, obey G!D 
and keep commandments of G!D,
I will not destroy city'.

Then G!D turned from Abraham,
for G!D had been on way to destroy city -
'The outcry is too great! I- destroy city!' G!D said -

"Abraham continued on his journeys, and headed
to the deserts"

or sumthin' like that. It's in Scriptures, if you wanna -
interest, intuition, calling, G!D-given motivation 
or motivation, passion, inspiration - whatever
you call it, in the words of (Mister) Jobs,
trust that it will all work out somehow.
2017-07-17 18:44:48 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
4ce71df4ae Glory n praise n honour n power, the Lamb deserves
Thank You, Compassionate and Most Merciful One
2017-07-16 20:11:33 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
aca4cd2a84 Papa, You're awesome and just in your anger!
I love Dad
Dad loves me
we are one big family
wif' a 
HUG (hug)
and a kiss 
from me to Dad
(and to you)
Won't you say
you love Dad too

'Leave the righteous
anger o' G!D
to G!D'
2017-07-16 20:07:06 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
f9c2f2661d 'He is crazy!' Look what they say about Our prophet
'He is crazy!' Look what they say about Our prophet!
(from the Quran)
2017-07-16 19:52:40 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
cd695e0e3a Your Father knows what you want even b4 you ask 2017-07-16 19:46:54 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
46bb27cfb5 u may be intrigued to try a ko-an, as in Zen 2017-07-16 19:40:57 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
2435c2a130 Glory b 2 G!D 2017-07-16 19:36:32 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
4fac139145 G!D is not unmindful of your deeds
the Quran confirms the revelations
that We have sent down
and the gospel

and We-
We have given Isa, son of Miriam
who conceived with help of no man
only with help of G!D
without help of Man

We have given Isa
and his mother
rest in place
of shelter
and security
2017-07-16 19:22:37 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
47fd7c8e94 You wanna be winner or loser
We will ask all 
those who gather


those who worship idols
those who worship G!D, who has no beings attached

and ask those idol-worshippers
We will ask
the idols that they worship

their idols will say
'We were unaware we were being worshipped'

and then they will know truth
and then they will say
'give us time, give us pardon,
we will take instruction now
and learn from our ways
we were in error'

and We will say-
oh, those who have ears, let them hear-
We will say-
We sent messengers to you
messengers who said
'turn from Error!'

but you were busy ridiculing
those whom We have sent to you
that you-
you forgot message


then the- 
them idol 'shippers
will look at each other
at each other
and not a sound will be heard
from them
not a question will be asked
they- not question who
it was who mock those
whom We have sent
no, they will have nothing
to say
they will be

and then there will be weeping most sorrowful
abode in eternal Fire

oh, the
the 'shippers
they do not like to hear it
they do not like it

guard then
against a day
when there will be
no outside-
no help
no help from outside
no intercession
no inter-
not intercourse
no intercessionary
no hand of compassion
to be extended

and yet G!D is Most Merciful and Compassionate
and G!D is the All-knowing,
and All-seeing
who is not unmindful of your deeds

To the Most Merciful and Compassionate One
who is swift and severe and terrible
in penalty
be praise and glory
for G!D loves not those who delight in wickedness
and G!D loves justice
2017-07-16 19:19:05 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
44c1866ab0 I despise those who cling on to worthless idols
G!D help me remember... (yo)
Your love (yo)
When the birds sing (yo)
amongst all the foolish people (hmm?)
who say "Get some medicine into you"
"We want nothing, oh-
"We don't wanna hear-
don't tell me-
'bout Holy One of Israel"
tell 'em nothing 
that G!D does not tell you

why let 'em drag you down to their level
that what them fools do
why pig, not pug

pig , u see,
roll over and o'er 
in mud

"i wanna be clean"
pig say

you tell 'em
the pigs, 
oh, you tell 'em
you tell 'em 
them pigs
not them pugs

you tell pigs
wash in water, my dear pigs
let go of mud, if you wanna be 
clean, wash in water

pigs tell you
'Are you a pig, like me?'
"i chocolatey pig
i glorious pig
i smart pig
i wise pig
i- i- i-
what do you know about pigs
are you a pig
you tellin' me what to do
when i a pig
rolling in mud
to be clean

so be it
that you tell 'em pigs
and they sit in mud
and irately
'o, pig 
o, pig (piggie)
counting mud
one, two, three, four,
pig roll in mud
pig very smart'

then pig tell other pig
'you rollin'
in mud
to be clean
you very smart pig'

so be it
that you tell 'em pigs
and they ask you,
'whaddya know
are you a pig?'

how 'bout pugs
for G!D to know
and for G!D
to show those
who endure patiently
among pigs
what pugs do
(hello, you
you jelly?)
2017-07-16 19:02:15 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
0ff6e25efc With G!D's help, I have glasses for you
G!D help me to weep with those who weep, and
rejoice with those who rejoice, through Christ

