there are a few changes here
- documentation of each parameter separately has been added
to the generated text docs
- interfaces have been renamed to modules. this was honestly a pointless
and confusing distinction (interfaces are tables for modules that are
lua modules). it also makes it so that (formerly) interfaces and
modules line up with each other on the doc list
im not sure what else i did, these are old changes
* website: add padding to home page
* docs: slight touch ups to readme
* website: reword/reformat content on home and getting started page
* website: fix docs page layout
- the sidenav for doc pages looks the same as the navbar.
- it will be hidden by default on mobile.
- sidenav looks like the navbar on mobile and is more
seamless in general
* docs: update description, logo, dont center badges
* docs: fix badges
* website: fix padding
* website: add borders, add margins for sidenav
* website: update description on homepage
* website: add margins for blog list
* chore: use new logo
* docs: use logo and text combined for readme
* docs: make logo bigger
* website: use combined logo and text asset
* docs: remove hilbish-text asset
* website: fix navbar expand button
* website: add more padding on doc pages
* website(blog): add post about website improvements
* website(blog): add post about website improvements
* website: add more detail on the install page
* website: add screenshots section
* docs: fix up screenshots section
* docs: remove toc and image alignment
my absolutely terrible april fools release was made on a separate branch. this pr merges the fixes on master so history can be synced up. (and mainly to get the 2.1.2 blog post)