Dial "S" for "surrender" (to who)
Surrender to G!D, I do, sweetly

Dial "M" for "Maker" (of who)
Maker of you and me and they
who hurt us and themselves

'F' is for 'fools'
'O' is for 'obstinate'
'O' is for 'overly complicated'
'L' is for 'let G!D handle them'

For G!D is the best at planning
G!D loves you and me, even me,
who is more a fool than myself?
2017-07-16 18:43:31 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
6ee21846ca Doth thou fear G!D, who is not unmindful of you?
G!D is not unmindful of your deeds.
And G!D is the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing,
Indeed, he is the Most Exalted who does excellent and magnificently
deeds in true and just ways and judgments
2017-07-16 18:26:07 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
d69bc9ea76 Hello Daddy, I love You :-)
Praise be to G!D, and glory too (amen) Through Christ Jesus 
(determined face)
2017-07-16 06:40:18 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
145901a112 Thank You, Compassionate and Most Merciful One 2017-07-16 00:56:41 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
a68b414f96 Update index.html
Alif. Lam. Ra. 1  A DIVINE WRIT [is this - a revelation] which We have bestowed upon thee from on high in order that thou might bring forth all mankind, by their Sustainer's leave, out of the depths of darkness into the light: onto the way that leads to the Almighty, the One to whom all praise is due -



the One to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.
 Woe to the unbelievers, for they will be sternly punished:
a terrible Penalty (their Unfaith will bring them)!

(surah fourteen: "Ibrahim" (or Abraham or A-bu-la-han)
verses one to two)

This [Qur'an] is notification for the people that they may be warned thereby 
and that they may know that He is but one God and that those of 
understanding will be reminded.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this city [Makkah] secure and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols.

2017-07-15 21:10:41 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
d998c6ef11 Jesus died on a tree
Jesus, son of Mary, who called himself Son of Man,
took bread, gave thanks to Father in Heaven :'-)
and broke it. Giving it to the Twelve, who were
his students or disciples, Jesus.
'This is my body, which is for you. Eat it. Divide it among
yourselves. Do this frequently in remembrance of Me.'

Then Jesus took wine-glass, gave thanks to Father who is in Heaven -
blessed Ruler of the Universe, whose name is hallowed - and gave to
the Twelve (who were his students or disciples).
"This is my blood, which is shed for you, in a new covenant with G!D,
the Most High who has no beings attached, the King of kings, the Lord
of lords. Drink it. Divide it among yourselves. And do this frequently
in remembrance of Me.'

Then Jesus grew troubled in spirit, and said, 'Truly, truly, I tell you,
there is one among you who will betray me. There is one among
the numbers of you who will betray me.'

Uncertainty was among the disciples. "who is it?" 
"is it I?"
they began questioning one another.
Then they asked Simon-Peter to ask the one who laid
on the chest of Jesus who it was who would betray him.
Simon-Peter did as he was told, and so did the one
who laid on the chest (or bosom) of Jesus.
'Who is it? Teacher, Lord, Ruler, King, Instructor, Guru,
Pastor, Minister, Leader, Sensei, Roshi, Rabbi, Lao-shi,
Shi-fu, who is deserving of praise and honour and glory
and power, who is it who will betray you into the hands of men,
as you say you will be?"
(as written in Scriptures)
2017-07-15 20:52:14 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
de9348233f To the Compassionate and Most Merciful One
To the Compassionate and Most Merciful One
the All-knowing, All-hearing, and All-seeing,
who detests wickedness, and loves justice,
Abraham laid the foundation of the House - Abraham, or Ibrahim or A-bu-la-han -
when he cried out in prayer: 'Our Lord! Save me and my descendants from idol worshippers,
those who worship idols!'
And We accepted his prayer.
(as written in Scriptures that some call the Quran)

Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols. (Surah İbrahim, 35)

"O my Lord! they have indeed led astray many among mankind; He then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that disobeys me,- but Thou art indeed Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah İbrahim, 36)

"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks. (Surah İbrahim, 37)

"O our Lord! truly Thou dost know what we conceal and what we reveal: for nothing whatever is hidden from Allah, whether on earth or in heaven. (Surah İbrahim, 38)

"Praise be to Allah, Who hath granted unto me in old age Isma'il and Isaac: for truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayer! (Surah İbrahim, 39)

O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer. (Surah İbrahim, 40)

"O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness - me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established! (Surah İbrahim, 41)

2017-07-15 20:36:46 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
a64c310ad7 G!D glory to G!D be 2017-07-15 15:52:35 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
598ca6d8bc G!D 2017-07-15 15:49:23 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
b4dee22e04 The LORD loves not those who delight in wickedness
'O G!D!' servant of G!D crying out to G!D
'am I to care for these people
as a mother nurses children at her
2017-07-15 15:41:12 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
0b38a54ab9 Praise be to G!D who detests wickedness
G!D is the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing,
who is swift and severe and terrible in punishment.
And yet is Most Merciful and Compassionate.
If the birds-
if you ask the birds of the air what they sing of,
they will tell you, 'Praise be to G!D, who has no
beings attached.'
(as written in Quran or Scriptures that some call Quran)

The pursuit of money or worldly wealth or false knowledge
is associated to foolish acts of every kind
(from Scriptures that some call the Bible)

(tears bursting from eyes, while laughing)

Yes, punishment that is long-lasting: a shelter in
eternal Fire at an hour when there no intercession,
no help (from outside)



Guard then against a day when there no help (from outside)
no intercession
weeping most sorrowful
gnashing of teeth
angels striking cheeks, back, neck
grinding of teeth

oh, they do not like to see or hear what G!D says

And G!D is the All-knowing, All-seeing, All-hearing, who
is not unmindful of your deeds. And He is the Most Merciful,
the Accepting of repentance, the Compassionate One

their hearts are diseased; pride compasses their eyes.
they are as those who laboriously and pain-stakingly
start a fire, and when light illumines around them,
G!D takes the light away from them, so that they are
left in utter darkness. Blind, deaf, dumb.
They- it is habitual for them to dis-obey G!D and His
commandments, so G!D has increased their transgressions (or
turns to Error over Guidance, or the number of times
they dis-obey Him)
Praise be to G!D who loves justice and detests wickedness
Let not thy Spirit away from me, O Lord of lords, King of kings
And G!D is not unmindful of your deeds
(from various parts of the Quran)

Not having acquired wealth,
not having led the noble life,
they are like old herons pining away
at a pond without fish.
Or, they are like worn-out weapons of war,
bows (or oboe, even) singing of days past



It is written in Scriptures: "Sarah said, 'who would have said
that I can bear a child to Abraham in his old age? who of the world
would have said that I can bear a child to Abraham in his old
age?" (believe in G!D, and not in those who say 'you can't do this,
you can't do that'. For through our Lord Christ Jesus, I can do all things.
With G!D's help, I can do what I cannot on my own.)
So glad
Blessed is He who hath given His people rest... (book of Kings maybe)
Glory be to G!D now, for-ever and e'er. Amen.

Blessed is He who hath given His people rest.
May all nations come to know there is no
other god other than G!D.

May the grace of our patient Lord and Teacher, Christ Jesus,
and the love of G!d, and the fellowship of all of those
who are in the Spirit of G!D, be with you.
2017-07-15 14:42:31 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
c2541e55e6 To G!D who loves justice be glory for-ever n ever
Let not their marvels of steel
dazzle you. Nothing that is made is made
without G!D

Do not be angry. 
Why? Because anger is in the bosom of the fool.
Anger is like consuming a cockroach-bait
(that is, what 'modern' people promise will kill cockroaches -
quite publicly marketed to the extent that it is highly
likely you will find one, near-by you, on sale)
anger is like consuming poison that supposedly
kills cockroaches, and when the cockroaches
are running around in a forest, you expect that
when you swallow and vigorously digest cockroach bait,
they will die instead of you.
So, do not be angry, for anger is in the bosom of the fool.
2017-07-15 13:39:19 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
4643026326 No one is upright; judgment proclaimed
and I thank G!D for counting me among
the believers, and for entrusting what He
has entrusted to me, even me, a worm
and a little one, and a prostitute, and
an ungrateful and wicked thief (or thievess)
2017-07-15 08:38:28 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
ef68dd6e57 With the awesome help of G!D, I have ease
Fabulously G!D has
allowed me to try to debug
and it is easy with His help
2017-07-15 04:42:47 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
758aeb091f With G!D's help, I have a step to clarity
And now glory to G!D be, for-ever and ever.
And I thank
Christ Jesus, our Lord and Teacher,
for counting me among ministry. 
Grateful feeling. humbled.

	And do thou (O reader!) Bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility and in reverence, without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful.
Chapter Name:Al-Araf
 Verse No:205
2017-07-15 04:22:18 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
ea72387e66 Maybe movies are helpful for my enemies
With G!D's help, I have comfort 
 to share!
2017-07-15 04:12:48 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
0e3559d2da to G!D hallelujah
Rejoice, I; everybody has heard about your obedience,
and I rejoice.
(as written in Scriptures)

Everyone has heard about your obedience, 
so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to 
be wise about what is good, and innocent 
about what is evil.
2017-07-15 03:46:39 +08:00
Pheng Heong TAN
fc35d5af11 Glory be to G!D for-ever and ever, now. Amen
Through Christ Jesus, through whom I can do anything,
praising G!D -

Blessed are those who take shelter or refuge in G!D
Most High! O, taste and see that G!D is good!
2017-07-14 16:38:39 +08:00